" Heavily armed officers have established checkpoints, scoured abandoned buildings, flown drones and used thermal imaging over the last week.
"I think the police have a huge challenge of trying to find a needle in a haystack," he said.
Davies said it's incumbent upon law enforcement to chase every lead, such as the tip in York Landing, while simultaneously concentrating on searching the areas of highest probability, like Gillam."
UP-DATED 7-30-2019 3:07 pm
Old man Census Taker signed me up to
Nielsen company. Just came across it.
UP-DATED 7-30-2019 1:19 pm
Kam McLeod from Canada, I still think was practical joke, but even that ‘ implies ‘ NETWORKING, this is so very CLOSE to WARFARE, and for what ? I posted about young man who wanted to be seen in light sedan with Native Americans on Lomas and Yale 7/11, days ago, cops oh well, no feed back.
These two stories are it, I don’t even think these younger people are American anymore.
And yes, a Sean Connery movie ‘ Shakespearian play.’ ‘Concurrent ‘ in ‘ timestamp.’ Hastings video and CD’s.
What happened today was I lost it, every bad negative word you can describe I used today, from the laughing brown turban wearing Arab yesterday to the purple shirt wearing blond washing her hands in a dirty fountain yesterday looking straight at me, f.ck you all.
The murder of the small boy and his birthday, from Josh Rowden moving in with his grandmother, from Kam and old girlfriend, I was 21 Daphne and the Third Reich! Not 25, that is when I went into the USCG. Your F.CKING Granny Cam.
From ‘ Gays ‘ and ‘ old hags,’ and their Homosexuals ‘ Creating ‘ a hit against just people for what ? To divide a country for what ?
A six year old’s birthday Ware ? Who were your friends in England ? How much did you really know about them?
Even myself, when Police investigate nothing ! But you protect your home invaders !
Six years old ‘ real time,’ six years old ‘ picture in virtual realities ‘ all around the world ? Don’t you understand ‘ timestamp ‘ 66, As in ’ route.’
Who are ‘ these women ? ‘ Who are ‘ these men ? ‘
It’s not just Mexicans and Arabs, GEE who else ? Fu.k the Rainbow Society’s flag. Ours is Red, White and Blue !
There are just not enough words to describe how Evil all of this is ! This is ‘ directed ‘ and not by my family or myself. Those damned internet and computer games have created Monsters and that White Bitch of a President can think of nothing but Fu.king Israel ? You are American with an immigrant background you piece of Trash ! Your dumber than Obama with exception to ‘ numbers.’ Gold Drapes, are you KING ?
This one is off the ‘ scale ‘ major ‘ hits ‘
Too many to name, even a ‘ Calvin and Hobbs ‘ cartoon framed over the couch, movie ‘ Hacked Post ‘ ‘ Alvin and chipmunks,’ don’t think I listened to that one, just how many people were hooked up to ‘ Comcast ? ‘ Huh ? I payed for mine. Then advanced Apple Airport on the Lamp 2007.
So much was never written about. Too many coincidences. This is beyond letter from VA about Hard Drives !
There was no one to vote for.
UP-DATED 7-30-2019 10:30 am, 5:49 am
On my blog, “ Lucas was ( Ramona elementary school ) ‘ principal.’
In ‘ Mental Rapes ‘ ( Mental block 9:51 am.) Guy with radio/phone lost important ‘ connection.’ Only reason he’s Assh.le. Still can’t remember !!!!!!!!
FELEX the Cat - ‘ Hacked Post ‘ spoken of before.
Leatherman - explained creation of leatherman for Green berets for use in battle, arguments with ‘ youth ‘ about leatherman in ‘ Ether ‘ and made fun of when learnt that use learned in John Wayne movie.
Killroy - too many explanations “ you people think you saved and invented everything,” first indication or one of first indications was ‘ Foreign ‘ driven arguments in ‘ Ether.’ But did not sound local ( Albuquerque, NM ), think Sanchez ( IT, UNM ) research, how can all of this happen ? I would not put up ‘ GAY NEWS ‘ CNN report of ‘ carrier ‘ of electricity/data/telecommunica
Las Vegas hotel room - spent one week there, didn’t drink much just took pictures. Did not gamble, argument in ‘ Ether ‘ with young people about cost of hotel room and ‘ safe ‘ in hotel room ???
“ Sound rises,” Mr. Sweenie’s wife the nurse said in a complaint about my TV. Couldn’t stop that ‘ constant conversation ‘ after calling Barton Prince. When did you get back in town ? “Prince asked after I asked if he wanted to see some Art, in town over a year.
‘ Radio waves rise,’ after consulting one of my dictionaries weighing over four pounds in two books.
“ e·ther
Learn to pronounce
a pleasant-smelling colorless volatile liquid that is highly flammable. It is used as an anesthetic and as a solvent or intermediate in industrial processes.
the clear sky; the upper regions of air beyond the clouds.
"nasty gases and smoke disperse into the ether" “
Already Posted, woke up one morning pounding the floor, tearing up pictures of Nevada, Brice Canyon, Texas-visiting my Uncle, Artwork, leases, “ you don’t exist, I don’t exist,” repetitive high pitched, very fast ‘ in static.’ Other repetitive phrases ‘ overlayed ‘ with this in concert with first phrase.
I hit the floor so hard, ‘ WAKE-UP!,’ finally. All the photos, hundreds of my Art.
When ‘ green circle ‘ appeared was one of first things that I saw, bought I-Pod about year after this, maybe few months before. Mind music was one of first things I decided to put on it and CD’s Mrs. Abbott gave me and her frogs. Reminded me of all those photos destroyed, so all I could find in way of wavelength was put on with ‘ others.’
Clinton and ‘ gays ‘ started BJ fiasco as young as seven to ten years old, I never had the heart to tell Jason he laughed exactly like Barton Prince, I saw the surprise on his face when he said “ That’s Barton Prince ? “ when B.P. was driving down Alice Ave. that mid morning, in his grey sports car. Same day when John X.Gonzales did the same thing with a young teenager in the passenger side of his white truck, that later I was accused of setting on fire.
You homosexuals and ‘ swingers ‘ started all of this violence. Found out Barton Prince dated APS teachers and must of been in the company of them to ask them out, at least one said “ no “ according to Gonzales. This was start of ‘ power of Sperm,’ and leasbians “ needing it, The A Personalities, The Bull Dikes ( women ), take your pick ‘ Barton or Jason Rowden’s ‘ VOICE,’ who seemed never to have gotten over his divorce. Barton Prince was married, he has a ‘ real ‘ child ‘ from a woman, he had a ‘ DIVORCE, I am going to stop here, this was all about the ‘ Weakness of Men,’ flipped and made to look ‘ Attractive,’ for the purpose of America’s enemies.
Mormons play a role in this too, knowingly or unknowingly, UTAH. He had a falling out with a black cook. Do not know if African American.
“ THINK ! “ Steve Jobs, after years of every story imaginable that Steve was ‘ Gay,’ I wrote about this. Maybe the Mason Steve was, is, Steve Job’s business partner, but if you don’t know ? Years of Steve Jobs is GAY.
You were fooled, Stay away from them, know yourselves. Education. Real Family, Ten Commandments are good.
“ THINK !,” Steve Jobs.
You do not know the compulsive obsessive nature or these people and the extent they will go to to rule all just for ‘ sex.’ These ‘ brainwave ‘ patterns are known, researched in the marketing, social engineering and military fields of sciences and used in ‘ complacency ‘ and direct ABSOLUTES in Win-Won ( I wonder if that is Ingo’s Work ? ); complacency.
Broadband over one hundred year old POWER LINES.
That broke Satan’s obsessive ‘ Spell.’ Still prayed.
Original Post Below:
As far as I know all of this was ‘ hacked.’
The Santana song has never been fully played. My I-Pod was bought in 2015, it was ‘ hacked ‘ by Ft.Bliss by way of a charger that the Candyman, Bert B. gave me while I was at the Rescue Mission. That was the original black I-Pod with RV material on it. I updated the new one with same plus new material; Sante Fe Institute was most difficult to get again with Cognitive Ubiquity and other lecturers. I removed RV programming, no longer needed you; “ Our mind “ bulsh.t, and you have proved me right.
MESTIZO-was a piece of writing pertaining to my childhood. Back in the beginning of ‘ posting ‘ I wrote it out on paper. It used to be in a box that was left to the rain in there back yard Everything was ruined, I told Daphne there was writings pertaining to National Security.
Thank G_D ‘ walker ‘ said in ‘ Mental Rapes.’ All I’ll say.
“ the sun, sun,sun,sun ( Son ? )” Monte C. Rowden, Daphne’s husband one year, maybe less before he died, Tears down his face.
Santana-La Puesta Del Sol. 2006.
This attack in my opinion was ‘ directed,’ INCEL, in my opinion. He had no training only internet and global internet games.In my opinion.
There is more, this one really pissed me off. The statement regarding Jesus Christ was the same Sh.t being broadcasted around when I lived on Alice Ave. “ Jesus forgives all sins so we can do what we want ? “ “ Survival of the fittest,” “ We fight Fire with Fire.”
“ We are the gay race.”
Crap like this, and “ Book of Life.”
“ The other, which included a photo of Smokey the Bear and a sign saying "Fire Danger High Today," stated: "Read Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard. Why overcrowd towns and pave more open space to make room for hordes of mestizos and Silicon Valley white tw**s?"
A mestizo is a person of mixed descent, commonly white and Hispanic or white and American Indian.”
Sent from my iPhone
All federal funding should be taken away from New Mexico temporarily. For your “ Señorita “ bulsh.t !
For entertainment purposes for now, only ? Chihuahua and ‘ Higher Education,’ vs US citizens and Veterans deported as opposed to first generation Arab, Jewish and Russian Americans under the same ‘ standards ‘ that the others are ‘ Kept ‘ in their Mother country as ‘ Safe Keeping,’ because of drug related arrests ‘ Other than Ibuprofen and or Aspirin, h2o and or non radioactive ‘ dirt.’
Completely Revise RISE, and reinvent ‘ silent ‘ women,’ ‘ queens,’ and ‘ skateboards.’
President Trump ‘ might ‘ be Right...hmm.
Let’s go back to CNN, “ Josh Campbell, a former FBI supervisory special agent, told CNN's Jim Sciutto that witnesses provided information to the police about a possible second suspect but "we know there's almost always never a second shooter" in these types of mass killings.
Campbell noted the shooter was prepared, as demonstrated by the fact that he cut through the fence to avoid security and metal detectors. Among the questions that need to be answered is why the shooter wanted to get into the annual food festival, Campbell said, adding that the answer would speak to the gunman's motive. “
“ Campbell,” gee. “ Josh,” well, humm.
‘ Yellowbeard ‘ was a movie, all the rest of the shooters post scare the Hell out of me. Well, because the were ‘ posted ‘ including “ tin man,” but I do have a “ heart “ just won’t die for you. And yes
Buddy Hackett was a ‘ Hacked post ‘ pardon the pun.
This is during the time of the most terrible nightmares of my life and I only had an I-MAC for my I-Pod:
” Summers, 51, conceded later that she had never known Ogborn to do a thing dishonest. But she nonetheless led Ogborn to the restaurant's small office, locked the door, and -- following the caller's instructions -- ordered her to remove one item of clothing at a time, until she was naked.
"She was crying," recalled Kim Dockery, 40, another assistant manager, who stood by watching. "A little young girl standing there naked wasn't a pretty sight."
Learn about Adrew Wolfson, the reporter on this story
Summers said later that "Officer Scott," who stayed on the telephone, giving his orders, sounded authentic. He said he had "McDonald's corporate" on the line, as well as the store manager, whom he mentioned by name. And she thought she could hear police radios in the background.
Summers shook each garment, placed it in a bag and took the bag away. "I did exactly what he said to do," Summers said of her caller.
It was just after 5 p.m., and for Ogborn, hours of degradation and abuse were just beginning. “
“ `Something is not right,' 9th-grade dropout decides
It was Simms, the Mount Washington store's maintenance man and a ninth-grade dropout, who refused to play the caller's game.
He had stopped by the restaurant for dessert and coffee when Summers pulled him into the office and handed him the phone. The caller told Simms to have Ogborn drop the apron and to describe her. Simms refused.
"He said, `Something is not right about this,'" Summers recalled in her deposition. “
“ He eventually learned the call had originated in Panama City, and that the largest seller of phone cards there was Wal-Mart. But that didn't help much — the largest seller of everything is Wal-Mart, and it has three stores in Panama City alone.
But a Panama City detective told Stump a bit of interesting news — an officer from West Bridgewater, Mass., was hot on the same trail.
Detective Sgt. Vic Flaherty had been assigned to lead a task force investigating the crimes after the caller hit four Wendy's in the Boston suburbs on one night in February 2004.
Flaherty had traced a calling card used in some of the hoaxes to one of the Panama City Wal-Marts, but that store's surveillance video only captured customers entering and exiting, not at the registers.
After hearing about the Bullitt County call, however, he helped Stump trace that calling card to its source. This time, they were in luck: It was purchased at 3:02 p.m. at another Wal-Mart in Panama City on April 9, 2004 — just hours before it was used to call the Mount Washington McDonald's.
The camera at that store was trained on the registers, and it showed the purchaser was a white man, about 35 to 40, with slicked-back black hair and glasses. The same man could be seen on Flaherty's video entering the other Wal-Mart, where he was wearing a black jacket with small white lettering.
Flaherty and a colleague flew to Panama City on June 28, 2004, and local officers immediately identified the jacket as the uniform worn by officers of Corrections Corp.of America, a private prison company.
When they showed it to the warden at the company's Bay Correctional Facility, he identified the man as David R. Stewart, 38, a guard on the swing shift.
Stewart denied making the calls, but when confronted, he started to "sweat profusely and shake uncontrollably," Flaherty wrote in a report. Stewart also asked, "Was anybody hurt?" and said, "Amen, it's over," according to the report.
Stewart insisted he'd never bought a calling card, but when detectives searched his house, they found one that had been used to call nine restaurants in the past year, including the Idaho Falls Burger King on the day its manager was duped.
Police also found dozens of applications for police department jobs, hundreds of police magazines, police-type uniforms, guns and holsters. "It was very apparent Dave Stewart wanted ... to become a police officer," Flaherty said.
Mount Washington became the first department to charge Stewart.Stump drove to Panama City to arrest him on June 30, 2004.
Stewart eventually was brought to Bullitt Circuit Court, where he pleaded not guilty to solicitation to commit sodomy and impersonating a police officer, both felonies, as well as soliciting sex abuse and unlawful imprisonment, both misdemeanors. He was released on $100,000 bond pending his trial Dec. 13. His bond was posted by his brother, C.W. Stewart — a retired police officer from Cheektowaga, N.Y “
Read the rest of this and understand why these ‘ kids ‘ are doing what they are doing, that is fifty percent of America’s problems.https://www.courier-journal.co
Above was a special and I watched it on TV and thank G_D I did because I had no idea any of this could be done and the admiration I have for that young woman is still off the scale for fighting that unseemly unwinable case. Sent from my iPhone
Is it possible that ‘ Jacobs ladder,’ Hacked Post ‘ and movie is highway system, upside down cross like including state highways to Alaska including thief’s of classified materials, elapsing, North Carolina, New Mexico highway 1 west coast; mules are ‘gays,’ distractions and ‘ human cargo.’ ? For decades?
No CNN ‘ wagging the dog ‘ here from ‘ hacked Posts’ from my blogs:
Sent from my iPhone
7-29-2019 10:40 AM
As per ‘ William,’ middle name, California and visit from Fraudulent ‘ William ‘ as in Patton, about 9:00-9:30 am SATURDAY MORNING MDT time, Zimmerman Library, UNM and Camera Positions over Plaza in front of Library across from Plaza atop Sub.
I was supposed to listen to ‘ Santana ‘ Friday night , Thursday too.
I will now look up date of shooting, and other names as to ‘ hacked Posts ‘ are ‘ Concurrent,’ with Attacks soon to come. I DID NOT LISTEN TO SANTANA on my I-POD, though I told him of it, he shook his head in ‘ understandings.’ Then he told me of events I did not know.
Below when first ‘ seen ‘ these, some, stories are ‘ SILENT,’ ( Florida ‘ Gay ‘ mass murder ‘ directed ‘ look beyond Nazi ) other way to explain it, untimely “ too much attention on that Canada $&&@@&&&& !” Last night. 1:06 Arab or East Indian walking by smiling as I am ‘ sound-boarding.’ Apple cellphones, maintenance, “ fuck you.” He said.
Washington & Lomas convince Store, 66 to 11 remodel. White Cap “ hill “ written in black magic marker, “ that is who you are fighting,” black man wore hat, never saw him again. Santa in store. Around logs and fountain drinks.
“The event was held in Gilroy’s Christmas Hill Park, which according to the event’s website has an explicit policy banning all weapons.”
Too many coincidences in this one, admired reporting, cop’s info, they were a bit prepared for this, condolences for families.
‘ Wag the Dog ‘ might be reporters high grade cellphones unknowingly intensified Terrorism. Spyware identifications of Drivers licenses, thus names.
‘ Hacked Posts ‘ ‘ Mental Rapes,’ some of this was written in box Rowden’s allowed to be destroyed. Original ‘ results ‘ from viewings.
Original Con was “ White People outnumbered in America 100 to one and being attacked ,” 1999-2007, on and off.
This is an example of very ‘ Real Reporting ‘ without Anderson Cooper popping up in ‘ your ‘ face all the time and no ‘ waging the dog ,’ prior post, probably ‘ hacked ‘ and responsible:https://www.apnews.com/35e45f6
Sent from my iPhone
‘ Mental Rapes ‘ ‘ Hacked Posts ‘ 2007-2008 ( Kelly Services in Austin,Tx. 2012 ? and whatever the hell My Father ?, “ Get out of there !,” was saying, and man in black, I never went back or answered call ) and kids from two families including the ‘ Singularity ‘ and all the Stupidity Of a State with all the problems and history of Pedophilia. Gee what an Idea !? NO, IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA !!! How many pedophiles and S&M freaks does Albuquerque want to teach our kids anyway ? A Temp Service will only make it easier despite Albuquerque’s Liability concerns.:
“APS to transfer all substitute teachers to a temp agency
Sunday, July 28th, 2019 at 12:02am
Copyright © 2019 Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque Public Schools’ 1,100 substitute teachers will soon no longer work for APS.
They will be employees of Kelly Services, a temporary staffing agency headquartered in Michigan with offices in Albuquerque.”https://www.abqjournal.com/134
You have no idea how hard it is to print anything on Campus, but after I report Child Abuse in New Mexico. Then ‘ hacked ‘ and I find out later that my name is blocked on all scanner that incorporates an E-Mail to ‘ send ‘ and I know who that ‘ Gay closet ‘ was when he was still attending UNM in 2009 when ‘ my ‘ name was used at Zimmerman Library scanners ( not hyped RV movie ) but that might not mean either APS teacher and Substitute teacher did it, but ‘ Gay ‘ movement sure had a hand in it. Maybe even ‘ IT ‘ remember Plano, Tx; Cambridge Analytics, subsidiary-David Sanchez, UNM ‘ IT,’ then working in Texas Cambridge Analytics, subsidiary ( dates not on hand at the moment and probably lost with bike day of London Bridge Pink Knife Attacks I warned abut on line and CIA ), see didn’t mention Rowden APS Administration.
Do not report S&M teacher in NM and APS landlord unless you are prepared to loss EVERYTHING.https://www.krqe.com/news/albu
Wonder if this nonsense is Spreading ?:https://www.krqe.com/news/albu
"Man accused of holding woman hostage to remain behind bars
by: Jackie Kent
Posted: Updated:
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The man accused of holding his girlfriend hostage will stay behind bars for now.
Joseph McDonald, 37, is charged with kidnapping, rape and aggravated battery. Deputies say someone called them Saturday night, saying McDonald had kept his girlfriend bound several days.
They found the woman inside the home.
The state has filed a motion to keep McDonald locked up until trial. He will remain in custody pending a hearing in district court. "
Sent from my iPhone
UP-DATED 7-28-2019 3:53 am
Just woke up with, ‘ an image of nude man, injured in between cars, something wrong with leg, woman pouring picture of water on him as other person attends to him. Man seemed to be tall,head and face down near curb. Woman wearing watermelon color evening dinner dress, she went back for more water.”
‘ Dip in the road ‘ was old post, along with ‘ B.C. ‘ relative to comic strip-relative to Environment.
Also “ please leave us alone ! “ “ leave them alone. They are ‘ our ‘ heroes!” Feeling-urgency-‘ gay movement’- ‘schizophrenics’-probably Local, here in Albuquerque,NM.
Impression-Rescue Mission El Paso,Tx, first stay-movie- really bad one about security officers- alien in movie too, but outside of ray gun, also wife swapping and all men ‘ jack off ‘ Cult like Club in movie, but I remembered it from Albuquerque, but might not of seen everything if I was painting. I nearly walked out of Security Movie comedy at Rescue Mission.
However, saw tape of two in store and thought if I had taken job I would of approached them based on hands and arms in back then shirt-jacket buttoned up or zipped up when they left the store. “ I’m hot “ ???
Next movie was ‘ Splice,’ old posts Albuquerque-‘ Frankenstein ‘-‘ Concurrent ‘ with: https://www.google.com/amp/s/w
News-Albuquerque-a woman’s leg found with tattoos. ‘ timestamp,’ U-2 video of moving white lines going down highway. Lone Road, then ‘ Dip ‘ wrote something about that, year of North, “ didn’t Superman go north ?” Very condescending, distant, New ‘ hitchhiker ‘ movie, Rutger Hauer-( Roy Batty - Blade Runner ), was at the time, ‘ timestamp.’
UP-DATED 7-27-2019 3:49 pm
For Canada News-all ‘ notes ‘ received in news. “ I’m hot ! “ enclosed, some young people are helping them; father has two sides to him, but mother and companion might know more than you think ‘ WyFI ‘ phones like Jason. Or Messenger, behind Facebook ‘ or another PERSON, in my Case. A lot of people including some police did not want me to photograph or video myself. This Facebook was uploaded again, I did not do it, so Video, I almost lost phone and then there’s Appel companies. Skype. That is why I allowed Fed in my E-mail ( specific e-mail ), But last time I heard myself being ‘ old haged ‘ for an hour, then ‘ voice ‘ ( temperatures of environment, Cement and ‘ my body, ‘ contents of backpack, then ‘ voice ‘ then message refined, then pop of creatine residue in water bottle on bike, then ‘ more information ‘ in ‘ BLOWBACK,’ feelings; emotion in ’ Lent ‘ cause ? Other than numbers, breakdown of ‘ feelings ‘ to composition of ‘ emotions ‘ and ‘ locations ‘ in temperatures and ‘ intent ? ‘ little more but ‘ words ‘ when not intended to ‘ Ping ? ‘ How is President Trump these days ?
Cute little ‘ network.’
This is interesting because of old tenants and last name, old protection of prudence by conscience on blogspot Post years ago, nurse and husband; Letter to Russia about Lenin and Revolution.https://www.foxnews.com/world/
In Arizona 2011, ‘ seventeen minutes ‘
was last post, I made a complaint to head of Library staff, and that person gave me directions to Scottsdale Police Station, I remembered it’s location, and told him, he just sneered at me, the African American who was bragging in Library and remark of ‘ me in company of,’ was thrown to the wayside.
When I left the library two police officers where leaving too but headed to parking garage different way, I wrote down both of their squad car License plate numbers and wrote a letter to the FBI, I posted that and first post ‘ hacked ‘ but Posted it again and called Senator McCain, and Arizona Republic. That letter was very recently posted on FACEBOOK. They appear almost white but when you click on them, OK.
Also posted again on Facebook. I was expected to post on Blogspot again yesterday ( Military, individual APD,UNM DRUG DEALERS, and JEWISH, ITALIAN ‘ GAY,’ But had no intention, some caught on and did not recognize ‘ similarities ‘ minus Native American’s and Tribal International Boarders or Maybe they did ?
What might of been posted too on same post was ‘ clay pottery ‘ bowl prices I bought as leaving town, they might of been thrown away as yard sale wound down.They were given to Native American in Arizona, he then told me how drugged and Police were ‘ hacking ‘ me.
This is about all I can remember other than, my brother frightened of ‘ The Omen ‘ painting of the Antichrist on a wall in movie and neighborhood kids making fun of my first name, Jesus but Spanish pronunciation and how Christ was ‘ White.’
Then in Mental Rapes “ Bart Stop talking to them ! They are Globalist having fun with you!” That was in 2006. That might of been part of my Father. This was during LuciferIan Attacks and ‘ GAY ‘ Attacks incorporated in US Veterans and ‘ Active ‘ Vigilante Attacks where even DA Brandenburg’s Communication Security was extremely Compromised.https://www.google.com/amp/s/a
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A lot more information was posted, some still there, the ‘ hacking ‘ today was off the scale and beyond my anger threshold, remember THIS IS FEDERAL NOW.
A bit ‘ Settled ‘ down, now at UNM they might be installing ‘ gardens ‘ in a path that I usually take. Also, Assumson. ‘ Concurrent:’ Nelson, something my father said in High School years about taking care of cleaning his body when he died. Also, Willie, “ coming clean,” verse from recent song, more or less. “
Learn to pronounce
a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
"they made certain assumptions about the market"
synonyms: supposition, presupposition, presumption, premise, belief, expectation, conjecture, speculation, surmise, guess, theory, hypothesis, postulation, conclusion, deduction, inference, thought, suspicion, notion, impression, fancy; More
the action of taking on power or responsibility.
"the assumption of an active role in regional settlements" “
Kermit - frog-( ALL BELOW POSTED, most ‘ Hacked.’ )
Pig-Charlottes Web-‘ Babe ‘
Miss Piggy might not of been posted, It was all to ‘ crazy.’ ‘ Airplane,’ a movie was more or less here too.
‘Jewel of the Nile,’ here too. Airline in jungle.
Hudson is familiar but ‘ can’t ‘ place.
RED and GREEN Show-PBS-RIGHT-‘ LODGE ‘- if WATER-‘ Concurrent.’
Paintball guns-‘ Concurrent ‘- INCEL and NAZI teachings and PRISON Like BIBLE- PRISON mentality-never look back-PROGRESSIVE-Luciferian Teachings,all ‘ Concurrent ‘ ( 2002 late year - 2005, 2006-2008, some of ‘08-‘09, some ) with ‘ silencer ‘ paintball ‘ marks WYFY emitter and base of house under bedroom window 5417 Alice Ave, my house. ‘ DEPTH FISH FINDER ‘ multiple players, plus real time person on roof with red nylon red long bag and rope, sounded like ‘ spray paint can when lowered with rope, so indicates ‘ weight.’ 2005-2-14-2006. So, motorcycle riders by John Castley’s Apt. one with red nylon long bag strapped across his back, three in all, ALL were Anglo Saxons on big bikes, Conservative Work Clothed Dress, light hair two. They were not Black.
“ Farmer and Shirley “ I only heard of in Meditations/RV/Mental Rapes. “ Survival of the Fittest “ was all over the place, outside of ‘ Vigilante ‘ Home Invasion Event In 2004, 5416 Alice Ave, NE. Albuquerque, NM 87110. Might of been 2005-2006 for Farmer and Shirley.
S of the F was 2002-2007-intense, then off and on ‘08-‘10, early.
Someone even named their dog ‘ Bart.’
The ‘ SPIN ‘ between 2006 going back to 9/11 is ‘ Bigger ‘ than I originally thought, learned this with “ Bern,” ( spelling different but pronounced same, killer’s name, this when ‘ I ‘ woke up on couch, “ Who the f.ck are you and what are..,” which was a nightmare, fell asleep in a meditation) another couple killed then thrown down mine shaft after witnessing boyfriend brutally stabbed, cut while tied, then ‘ SHE ‘ was brutally murdered, Swiss and Then, ‘ Concurrent ‘ names and places leading back to UTAH.
Interesting about ‘ Fox,’ Native American in light colored Sedan, 7-11 four to five people, what a coincidental occurrence in coincidences.
UP-DATED 7-26-2019 about twenty minutes ago from 5:23 pm
I’m being set up to make money for ‘ others.’ Just for the plane boat ? But why all of this for the south ? Just a thought.
Miss Piggy plane wreak
Heaven can Wait, ‘ Farmsworth,’ Canonized joke, so might be Churchill, Wing and a prayer - flying Nun.
Dick Van Dyke Show
Garden Party - Ricky Nelson
“ I’m not your brother’s keeper “ This was around 2006.
Mchales Navy was 2007.
McCloud TV
“ the plane, the plane “
Would anyone miss a black man up there if riding thro/I wrote something like this.
The Island Of Dr. Moreau/ “ I’m hot “
El Paso Steam Engine when shown outside near ‘ Sunset Heights Neighborhood when I was a little boy ‘ was part of ‘ Mental Rapes ,’ ( 2004 or ‘05 ? ) and briefly image night of ‘ Fish finder/Depth Finder’ and what seemed to be global game. Who ever was on a roof and ‘ playing me,’ always thought part of ‘ Remote Viewing ‘ too; night before/of Feb 14 2006. Then I went to Judges ( family lawyer then, police officer who was or looked like Boyd kill ) house that morning, daylight.
The ‘ white line ‘ of passing bullets seemed real, in very early am and late pm of the 13 th of Feb 2006, end of week and a half sleep deprivation; no sleep at all.
More than one male and ‘ Silencer ‘ under house used that night.
All of this has been posted before, and I am not blaming these two young men.
“ Stay away from England,” I wrote about “ Tories “ in the United States.
“ To·ry
Learn to pronounce
plural noun: Tories
an American colonist who supported the British side during the American Revolution.
(in the UK) a member or supporter of the Conservative Party.”
I am Moderate, and ‘ Independent.’
“ Fox “ was mentioned in my ‘ Posts ‘ and ‘ near,’ Esperanza part of old password. ‘ Pink Knives ‘ London Bridge Attack.’ AT The Time, Downtown Library across the street from library is same word. Still beat attacks and ‘ warned ‘ Western World But had White Supremacy homeless fighting me and part of ‘ hacking.’ Other ‘ race ‘ groups too, BUT, only Heroin Asia turned out and ‘ probable ‘ link to International Terrorists and Terrorism, if “ Business “ then ‘ Funding Terrorism,’ and ‘ Actions ‘ determined International Terrorism.
This ‘ ACT ‘ has nothing to do with anybody that I have known or know, Below:https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/07/
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