J. Bartholomew Ochoa
Ochoa 1
The Yellow Snake Meets the Desalinization of Water
Anna Rondon a Navajo woman
states: “ In our Navajo creation story we have always learned that uranium-the
Navajo call it “ cledge “ from the underworld in our creation stories-was to be
left in the ground. It is a yellow substance, we know that from our legends. We
were told from the gods in our songs and our creation stories that we had a
choice, a choice between uranium and the yellow corn pollen possesses the
positive elements of life in our belief.”
“ We chose that way, which is the
beauty way of life. Uranium was to remain in the ground. If it is released, as
all other indigenous cultures around the world believe, it would be a serpent.”
(Rondon,A )
An experience in consort can be felt
with “ in Iraq, as we drove on the black desert, into the desert, not even a
highway, there was just a road that was created for us. There was ammunition
lying everywhere, there were rounds lying everywhere, there were bunkers that
were blown up, and we passed through this unprotected, our medical unit of 150.
I was included as I was the next highest female. Because seven men refused to
go to the front, I had to take seven other women. We who went to the front are
all sick. The men who stayed in the rear are perfectly healthy and they got
rewards. We got nothing.” (Picou,H.Carol )
The ‘war’ between soldiers has gone
on since WW II, and Vietnam soldiers were thought by some to complain. The same
for the returning soldiers from Desert Storm and Desert Shield with their
complaints of Gulf War Syndrome. Comparisons with Agent Orange, shellshock and
other social logical standings in our culture were also at issue. The only real
differences was the draft and ‘ currently ‘ is and are the effects of depleted
uranium claimed by all scientific evidence other than the Pentagon. Evidenced,
in due respect to all returning soldiers from any given theater and support,
down chains of command, both active and retired military personal, by way of
treatment and heath benefits for injuries sustained in theater (combat fields)
and other in relation to training and service;
addressing these needs by The Veterans
Administration has been less than minimal by any standard in the healthcare
system today other than healthcare for the homeless in America.
“ Hence the saying: The enlightened ruler
lays his planes well ahead; the good general cultivates his resources. Move not
unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to
be gained; fight not unless the position is critical. No ruler should put
troops into the field merely to gratify his own spleen; no general should fight
a battle simply out of pique.
If it is
to your advantage, make a forward move; if not, stay where you are.
Anger may
in time change to gladness; vexation may be succeeded by content.
But a
kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being; nor can
the dead ever be brought back to life.
Hence the
enlightened ruler is heedful, and the good general full of caution. This is the
way to keep a country at peace and an army intact.”(Sun
Tzu )
As in our collective history, “ Man is temped to make himself
god precisely because he is something like god. Because he can imagine himself
to be greater than he is, number one in the universe, he can pretend that his
imaginations can be realized.”(Krumm, M.John ) The use of Agent Orange was
especially useful regarding foliage in Vietnam. Depleted uranium was used in
Bosnia also,” previous UNEP assessments of depleted uranium in the Balkans were
made shortly after the end of conflict, while in Bosnia-Herzegovina the seven
years that have passed since the conflict have allowed the corroding DU to
penetrate the soil and contaminate the groundwater” (ENS NEWSWIRE). The “US bombings
of Iraqi chemical weapons depots in 1991 released a plume of sarin gas, an
extremely potent nerve agent that reached American troops staged in Saudi
Arabia.” (Circa News.) In the Gulf Wars, depleted uranium munitions found use
in the destruction of fortified buildings and bunkers and DU reinforced tanks,
battleships and personal protection flack vest and jackets. Also included the
ordnance handled and fired but more importantly the resulting dust after impacts
with targets and other munitions left without achieved results. The resulting
factors destroyed not only the enemy, but also left radioactive residue
everywhere; opponents battled, including surviving troops that returned home
aside from those that were E-vacked.
ensure that your whole host may withstand the brunt of the enemy’s attack and
remain unshaken-this is effected by maneuvers direct and indirect.
That the
impact of your army may be like a grindstone dashed against an egg-this is effective
by the science of weak points and strong.”(Sun Tzu )
Stigma in relation to the resulting cancers, seen in our Nations histories,
Anglo Saxon and Native American, the Iron Smiths and miners seen as demonic,
when ill, as the proper functioning of the nervous system was gradually broken
down due to toxins inhaled and bodily exposure, resulted in near insanity
dependent on societal belief systems, both religious then economic, as their
work load diminished (Ochoa, Easter). In Native American cultures this was also
true of the ill associated with some metals, and in most cases exposed members
of the tribe were ostracized, if not killed. An irony regarding the removal of
Native American earth ware, burial jars and some pottery shards, many now
radiated depending on location to uranium mines and water runoffs. Most Native
Americans learned prior to Genocide prior to the Europeans arrival.
The accidental uses in the United States
of uranium as per,
toothpastes (Mentalfloss.com),
elevator ballasts (Flynn, Vince); a usage for the density of weight,
disregarded folk legends learnt of Native Americans, and knew of only effects,
not the cause of illnesses, and disregarded this again, to this day, in a
redefinition of both cultures folk tales as lies. Early in the Gulf War,
retired Army chemical crops Colonel Dee Dodson Morris stated,“ Du (depleted uranium) is
about 40% less radioactive than naturally occurring uranium, and natural
uranium is something we live with every day.”(DOD)
all warnings as with Agent Orange,”Veterans'
Diseases Associated with Agent Orange.
assumes that certain diseases can be related to a Veteran’s qualifying military
service. We call these "presumptive diseases." VA has recognized
certain cancers and other health problems as presumptive diseases associated
with exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service.
Veterans and their survivors may be eligible for benefits for these diseases.
AL Amyloidosis
A rare disease caused when an abnormal
protein, amyloid, enters tissues or organs
Chronic B-cell Leukemias
A type of cancer which affects white blood
Chloracne (or similar acneform disease)
A skin condition that occurs soon after
exposure to chemicals and looks like common forms of acne seen in teenagers.
Under VA's rating regulations, it must be at least 10 percent disabling within
one year of exposure to herbicides.
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
A disease characterized by high blood sugar
levels resulting from the body’s inability to respond properly to the hormone
Hodgkin’s Disease
A malignant lymphoma (cancer) characterized
by progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen, and by
progressive anemia
Ischemic Heart Disease
A disease characterized by a reduced supply
of blood to the heart, that leads to chest pain
Multiple Myeloma
A cancer of plasma cells, a type of white
blood cell in bone marrow
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
A group of cancers that affect the lymph
glands and other lymphatic tissue
Parkinson’s Disease
A progressive disorder of the nervous
system that affects muscle movement
Peripheral Neuropathy, Early-Onset
A nervous system condition that causes
numbness, tingling, and motor weakness. Under VA's rating regulations, it must
be at least 10 percent disabling within one year of herbicide exposure.
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
A disorder characterized by liver
dysfunction and by thinning and blistering of the skin in sun-exposed areas.
Under VA's rating regulations, it must be at least 10 percent disabling within
one year of exposure to herbicides.
Prostate Cancer
Cancer of the prostate; one of the most
common cancers among men
Respiratory Cancers (includes lung cancer)
Cancers of the lung, larynx, trachea, and
Soft Tissue Sarcomas (other than
osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma, or mesothelioma)
A group of different types
of cancers in body tissues such as muscle, fat, blood and lymph vessels, and
connective tissues (publichealth.va.gov).” the United States
Military and all relating agencies and recent Presidential Administrations (
from President Clinton to President Obama) exampled by actions and treatment of
Gulf War Veterans and Afghanistan Veterans and those still deployed, based on
the treatment of Vietnam soldier’s battle with the illness derived from Agent
Orange, were ostracized as Canon Fodor defined as mere ordnance or catalysis in
a new understanding of Healthcare, and a citizenry left behind. The underlying
structure regarding Catalysis is explained within the HHS Mandate, and by any
other description of it, the removal of any if not all Religions from homes (
visible shrines, definition of religious books as temples, including the holy
bible ) as structure for life, the young and the old alike; the living, in
(any) society unless appropriated by (any governmental leadership) The Federal
Government, The United States of America, as per content in spiritual law and genesis,
as spark and eternal flame, the Constitution of the United States of America.
With respect to separation of church and state in recognition to militia and
right of a National Army and The Bill of Rights.
The newly aborted service men and
women are then divided from those who are ill and dying and from those who
served their country honorably, but did not follow orders in handling and use
of depleted uranium and those who live within proximity of uranium mines, also
those employed citizens of the United States, ALL, when no protective gear or
clothing was ever offered or training provided in most cases abroad, and in the
first place here in America.
Is the placement of toxic waste, defined
as depleted uranium and designed in usage as intent, the new definition of
abortion with the added benefits of erasure of perceived aggressors including
children and grandparents of opponents, and a possible future militia or
National army for a (any) country who implements DUs use?
The division of veterans imposed by
the Veterans Administration has gone hand in hand with each Administrations
idea as what education is,” if
the administration can get away with this (HHS), their will be no stopping it.
If government can force an insurance company or institution to pay for
birth-control pill or a morning after, it can, under the same Authority,
conceivably force them to pay for an euthanasia pill for those others have
deemed unfit to live.”(Thomas,cal)
) Not only might veterans be affected (those denied benefits by the Veterans
Administration) but their children, even before birth. “ From our unit of 150
who went to the front, forty are sick, six have died from homicides, suicides,
heart attacks and cancer. Washington told me I couldn’t get tested for depleted
uranium because I hadn’t been hit by friendly fire.” (Picou, H. Carol)
The radiation poisoning of US troops
in the Gulf Wars compared to the use of microwave based products have one thing
in common with the effects of exposure in the theater of war, their use of
exposure as precursor to the exposures experienced here in the United States;
microwaves, infrared, visible and ultraviolet ranges of radiation and the
interaction with matter. An example of this is torsion, as in the strength of a
weld, the molecular rotation and torsion (act of twisting or turning a body:
matter) will determine the strength of a weld. Therefore, the denser the matter
the less transparent the object is within, with the use of certain ranges of
“ Each
portion of the electromagnetic spectrum has quantum energies (stem cells can be
affected,“ A fertilized egg is
considered to be totipotent because it can produce all of the cell types in the
adult organism-having stated, stem cells in the testis produce daughter cells that
only differentiate in sperm”( Biology). ) appropriate for the excitation of
certain types of physical processes. The energy levels for all physical prosses
at the atomic and molecular levels are quantized, and if there are no available
quantized energy levels with spacing [distance between the atoms] which match
the quantum energy of the incident radiation, then the material will be
transparent to that radiation, and will pass through ”(Interaction of Radiation with
Matter). Then the damage is done to our troops as well and not by ingestion
alone or inhalation as well. A form of heating MREs is to burn the sides in the
field before, and they were most likely warm already, due to environment,
during the day yet at night if heated and contaminated, radiation
The reason for many of children’s deformities
and the new way to die, without any idea as to why are “ the transmitting towers, such
as AM [broadband] and FM towers, TV towers, cell towers,etc. emit RF/microwave
radiation continuously. Also, Wi-Fi (wireless internet), wireless computers,
cordless phones and their base units, cell phones and all other wireless
devises emit microwave radiation. A cell phone that is ON but not in use is also
radiation can be classified as thermal and non thermal. The thermal effect has been
largely studied and refers to the heat that is generated due to absorption of
microwave radiation. Being exposed to the thermal effect could cause fatigue,
cataracts and reduced mental concentration. Research is going on to study the
non-thermal effects of radiation, and it has been associated with affecting the
cell membrane permenability. Sadly the current exposure safety standards are
purely based on the thermal effect while ignoring the non-thermal effects of
radiation” (Kumar).
The soldiers in theater in the Gulf
Wars have endured climates up to 130 degrees F. in full battle dress and gear.
The soldiers within the age categories of 18 plus were more than likely raised
with computers, cell phones and other devices, and even if the Iraq cell and
satellite towers and dishes were disabled, our troops had their own mobile
Wi-Fi and Microwave, by way of digital satellite technologies, not to mention
crowd control mobile and stationary units. Perhaps a step above the use of
Naphon used for clearing foliage and the enemy simultaneously including urban
areas in WW II, in Tokyo at the time of the dropping of the Atomic bombs.
Particularly the last weeks of the war; overall, in that city alone 70,000
people, civilians perished in the Fire Raids. Even the hundreds crossing a bridge
in escape from the fires in Tokyo City poured into the water ablaze (Carlin).
The Desert Storm and Desert Shield
soldiers when they are young and probable precursor to the future treatments in
Healthcare, may not of known “ when radiation hits the head, it penetrates the
skull. The experiment done by Dr. Om Gandi back in 1997 showed how radiation
penetrates the skull of an adult (25%). 10 years old (50%) and a 5 year old
(75%). The younger the child the deeper the penetration due to the fact their
skulls are thinner and still developing ” (Kumar).
ovens operate at about 2450 MHz “and most Wi-Fi systems and some cordless
phones operate at the same frequency” (Kumar). The possibility of thermal and
non-thermal radiation in regulated pulses, intentionally or not, along with or
not, along with gamma radiation, a byproduct of depleted uranium radiation,
whether it be in its natural state or used in its many modern applications,
including the dust after explosion, in bridging the gap of all five
subdivisions under and including microwave radiation (Gamma rays, X-rays, UV,
Infrared, and Microwaves). Intent or not, a rudimentary weapon which might of
advantaged from extreme heat and radar waves and pulse that did not
discriminate as per living targets or host in all directions. This would
further damage the visual cortex affecting the functions attributed to the
cerebrum such as “conscious thought, planning and emotion,” but also, “this
type of radiation can penetrate deeply into biological materials, where it
creates free radicals. These molecules can alter the structure of DNA in a
variety of ways. Exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation can cause base
deletions, break in one DNA strand, or even a break in both DNA strands.” (Biology)
With this known, depending on
degree of exposure at home and at school (data bases and IP addresses, both
home and school, cell-phones, etc.) then resulting neurological links created
from childhood subsequentially intensified in theater, field of operation, with
intent (federally regulated radiation exposures allowed by law), all by design
and within an intended use. Our soldiers will endure a world left of dignity
and respect, proper medical care desired and deserved, left to a country that
kills its own stolen from the past and a discarded future of proper Healthcare,
thus stolen from the future also. The opponents, of her children’s children,
once enemy and the collateral damage will never explain generations from now
the reasons they were born and left to die, left in a toxic wasteland and they
were only children like our soldiers once were today.
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Citations Page
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Brooker,Windmaier, Graham,
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Page 9.
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