Although some of the idealism of the early sixties has made it to law, the proponents of the ' machine,' the ' meat grinder ' still have power in the old light of a ' good old boy ' system that has always ' eaten it's own.'
What a powerful wordage ' good old boy.' Who's boy ya gonna be? Who's boy are you really Sheriff Joe? And as far as that goes, all those G-d Damned Law Enforcement officers and Agents that have stood idly by as the ' revolving doors ' to Sheriff Joe's jails and tent cities have made millions in the city of Phoenix and state systems as well as on the streets. But for whom?
So that I'm very clear about this, the officer that arrested me, my last words to him was, " This is discrimination "and he knew it, his tear justifyed my judgement. In the holding tank down town Scottsdale, Az., ' Do you think you can get beyound this sound ' barier?'' Outside the cell I have no clue as to what was making the sound inside the cell. I was tring to center my mind as to what happened, as I had learned, ' between the ears and behind the eyes...I used to say the Lords prayer this way. Sometimes with music, sometimes without.
Sheriff Joe, what is the going rate for blue eyes? Then brown and black; that is of children? I'm wondering if all those ' scattered headed blacks ' in your jails, who can't keep their minds quiet, if somehow treated or turned to the ' real standard,' out side of your ' ego ' and money, might give ' your people ' a better chance of solving child abductions and child abuse. They know whats going on, the Mexican nationals know whats going on ( the only people who touched their hearts when I looked their way ) Never the less, whats the going rate of kidnapping these days? Do you work for a ' Cartel '? Is it true that Indian Reservations exceed the border well into Mexico? If so, what are you not telling the public? What's the percentage of the value of a child's welfare or life in comparison to the arrests and, I'm sorry, ' MONEY ' and maybe drugs found in the end...those poor ' niggers and spics ' just wanting to do something good. Ah, but they are all just ' crazy.' And those ' wetbacks ' from ' over their,' just the same, besides it's safer in my very own personal tank. Real people really do not know who you really are. In the old days, you would not of been a Sheriff in a past life, but rather a banker, saloon owner and plantation, shit sorry again, RANCH owner and controlled every thing, including the ' murdering of the ' mail order brides ' that tried to escape the upper floors of the saloons. The dragging of the index finger by most of the blonds and redheads ' up yonder ' mean keep your mouth shut, but also THEY REMEMBER WHAT men LIKE YOU ARE ALL ABOUT.
Why are we made to look the other way when all that was going on?
I am offended by the running list of crimes that officers are accused of in Arizona, hundreds and I mean hundreds, with pictures even, and the population of Arizona who seemingly don't care about the states discrimination against children, mostly brown, all Mexicans, G-d forbid if your a mixture of race,...what was your last name again?
Then what of your own jailhouse staff that doesn't know about removing Ibuprofen from one bottle to another is a drug crime, your staff employee checked her own purse. What of, Chaparral Lake and all the ' suppose to be ' meet you here here, all the while the women who showed up, their homes ' supposedly burglarized,' the selling of porn to teen agers, pot and only G-d knows what else, all the while Scottsdale police, undercover is around, including ' your ' small drones, I ' assume;' I find it hard to believe that the LEVIT in all this and my arrest, two old fags ( I found out later ) reported me for being at the park during park hours ( he has a pony tail, you should really be more quite ). By the way, I listen, not very many arrests made in this area, if any at all. What does that tell you. When Sheriff Joe was on TV he made it a point to represent all Law Enforcement. Well there you go one IB ' user ' out of the way. Good Work!
Thank G-d I only gave a friend some and the ' non-occurrence of sale for profit ' was on my mind that day...after my ' visit ' to your ' nut house.'
By the way, as I'm sure you know, $ 200.00-$500.00 for blue, anything you can get for brown ( $200.00 ) and black, unless they end up a ' mule.' A long time to wait for that baby shit. Huh? If they ' really ' ever do...babies can't talk and if ' pretty,' a good house boy or ' maid ' later on.
Gee Child Molestation must be a hard call for an old man like you...I remember an ' influence,' a man, a thing like you when I was young...If I were in Scottsdale now as I was going to live there before I was arrested...I would tell you GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LAW ENFORCEMENT ! If you need another pic. of me, go threw the tapes a couple of years ago at the thanksgiving parade, I was the one standing, yelling at you only, not your wife, the one the fire department and a couple of plain clothes took pics of...LISTEN TO WHAT DESCRIPTIVE TERM I CALLED YOU. A few years later...who knows I might be right, I already know I'm right about NAZI.
The ' revolving door ' policy; arrest made over and over and over again without full time served only to charge a per day jail house fee is only the tip of the iceberg.
As for the drug lords, if it was just about pot coming across the borders separated from the rest of the shit, then there might be a little bit less ' hate,' well that's not what it's really about is it?
Is it ' fucking with ' their ' kids as your kids and parents were fucked with ' or just is it just money? I personally have heard every point of ' reasoning,' from both sides as to know that when a ' uniform ' starts wanting to get in on the money, something quite aside from and beyond evil soon takes place. The reasoning of getting kids involved in the game as far as taking, pushing and protecting the process of illegal drugs whether it be indoctrination as to a way of life, gang ( profit ) or lifestyle, is simply wrong, but whats worst, far worst, is the members of Law enforcement lack of interest in the ' complete direction ' of leading the way for a remedy of the situation so that one does not find oneself engaging in lethal apprehension of the true perpetrator. I know it is difficult, but not to try and even follow threw is evil. This includes even trying to reunite the family...IF POSSIBLE, within the system later, baring sexual abuse and repeated ( ? ) bodily harm and injury.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio who's side are you really on? My father told me that a person should not have to fear the police when I was a kid, and I have fought for this idea all my life. This is coming from a person with the last name Ochoa, who for what ever reason, because of who I've known ( ? ) because I'm poor, Artist or maybe because I still believe in G-d; pony tail, or interfering in the ' ambitions ' of a couple of idiots who own/rent apts. and want fresh meat, somewhat reminiscent of your ' revolving door ' policy. Huh?
And to think, I never got paid.
I looked for civil right lawyers in the phone book, back then, only two...and I'm sorry, they were white.
I even called McCain's office, wrote to the FBI, reported another flasher in the Chaparral area; to be railroaded in Phoenix, Arizona, can't plead no contest, six months in jail waiting for a trail if asked, lose of everything that I owned, and almost a ' law ' not to report a pedophile, ' it's the culture,' give me a break...wheres America?
It sure as hell isn't in McCain's America nor is it in Obama's America. Mr. Obama, you should of done more.
With all due respect to the lake, you are not alien.
And you have no power over me as such, even if human as
the image appears to be. The other stone was never about the begining.
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Your wife gave the child a pat and ' sweetheart,' a little
red headed boy...your his Hero. Not mine...I voted for you.
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