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Department of Defense (DoD)

Strategic Spectrum Plan
Submitted to the Department of Commerce
In Response to

The Presidential Spectrum Policy Reform Initiative
February 2008


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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 7

1.1 The Mission of the Department of Defense..................................................................... 8

1.1.1 National Security Strategy ......................................................................................... 8

1.1.2 National Defense Strategy .......................................................................................... 8

1.1.3 Military Transformation............................................................................................ 9

1.1.4 Network-Centric Warfare........................................................................................ 10

1.2 The DoD Strategic Vision for Spectrum Management............................................... 11

2.0 Executive Summary............................................................................................................. 13

2.1 Key Current Spectrum Requirements......................................................................... 13

2.2 DoD Trends in Future Spectrum Use and New Technology...................................... 14

2.2.1 Future Spectrum Use................................................................................................ 15

2.2.2 DoD Technology Trends........................................................................................... 17

2.3 Strategies for Assessing and Meeting Future Spectrum Needs ................................. 18

2.3.1 The DoD Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Strategic Plan...................... 19

2.3.2 The Defense Spectrum Management Architecture................................................ 19

2.4 DoD Leadership Goals and Objectives for SM ........................................................... 20

3.0 DoD’s 2007 Baseline Spectrum Usage and Needs ............................................................ 23

3.1 3 – 30 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary................................... 24

3.2 30 – 88 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary................................. 25

3.3 108 – 150 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary............................. 26

3.4 162 – 174 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary............................. 27

3.5 216 – 225 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary............................. 27

3.6 225 – 399.9 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage............................................ 28

3.7 400.05 – 420 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary........................ 29

3.8 420 – 450 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary............................. 30

3.9 902 – 928 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary............................. 30

3.11 941 – 944 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary........................... 31

3.12 960 – 1215 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary......................... 32

3.13 1215 – 1390 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 33

3.14 1390 – 1710 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 34

3.15 1710 – 1755 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 36

3.16 1755 – 1850 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 36

3.17 2200 – 2290 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 40

3.18 2290 – 2700 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 41

3.19 2700 – 2900 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 41

3.20 2900 – 3100 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 42

3.21 3100 – 3600 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 43
Table of Contents (Continued)

3.22 4200 – 4400 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 44

3.23 4400 – 4990 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 45

3.24 5000 – 5250 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 45

3.25 5250 – 5350 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 46

3.28 5850 – 5925 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary....................... 48

3.29 7.125 – 8.450 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ..................... 49

3.30 8.5 – 9.0 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ............................. 49

3.31 9.5 – 10.45 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ......................... 51

3.32 14.5 – 15.35 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ....................... 52

3.33 15.7 – 17.3 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ......................... 53

3.34 20.2 – 21.2 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ......................... 54

3.35 24.05 – 24.25 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ..................... 54

3.36 25.25 – 25.5 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ....................... 55

3.37 25.5 – 27.0 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ......................... 55

3.38 27 – 27.5 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ............................ 55

3.39 30.0 – 31.0 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ......................... 56

3.40 33.4 – 36.0 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary ......................... 56

3.41 Summary of Current DoD Spectrum Usage.............................................................. 57

4.0 Future Needs and Growth Assessment (2015-2020) ......................................................... 58

4.1 DoD Spectrum Requirements, Including Bandwidth and Frequency Location for

Future Technologies or Services.......................................................................................... 58

4.2 Transformation Development Initiatives..................................................................... 59

4.3 Future Terrestrial Spectrum Needs and Growth Trends .......................................... 60

4.3.1 DoD Terrestrial Spectrum Requirements Growth Below 3 GHz......................... 61

4.3.2 DoD Terrestrial Spectrum Requirements Growth Above 3 GHz ........................ 63

4.4 Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Spectrum Needs............................................ 64

4.4.1 Importance of SATCOM to DoD............................................................................. 64

4.4.2 Mix of SATCOM Requirements.............................................................................. 65

4.4.3 SATCOM Spectrum Requirements ........................................................................ 68

4.4.4 Impact of Increased SATCOM Demand ................................................................ 72

4.5 Radar Spectrum Needs.................................................................................................. 72

4.5.1 Search Radar............................................................................................................. 73

4.5.2 Surveillance Radar.................................................................................................... 73

4.5.3 Fire Control/Imaging Radar.................................................................................... 73

4.5.4 Current DoD Radar Systems ................................................................................... 73

4.5.6 Impact of Increased Radar Spectrum Demand ..................................................... 78

4.6 Training, Test and Evaluation Spectrum .................................................................... 78

4.6.1 US Training and T&E Facilities.............................................................................. 79
Table of Contents (Continued)

4.6.2 Training and T&E Spectrum Demand ................................................................... 80

4.6.3 Future Training Spectrum Requirements .............................................................. 83

4.6.4 Impact of Increased Training on Spectrum Demand............................................ 83

4.7 Transformational Capabilities Driving Future Spectrum Needs Growth................ 84

4.7.1 Unmanned Systems: Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) and Unmanned Ground

Systems (UGS)..................................................................................................................... 84 Unmanned Air Systems ..................................................................................... 85 UAS Spectrum Demand .................................................................................... 86 Unmanned Ground Systems ............................................................................. 88 UGS Spectrum Demand .................................................................................... 88 Future UAS and UGS Spectrum Requirements ............................................. 88

4.7.2 Future Combat Systems (FCS)................................................................................ 91 Future Combat System Wireless Network ...................................................... 92 Future Combat System Spectrum Demand .................................................... 93 FCS Impact on Increased Demand .................................................................. 94

4.8 Future DoD Spectrum Needs Forecasting ................................................................... 94

5.0 Current and Future Use of Non-Federal Spectrum Offered by Commercial Service

Providers...................................................................................................................................... 95

6.0 Agency Current and Future Use of “Non-Licensed” Devices.......................................... 96

7.0 DoD Spectrum Dependent Technology Initiatives............................................................ 97

7.1 Planned, Future Uses of Spectrum Dependent Technologies or Services................ 97

7.2 DoD Technology Initiatives for Achieving Spectrum Utilization Efficiencies ........ 98

8.0 DoD Biennial Strategic Spectrum Plans ......................................................................... 106

9.0 Additional Comments and Recommendations................................................................ 110

9.1 Comments .................................................................................................................... 110

9.2 Recommendations....................................................................................................... 110

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1.0 Introduction
The President established the US Spectrum Policy Initiative in May 2003.1 The

initiative directed the Secretary of Commerce to prepare recommendations for improving US

spectrum management. Through an NTIA led Federal Government Spectrum Task Force,

recommendations were developed and provided in a two-part series of reports released by the
Secretary of Commerce in June 2004 under the title “Spectrum Policy for the 21st Century – The

Presidents Spectrum Policy Initiative (Reports).” 2 A subsequent Executive memorandum3 dated

November 30, 2004 directed that Executive Departments and Agencies implement the

recommendations from the reports. The Executive memorandum provided additional direction

for federal government offices and agencies to implement, which complements the

recommendations. The additional direction included the following specific guidance:
“Within 1 year of the date of this memorandum, the heads of agencies selected by the

Secretary of Commerce shall provide agency-specific strategic spectrum plans (agency

plans) to the Secretary of Commerce that include:

(1) spectrum requirements, including bandwidth and frequency location for future

technologies or services;

(2) the planned uses of new technologies or expanded services requiring spectrum

over a period of time agreed to by the selected agencies; and

(3) suggested spectrum efficient approaches to meeting identified spectrum


The heads of agencies shall update their agency plans biennially. In addition, the heads

of agencies will implement a formal process to evaluate their proposed needs for

spectrum. Such process shall include an analysis and assessment of the options available

to obtain the associated communications services that are most spectrum-efficient and

the effective alternatives available to meet the agency mission requirements. Heads of

agencies shall provide their analysis and assessment to the National Telecommunications
1 See Memorandum on the Spectrum Policy for the 21st Century, 39 Weekly Comp. Pres. Doc. 726, 727 (May 29,

2003) (Spectrum Policy Memorandum), available at

4.html; see also Appendix 2.

2 Spectrum Policy for the 21st Century – The President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative: Report 1, US Department of

Commerce (2004) (Report 1), available at; Spectrum Policy for the 21st

Century – The President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative: Report 2, US Department of Commerce (2004) (Report 2),

available at NTIA serves as the

President’s principal adviser on telecommunications and information policies and as manager of the federal

government’s use of the radio spectrum. 47 USC. § 902(b)(2).
3 See Presidential Determination: Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, 40 Weekly

Comp. Pres. Doc. 2875, 2876, sec. 3(c) (Nov. 30, 2004) (Executive Memorandum), available at; see also Appendix 3.

and Information Administration (NTIA) for review when seeking spectrum certification

from the NTIA.”
The Secretary of Commerce selected the Department of Defense (DoD) to be one of the

agencies to submit an agency-specific strategic spectrum plan in a March 10, 2005
Memorandum4. In response, DoD prepared and submitted the Department of Defense Strategic

Spectrum Plan in November 2005. This report, the 2008 DoD Strategic Spectrum Plan, has been

prepared to address the President’s direction to agency heads that respective spectrum plans be
updated on a biennial basis5.

1.1 The Mission of the Department of Defense
This section addresses the mission of the Department of Defense (DoD) and establishes

the basis upon which DoD will address its needs for electromagnetic spectrum resources.
1.1.1 National Security Strategy6
The United States national security strategy is based on a distinctly American

internationalism that reflects the union of values and national interests. The aim of this strategy

is to help make the world not only safer but also better. US goals, concerning the path to

progress, are clear - political and economic freedom, peaceful relations with other states, and

respect for human dignity. To achieve these goals, the United States will:
Champion aspirations for human dignity;

Strengthen alliances to defeat global terrorism and work to prevent attacks against the

US and its allies;
Work with other countries to defuse regional conflicts;

Prevent enemies from threatening us, our allies, and our friends, with weapons of

mass destruction;
Ignite a new era of global economic growth through free markets and free trade;

Expand the circle of development by opening societies and building the infrastructure

of democracy;
Develop agendas for cooperative action with other main centers of global power; and

Transform America’s national security institutions to meet the challenges and

opportunities of the twenty-first century.
1.1.2 National Defense Strategy7
The US national security strategy provides the basis and direction for the US national

defense strategy. The defense strategy serves broad national objectives of peace, freedom, and

prosperity. DoD has developed a strategic framework to defend the nation and secure a viable
4 Secretary of Commerce Memorandum to the Secretary of Defense, March 10, 2005.

5 Department of Commerce Assistant Secretary of Communications and Information Letter to Assistant Secretary of

Defense for Networks and Information Integration & Chief Information Officer, 2 Aug 2007
6 National Security Strategy, 2002.

7 National Defense Strategy, March 2005.

peace8. This framework is based on four major defense policy goals which provide the

foundation for the definition and prioritization of missions and capabilities. These four policy

goals are:
Assuring allies and friends;

Dissuading potential adversaries;

Deterring aggression and countering coercion against US interests; and

If deterrence fails, decisively defeating any adversary.

Diplomatic and economic efforts seek to promote these objectives globally by encouraging

democracy and free markets. US defense strategy seeks to defend freedom for the United States

and its allies and friends, and it helps to secure an international environment of peace which

makes other goals possible.
1.1.3 Military Transformation
The President has repeatedly emphasized the vital importance of military transformation

to the future defense of the United States. The significance of military transformation to US

defense strategy is also apparent by its inclusion as one of the seven interconnected strategic

tenets. The transformation strategy is one for large-scale innovation.
The 2002 National Security Strategy9 states that the goal of military transformation “must

be to provide the President with a wider range of military options to discourage aggression or

any form of coercion against the United States, our allies, and our friends. Our forces will be

strong enough to dissuade potential adversaries from pursuing a military build-up in hopes of

surpassing, or equaling, the power of the United States.”
DoD’s Transformation Planning Guidance10 describes transformation as: A process that

shapes the changing nature of military competition and cooperation through new combinations of

concepts, capabilities, people, and organizations that exploit our nation’s advantages and protects

against our asymmetric vulnerabilities to sustain our strategic position, which helps underpin

peace and stability in the world. Transformation is necessary to ensure that US forces continue

to operate from a position of overwhelming military advantage in support of strategic objectives.

Over the long-term, our security (and the prospect for peace and stability for much of the

rest of the world) depends on the success of transformation. We are at the confluence of three

broad trends: the movement of our society and much of the world from the industrial age to the

information age; the appearance of an expanded array of threats in a more uncertain context; and

vast technological opportunities available to both friend and foe alike.

The Department’s transformation will be shaped and influenced by the emerging realities

of competition in the information age and the concept of network-centric warfare (NCW). The

Department has always considered the electromagnetic spectrum as a vital resource and now this

resource is being incorporated into the process of shaping the change in military competition and

8 Military Transformation: A Strategic Approach, Fall 2003, Director of Force Transformation, Office of the

Secretary of Defense, 1000 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20201-1000
9 National Security Strategy, 2002.

10 Transformation Planning Guidance, April 2003.

1.1.4 Network-Centric Warfare
In the information age, power is increasingly derived from information sharing,

information access, and speed. Network-centric warfare is the military expression of the

information age; it refers to the combination of emerging tactics, techniques, and technologies

that a networked force employs to create a decisive warfighting advantage. It provides a new

conceptual framework with which to examine military missions, operations, and organizations in

the information age.

As an organizing principle, NCW accelerates our ability to know, decide, and act by

linking sensors, communications systems, and weapons systems in an interconnected grid. A

warfighting force with networked capabilities allows a commander to analyze the battlespace,

rapidly communicate critical information to friendly combat forces, and marshal a lethal

combination of air, land, and sea capabilities to exert massed effects against an adversary. A

force employing network-centric operations will be able to move into a new competitive space,

thereby gaining a decided advantage over a force conducting traditional platform-centric


Although the transformation of the US Armed Forces is a continuing process, the recent

performance of US forces in the successful conduct of Operation Enduring Freedom and

Operation Iraqi Freedom has provided a glimpse of the future potential of the emerging way of
war. The basic tenets of NCW, set forth in Network Centric Warfare: Department of Defense

Report to Congress (July 27, 2001), are as follows:

A robustly networked force improves information sharing;

Information sharing enhances the quality of information and shared situational

awareness; and
Shared situational awareness enables collaboration and self-synchronization and

enhances sustainability and speed of command.

NCW represents a powerful set of warfighting concepts and associated military

capabilities which allow warfighters to take full advantage of all available information and bring

all available assets to bear in a timely and flexible manner. The transformed joint force will be

capable of achieving US strategic and operational objectives more quickly while employing

more agile and rapidly deployable forces.
In February 2006, The Secretary of Defense issued the Quadrennial Defense Review

Report11 (QDR Report), which builds upon the transformational defense agenda directed by the

President (as expressed in the 2001 QDR Report), the changes in the US global defense posture,

and the operational experiences of the previous four years. The 2006 QDR Report emphasizes

the importance of joint capabilities and net-centricity in achieving a truly integrated joint force

that is more agile, more rapidly deployable, and more capable against the wider range of threats.
To respond to these unpredictable threats, US Armed Forces who traditionally focused on
11 Quadrennial Defense Review Report, Office of the Secretary of Defense, February 6, 2006.


deterrence, stability, and warfighting missions arising in overseas theaters must now also assist

in securing the homeland.
The 2006 QDR Report highlights the shift in philosophy to meet the new strategic

environment; one in which threat-based planning is replaced by capabilities-based planning;

where horizontal integration in lieu of “stovepipes” is the norm; and where the emphasis is on

moving data to the user and not vice versa. Each of the aforementioned has a future impact on

spectrum planning, SM, and the design of spectrum-dependent systems.
1.2 The DoD Strategic Vision for Spectrum Management
The Department of Defense has always considered the electromagnetic spectrum a vital

resource. This increased emphasis has resulted in changes to processes, new and restructured

spectrum management organizations, and other specific initiatives.

In August 2006, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Networks and Information Integration
(ASD(NII)) released the Department of Defense Net-Centric Spectrum Management Strategy12

which presents a DoD vision for the management as well as use of the electromagnetic (EM)

spectrum and establishes a strategy for achieving that vision. It is the realization of a networked

environment that will be achieved through the implementation of highly integrated wireless

systems and spectrum-dependent technologies in which EM spectrum support is a principal

component of the Global Information Grid’s (GIG’s) foundation layer.
DoD Spectrum Management Vision - In a net-centric environment, the DoD vision is

that EM spectrum will be accessible to all spectrum-dependent systems on an as needed basis.

Spectrum situational awareness will allow multiple spectrum-dependant systems to maximize

use of available spectrum to exploit battlefield opportunities while preventing interference to

other authorized users. This will be enabled through the use of spectrum standards, SM

protocols, and software agents that will provide both an understanding of the type and amount of

spectrum in use and access to the most operationally effective spectrum available. The tenants of

the net-centric spectrum management strategy is shown in Table 1-1.
12 Department of Defense Net-Centric Spectrum Management Strategy, ASD/NII, August 9, 2006

Net-Centric SM considerations are infused into DOD processes, practices,

planning, doctrine, training and operations. SM recognized throughout DOD as a

necessary and complementary function that is essential to maintaining the network.
Integrated 􀃖􀃖

Enabled by agile SM policies and practices, future spectrum-dependent devices will
reconfigure spectrum use and s Seamless 􀃖􀃖 pectrum control attributes independently.

SM policies and practices to provide the flexibility to allow systems to dynamically

adjust and scale to support change in size and scope of demand to be responsive

to mission requirements.
Agile 􀃖􀃖

Spectrum information to be defined via standards and SM protocols so users

and spectrum-dependent devices can discern spectrum data available on the GIG.
Users post spectrum usage via spectrum data elements that describe the

essential attributes of spectrum utilization. Spectrum situational awareness is
maintained through a Spectrum User-Defined Operational Picture (S-UDOP).

Understandable 􀃖􀃖

Vision for Spectrum Strategy
spectrum Table 1-1 DoD Net-Centric Spectrum Management Strategy


The network will be “dynamic”, interactive, and instantly aware of spectrum that is

available for reuse and reprioritization by other wireless systems; as the network moves, the SM

structure will adapt as necessary to ensure the systems remain optimized. To accommodate the

complexity and demands associated with supporting network centric operations within the

mobile tactical framework, SM must be decentralized and performed autonomously throughout

the network to be successful.

It is essential that DoD engage in both the National and International planning process to

support the goal of achieving global DoD net-centric capabilities; thus, DoD will continue to

coordinate with the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and

other federal agencies prior to the introduction of dymanic, transformational spectrum

The DoD Net-Centric Spectrum Management Strategy is one of the principal drivers in

DoD’s strategic planning for spectrum management. Among the methods envisioned is the

development of a SM architectural framework, which will include a transition strategy and

roadmap with detailed descriptions of the operational capabilities, environment characteristics,

and architecture imperatives for each transition point.

2.0 Executive Summary
The President’s Executive Memorandum13 of November 30, 2004 directed that Executive

Departments and Agencies implement the recommendations from the reports. The Executive

Memorandum provided additional direction for Federal Government offices and agencies to

implement and to complement the recommendations, namely that agency heads provide agencyspecific

strategic spectrum plans to the Secretary of Commerce which include the following:

(1) spectrum requirements, including bandwidth and frequency location for future

technologies or services;

(2) the planned uses of new technologies or expanded services requiring spectrum over a

period of time agreed to by the selected agencies; and

(3) suggested spectrum efficient approaches to meeting identified spectrum requirements.

The Secretary of Commerce selected the Department of Defense (DoD) to be one of the

agencies to submit an agency-specific strategic spectrum plan in a March 10, 2005
Memorandum14. In response, DoD prepared and submitted the Department of Defense Strategic

Spectrum Plan in November 2005. This document, the 2008 DoD Strategic Spectrum Plan, has

been prepared to satisfy the President’s direction to agency heads that respective spectrum plans
be updated on a biennial basis15.

2.1 Key Current Spectrum Requirements
There has been no significant change in DoD current spectrum usage from that reported

in the 2005 DoD Strategic Spectrum Plan. DoD continues to operate in most government

exclusive spectrum bands and in many shared bands (as shown in Figure 2-1). The

preponderance of DoD frequency assignments occur below 6 GHz is conducive to reliable,

moderate capacity terrestrial and mobile operations while spectrum above 6 GHz supports

critical DoD functions and applications requiring higher capacity services. Figure 2-1 provides a

graphical depiction of the many spectrum bands throughout the managed electromagnetic

spectrum where DoD has critical operations.

DoD’s current spectrum usage and needs are addressed in Section 3, in which baseline

requirements are described according to individual spectrum bands. Each band’s importance to

DoD is described as well as the primary operations, applications, and key systems DoD uses in

the band. DoD has not identified spectrum parameters such as frequency or bandwidth in this

document; to do so would, as a minimum, classify this document as “For Official Use Only”.
13 See Presidential Determination: Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, 40 Weekly

Comp. Pres. Doc. 2875, 2876, sec. 3(c) (Nov. 30, 2004) (Executive Memorandum), available at; see also Appendix 3.

14 Secretary of Commerce Memorandum to the Secretary of Defense, March 10, 2005.

15 National Security Strategy, 2002.

Figure 2-2. Future Battlespace in the Net-

Centric Operational Environment
2.2 DoD Trends in Future Spectrum Use and New Technology
In the future, warfighters will operate in a dynamic, multi-layered, multi-dimensional

battlespace, as illustrated in Figure 2-2. In this environment, they will rely on robust, secure

connectivity from the “first tactical mile.” Such capability will only be attained through a broad

array of secure net-centric links interconnecting people and systems, independent of time or

location, will provide improved military situational awareness, better access to Department of

Defense (DoD) information, and shortened decision cycles. The key enabler for net-centricity is

the DoD Global Information Grid


The GIG is supported by a

seamless communications

environment that includes both

commercial and military networks

accommodating a range of

transmission media, standards, and

protocols. Extension of the GIG

down to the lowest warfighting

echelons will be made possible

through coupling integrated wireless

architectures with spectrumdependent

systems such as communications, weapons, precision munitions, sensors, geo-
Figure 2-1 Depiction of DoD operations in spectrum bands below 40 GHz
3 MHz 30 MHz 300 MHz 3 GHz 30 GHz 300 GHz

4.2 – 4.4 GHz

9.5 – 17.3 GHz

33.4 – 38.0 GHz
3 MHz – 2.29 GHz
Figure 2-3 Bands in which DoD spectrum usage is expected to increase.
location, and other wireless devices. As these wireless architectures are realized, the DoD

requirement for throughput is increasing dramatically while worldwide competition for

electromagnetic (EM) spectrum continues to put pressure on US military spectrum access.

Future access to sufficient spectrum will only be achieved through both the application of

technologies that increase channel efficiencies and supplements to spectrum available to DoD

through the sharing of access to other government and commercial networks worldwide.

DoD’s future spectrum needs, as described in Section 4, are addressed primarily

according to major categories of service. The categories used for DoD’s future spectrum

demands assessment include terrestrial and satellite communications, radar, and test/training.

The discussion of bands used for satellite communications encompasses both current (baseline)

and future needs. Each category of future spectrum needs includes an assessment of how

applicable bands and systems are projected to experience an increased demand for use in the

2.2.1 Future Spectrum Use
Critical to achieving this capability is communications connectivity and flexibility across

geographically dispersed, heterogeneous systems at capacity levels far greater than previously

experienced. Indications are that DoD will experience increased usage of EM spectrum for

numerous systems in the future; the frequency bands most affected for terrestrial systems are

depicted in Figure 2-3.

For terrestrial mobile operations using spectrum below 3 GHz, DoD’s need for spectrum

access will increase significantly over the next decade and beyond. This increase is in support of

the Joint Transformational Communications concepts of the Army and Marine Corps Future

Combat Systems, the Air Force Command and Control Constellation, and Navy FORCEnet.

Mobile spectrum usage beyond 2014 is driven by transition to Wideband Network Waveform


(WNW) wireless networks that contribute to the realization of Network-Centric Warfare. These

networks will provide increased situational awareness, dissemination of timely intelligence, and

direct high-bandwidth communications to all battlefield users.

For terrestrial mobile operations using spectrum above 3 GHz, data link requirements for

battlefield systems are projected to grow significantly through 2015. This growth is driven by

the need to support the increased use of battlefield sensors and high data rate transfers associated

with airborne high-resolution, hyper-spectral sensor data. Moreover, new requirements are

surfacing for Secure Wireless LANs in the 5 GHz band and UAV Command & Control links

along with Future Combat System (FCS) Data Networks in the 30 GHz to 40 GHz frequency


With respect to DoD’s need for spectrum in bands allocated for satellite communications

(SATCOM), both government and non-government spectrum bands are addressed. To satisfy

the increased demand for SATCOM associated with transformational warfighting and DoD’s

need for information, DoD is planning to field several new satellite constellations that will

require access to satellite spectrum. As these systems are expected to operate in the current

bands identified for satellite utilization, the increase in the number of constellations utilizing the

same frequency bands will put pressure on the frequency spectrum to satisfy this demand while

providing necessary assurance of interference free operations.

Since all currently used SATCOM frequency spectrum is projected for continued or

expanded use, there is growing competition for SATCOM spectrum. This competition will

increase as new commercial satellite constellations and DoD transformational SATCOM

constellation is fielded. Future systems will use the totality of the existing SATCOM frequency

bands and the associated orbital slot assignments unless, or until, other bands or services can

better meet requirements. Consequently, sufficient nationally and internationally allocated

frequency spectrum and orbital slots must be retained/obtained as an essential enabler of

military-unique systems and capabilities. Denying the warfighters’ use of any portion of the

spectrum would reduce flexibility and jeopardize mission accomplishment.

Current DoD radar spectrum requirements are extensive and will grow in the future; the

trend in military radar is towards wider bandwidths both to better discriminate target objects and

to provide additional signal processing for anti-jam techniques. New developments in radar

systems are planned for the upper frequency bands (above 10 GHz), but these developments are

generally intended to enhance capabilities rather than supplant the existing systems in the lower


Training and test and evaluation (T&E) missions each have different, independent

objectives. However, they most often share common radio frequency (RF) equipment and

common resources and are often conducted in parallel to ensure realistic operational testing

while maximizing training opportunities for military units. The demand for spectrum to support

training and T&E events has increased over the last decade and will continue to increase as the

design, development, testing, fielding, and employment of systems in support of force

transformation is matched more closely with DoD warfighting needs.

As with many other DoD systems and services, the spectrum requirements of unmanned

systems will continue in all of the same frequency bands utilized today but will grow in selected

bands. In these selected bands, there will be a steady rise in the number of frequencies required

to support the growing use of unmanned systems, an increase in the bandwidth for frequencies to


support increased data transfer, and an increase in the time of operation due to longer on-station

requirements. Meeting the increased requirement for spectrum dedicated to support unmanned

systems will require increased attention to spectrum management schemes and scheduling to

promote sharing of frequencies. Additionally, technologies that increase onboard processing and

compression of sensor data will assist in reducing the amount of contiguous bandwidth needed to

support airborne data links. Without significant spectrum reuse and fielding of spectrum

efficient technologies, unmanned systems will be constrained in their use of spectrum to achieve

overall mission needs and may require highly refined scheduling plans to ensure operations are

executed within the limits of available spectrum.
2.2.2 DoD Technology Trends
Technological superiority is one of the cornerstones of US national military strategy and

maintaining this advantage becomes even more significant in light of the objective to achieve

and maintain dominance across the full range of crises and military operations even as the size of

US forces decreases. The Department of Defense’s focus on investing in technologies that will

enable improvements in spectrum access and utilization efficiency is evidenced by the allocation

of Army, Navy, and Air Force technology funding on specific research and development projects

related to improving spectrum use.
Realizing DoD’s vision for network-centric operations requires the achievement of high

capacity, flexible, networked, communications connectivity across geographically dispersed,

heterogeneous, on-the-move systems. Advances in communications and networking technology are

an underlying mechanism necessary to achieve the revolutionary capabilities expected to support the

N-C environment. This includes the technologies for the management of the individual media and

the creation and management of networks for devices using the media.

To this end, DoD research and development activities range from antennas, transmission

media, signal specifications, and standards to architectures, protocols, networking technologies, and

network management, for example:
Scaleable video compression schemes which dynamically trade off bandwidth and

quality based upon the priority of the required information;
Multi-mode, multi-function, sense-and-adapt air-mobile communications capability to

dynamically alter communications methods under fast-changing environments;
Bandwidth and network management techniques that can effectively manage and

allocate wireless bandwidth across tactical and theater levels;
Signal processing techniques to enable reliable low-power multi-media

communications among highly mobile users under adverse wireless conditions; and
Multi-input, multi-output, multi-carrier waveforms which exploit non-contiguous

spectrum during mobile operations.

Through the insertion of such technologies, spectrum utilization efficiencies will be
enhanced along with the goal of seamless communication between globally dispersed locations and

positions in theater down to the lowest echelon will be achieved.
2.3 Strategies for Assessing and Meeting Future Spectrum Needs
The DoD Net-Centric Spectrum Management Strategy16 presents the future view of SM

in the net-centric environment. The strategy presents the what – the vision of net-centric SM.

However, it does not describe the how – the specific approach and implementation required to

achieve the vision. It identifies SM practices necessary to support the net-centric environment to

assure that SM is infused into future wireless architectures, systems, and capabilities. As
illustrated in Figure 2-4, the intent of the strategy is not to describe the technologies and

programs that will implement net-centric SM; the intent is to provide a description of what is

needed for SM to accomplish its vital role as an enabler for net-centric operations.
Through the experiences acquired in developing the 2005 DoD Strategic Spectrum Plan17

the DoD has recognized the need for near- and far-term spectrum planning processes that provide

a high degree of predictability. As such, the Department envisions a plan for the development of

a current user needs analysis for spectrum dependent systems and a methodology for

characterization and forecasting of long-range spectrum requirements.”

The Department recognizes that the development of an effective biennial process will be

a significant challenge. Furthermore, the department recognizes the increasingly global nature of

the telecommunications marketplace and the effect of spectrum encroachment on critical DoD

systems. As a result, the department must assist other executive departments and agencies of the
16 Op. Cit.
17 The Department of Defense Strategic Spectrum Plan, November 30, 2005.

Figure 2-4 DoD Net-Centric SM Objectives


U.S. government in developing a unified coherent National Strategic Spectrum plan that will

include an approach to addressing the concern of spectrum encroachment on critical DoD

systems worldwide. Additionally, DoD will work closely with NTIA and the Commerce

Department to ensure that DoD’s future process is optimized to meet the intent of the

Presidential Memorandum.
2.3.1 The DoD Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Strategic Plan
The Department of Defense has long understood the criticality of electromagnetic

spectrum access. Net-centricity depends on an environment that provides full connectivity and

interoperability to produce and share a common understanding of all dimensions of the

battlespace. The key enabler for net-centricity is the DoD Global Information Grid (GIG). The

GIG is supported by a seamless communications environment which includes both commercial

and military networks accommodating a range of transmission media, standards, and protocols.

Extension of the GIG down to the lowest warfighting echelons will be made possible through

coupling integrated wireless architectures with spectrum-dependent systems such as

communications, weapons, precision munitions, sensors, geo-location, and various wireless

The vision of assured spectrum access led to the development of the draft 2007 DoD

Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Strategic Plan (EM SMSP). This plan establishes goals

and associated objectives to “assure the availability of, and access to, sufficient electromagnetic
spectrum.”18 The goals of the DoD plan are presented in Figure 2-5.

2.3.2 The Defense Spectrum Management Architecture
With regard to the goals and objectives of the EM SMSP, it is recognized that a detailed

and systematic understanding of SM processes, systems, and impacts of emerging technologies is
18 Joint Spectrum Vision 2010, September 27, 1999.

Figure 2-5 Goals of the draft 2007 DOD EM Spectrum Management Strategic Plan
Achieve a seamless SM and E3 control environment through the

transformation of processes, practices, and operations as

envisioned by the DOD Net-Centric Spectrum Management Strategy.

Evolve near- and far-term spectrum planning processes that

provide a high degree of predictability for achieving assured

spectrum access on a worldwide basis.

Advance net-centric SM principles within the warfighting and

business domains of DOD through education and outreach.

Advocate and defend DOD spectrum positions in national and

international arenas that will achieve the tenets of net-centric SM.

Improve EM spectrum utilization through technology insertion to

achieve net-centric SM
Goal 1

Goal 2

Goal 3

Goal 4

Goal 5

Fig 2-6 Defense Spectrum Management Architecture (OV-1)

needed to guide implementation. DoD has developed an enterprise architecture, The Defense

Spectrum Management Architecture (DMSA), for spectrum management (See Figure 2-6). The

purpose of the DMSA is to provide decision makers and supporting staffs with a comprehensive,

standardized description of the organizational information exchange and system functions

required to satisfy DoD spectrum requirements.

The DSMA will be used to support capital planning and investment, joint capabilities

integration and development, DoD Acquisition, and interoperability between and among

information technology (IT) systems as required by OMB. To properly depict the Department’s

transition to its objective capability, select operational system and technical architecture views

also document the future architecture for SM within DoD for three incremental timeframes

(Transitional Architectures) and for the “To-Be” spectrum management environment (Target

Architecture). The objective timeframe is projected for 2025+ and describes the spectrum

management capability needed to assure spectrum access required to support DoD in net-centric

warfare and operations.
2.4 DoD Leadership Goals and Objectives for SM
DoD began an evaluation of its SM policies and plans to better support military
transformation. The Deputy Secretary of Defense (DepSecDef) issued the Department of

Defense Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Strategic Plan19 in December 2002 to enable

SM transformation. The plan embraced a vision for SM and electromagnetic environmental

effects (E3) control and established strategic goals whose attainment would enable the warfighter
to access the spectrum required to prevail in the dynamic battlespace of the future. Shortly after

the release of the 2002 plan, a revision to DoD Directive 4650.1, Policy for Management and

19 Department of Defense, Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications and

Intelligence), Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Strategic Plan, October 2002, Washington, D.C.

Use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum20 was undertaken, and subsequently completed. Other

actions included commencement of both the development of the Department of Defense Net-

Centric Spectrum Management Strategy which reflects net-centric operations and the

conceptualization of a Global Electromagnetic Spectrum Information System (GEMSIS).

The draft 2007 DoD Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Strategic Plan establishes

goals and associated objectives to “assure the availability of, and access to, sufficient
electromagnetic spectrum.”21 The timing and scope of this plan is influenced by several factors,

The President’s direction “to agency heads” for improving SM policies and

procedures as embodied in the President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative 22 ;

Alignment of SM goals and objectives with the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review

(QDR) Report23, including the establishment of objectives that support joint

warfighting capability; and
Alignment of SM goals and objectives with US military transformation to a more

agile expeditionary force, and a corresponding move toward a more Department-wide

enterprise, net-centric approach. That is, SM must transform to reflect the DoD Net-
Centric SM Strategy24 and the net-centric joint operational environment25,26,27.

The goals of this Plan extend the basic tenets of the 2002 strategic plan to achieve the NC

SM vision and to assure that SM is transformed to a new net-centric paradigm. As shown in

Figure 2-7, successful SM transformation is inextricably linked to achieving the goals of this
plan as framed by the net-centricity decisions of the 2006 QDR Report, the ASD(NII) spectrum

initiatives, the Net-Centric SM Strategy, and the Defense Spectrum Management Architecture.
20 DOD Directive NUMBER 4650.1, Policy for Management and Use of the Electromagnetic Spectrum, June 8,

21 Joint Spectrum Vision 2010, September 27, 1999

22 Presidential Memo on Spectrum Policy, Subject: Spectrum Policy for the 21st Century, June 2003

23 Quadrennial Defense Review Report, Office of the Secretary of Defense, February 6, 2006

24 Department of Defense Net-Centric Spectrum Management Strategy, ASD/NII, August 9, 2006

25 Capstone Requirements for Joint Operations, Version 2.0, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, August 2005

26 Net-Centric Environment - Joint Functional Concept, Version 1.0, Joint Staff, April 7, 2005

27 Net-Centric Environment - Joint Integrating Concept, Joint Staff, October 31, 2005


Several goals of DoD’s draft 2007 SM Strategic Plan have much in common with the

spectrum requirements tasks directed by the Executive Memorandum; albeit focused in the nearterm,

it is important to note the general agreement between the Memorandum’s directions and
the DoD plan’s objectives. For example: two objectives for Goal 2 state respectively, “Develop

a comprehensive plan for the determination of current baseline spectrum usage” and “Design

and implement methods to analyze and forecast spectrum requirements.” Another example can

be found in Goal 5 wherein one objective is to “Recognize technologies that enhance spectrum

utilization efficiency and effectiveness for all DoD systems.” Each of these objectives relate

directly to the Secretary of Commerce’s directions to agency heads, cited in Section 1, regarding

the content required for the federal spectrum plan.

Figure 2-7 Goals of the DoD Spectrum Management Strategic Plan

3.0 DoD’s 2007 Baseline Spectrum Usage and Needs
DoD currently operates in most government exclusive spectrum bands as well as in many

shared spectrum bands. The vast majority of DoD frequency assignments are below 6 GHz due

to the fact that spectrum in this range is highly conducive to supporting terrestrial mobile

operations with reliable, moderate capacity communications links along with many bands (See

Figure 3-0). Depiction of DoD operations in spectrum bands below 40 GHz provides excellent

propagation characteristics through dense foliage. DoD also employs a number of spectrum

bands above 6 GHz for critical functions and applications. Figure 3-0 provides a graphical

illustration of the many spectrum bands throughout the managed electromagnetic spectrum

where DoD has critical operations. In order to address DoD’s current spectrum usage and needs,

the enclosed material is structured according to individual spectrum bands. Each band’s

importance to DoD is described as well as the main types of operations, applications, and key

systems DoD uses in the band.
FFigiugruer e3 -20- 1D Depeipcitciotino nof o Df oDDo Dop oepraetriaotniso nins sinp escptreucmtr ubman bdsa nbdelso bwe l4o0w G 4H0 zG Hz

3.1 3 – 30 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary
Table 3-1 depicts the major DoD applications/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-1. DoD Operations 3-30 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Band DoD Application
3-30 X


Over-the Horizon Radar

Training Range Operations

The 3-30 MHz band is commonly referred to as the High Frequency (HF) band. This

band has inherent advantages which makes it important for military and emergency

communications. These advantages include rapid set-up, ease of transport, and flexible network

management capability. HF also has the flexibility to simultaneously support both local and

extremely long distance beyond line-of-sight communications. In mountainous areas, it may be

the only terrestrial communications technology that will work for short non-line-of-sight ranges.

Propagation factors decisively influence the availability of HF spectrum and the number of

individual frequencies (e.g. 3 kHz channels) that can be employed. This creates challenges in

addressing emergency needs in dynamic environments typical of disasters, crisies, and conflicts.

Propagation factors also require that frequency channels or sub-bands of an HF pool be evenly

spaced over the 3-30 MHz HF band to allow communications under various ionospheric

Criticality of 3 – 30 MHz for DoD Use: The use of fixed service and mobile service HF

allocations is a common denominator in achieving interoperable communications in multinational

efforts. Such scenarios are becoming increasingly common for coalition military

operations and humanitarian relief. The multi-national demand for HF band communications is

understandable given that the primary alternative is high-cost satellite communications. Ad-hoc

coalitions may include nations that possess only HF communications for long-range, over-thehorizon

communications. HF communications may also provide point-to-multi-point (PTMP)

connectivity and allows numerous telecommunications operators to monitor and coordinate

activities. Virtually all military forces possess HF communications, making this type of

capability a key component for readiness.
DoD HF Missions, Uses, and Applications: DoD uses HF for a variety of missions worldwide.

The following are general descriptions of how HF is used in the Department of Defense from the

perspective of specific mission support. The types of applications in which DoD uses the HF

band include voice communications, e-mail, Web Calls, and radar.
Department of the Army Use of 3 – 30 MHz: HF equipment is used by almost every Army

tactical organization, from Company through Corps level. It is primarily used for long-haul


communications supporting command and control, logistics, reachback, and coalition interface.

The equipment configurations are manpack, vehicular, fixed base, and aeronautical. The

connectivity provided includes point-to-point, point-to-multi-point, air-to-air, and air-ground-air

Department of the Air Force Use of 3 – 30 MHz: Air Forces use HF in tactical operations,

strategic communications, and range control. Command and control HF communications are

utilized on a daily basis to ensure readiness of weapon system crews. Coalition and Joint Force

Air Component Commanders employ HF as a means of long-haul communications with

subordinate units.
US Navy Use of 3 – 30 MHz: Reliable HF communications are essential to Carrier Strike

Group (CSG) and Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) operations. In addition, Fleet C4I

operations are supported by long-haul HF communications capabilities. Maritime Forces utilize

HF extensively for operation and training with Allied and Coalition Forces. HF is also important

during periods of natural and man-made interference (i.e., sun spots, adverse ionospheric

activity, and jamming) as ionospheric disturbances facilitate reliable HF communications while

impairing other wireless communications.
US Marine Corps Use of 3-30MHz: The Marine Corps has a significant investment in

communications equipment that transmits and receives via the HF band. Units at all levels of the

Marine Corps routinely communicate with ground, air, and maritime assets using the HF band.

Like the Army, the Marine Corps relies on HF for long and short-range communications. The

Marines also rely on HF communications to establish voice and data links with Coalition and

Joint Forces.
3.2 30 – 88 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary
Table 3-2 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-2. DoD Operations 33-88 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Band DoD Application
30-88 X X



Command Control Link


Test Range Operations
The largest and most significant DoD operations supported in this portion of the spectrum

include tactical and tactical exercise communications as well as non-tactical communications.

The band is used in air-to-air, air-to-surface-to-air, and surface-to-surface link configurations for

communications with both US and Allied forces. The band is also used to support tactical

training exercises using equipment such as the Mobile Subscriber Radio Telephone (MSRT) and

Radio Access Unit (RAU) components of the Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) and jamresistant

Single Channel Ground & Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) communications.

Other DoD operations supported in this portion of the spectrum include Research, Development,


Test and Evaluation (RDT&E), test range support, and sustaining base/installation infrastructure

support. Approximately 80% of DoD’s spectrum usage in the 30-88 MHz band is in the nonshared

segments below 50 MHz.

The Army and Marine Corps’ primary use of this band is for Combat Net Radios and

tactical training communications with either single-channel or the jam-resistant SINCGARS

radios. Numerous frequencies throughout the 30-88 MHz band are required to satisfy the

requirements for Combat Net Radios, which include single channel and jam-resistant

SINCGARS communications and the very high frequency—frequency modulation (VHF-FM)

components of the MSE. As an example, a nominal Army division requires approximately

750 individual SINCGARS nets on frequencies in this band. In addition, transmit and receive

frequencies from the 30-51 MHz and 59-88 MHz segments, respectively, are required for

MSRT-RAU communications. Navy operations supported in this band include tactical

training, Navigational Aids (NAVAIDS) (to include marker beacons and runway lighting

controls), RDT&E, and special projects. The Air Force operations in this band are tactical

training, security, Civil Engineer's Prime Beef, training communication, range, and RDT&E

support. Additional Air Force operations supported include flight communications, law

enforcement, including communications and security systems, and NAVAIDS Marker

Beacons. Other requirements supported in this band include contingency operations, explosive

ordnance disposal (EOD), Civil Air Patrol (CAP), and meteor burst communications. The Air

Force and Marine Corps both use temporary (temps) assignments in the band primarily for

close air support communications during combat and tactical training exercises. The Marine

Corps’ use of temps supports ground-to-air and ground-to-ground communications during

combat and tactical training exercises.
3.3 108 – 150 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-3 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-3. DoD Operations 108-150 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
108-150 X




Sensor Data Link

Test/Training Range Operations

The specific operations supported by systems in this frequency band vary in visibility and

criticality, but they generally fall into one of the following categories: (1) tactical

communications, such as air-to-air and multi-aircraft formation communications, sonobuoy data

links, close air support, and air traffic control (ATC); (2) installation support/sustaining base,

such as fire department, medical, civil engineers, and maintenance communications nets; (3)

security, such as police communications, alarms, and intrusion detection systems; and (4)


test/training range communications and instrumentation support, such as range control, pop-up

target control, and range timing systems.

The Navy conducts sonobuoy operations in this portion of the spectrum to detect the

presence and location of underwater targets (e.g., submarines). The Civil Air Patrol (CAP),

Coast Guard Auxiliary, and Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) also use this band

extensively in search and rescue operations.
3.4 162 – 174 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary
Table 3-4 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-4. DoD Operations 162-174 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
162-174 X



DoD operations supported in this band are primarily for land mobile systems supporting

law enforcement, maintenance, fire, medical, administration, and other installation/sustaining

base communications requirements. The Navy conducts sonobuoy operations to detect the

presence and location of underwater targets (e.g., submarines). The Army Corps of Engineers

makes extensive use of this band to support navigable waterways and to manage and operate

locks and dams.

The majority of equipment operated by the military in this band is commercially

available land mobile fixed stations, repeaters, and mobile and hand-held units.
3.5 216 – 225 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-5 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-5. DoD Operations 216-225 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
216-225 X


Training Range Operations


Space Surveillance
DoD operations currently supported in this portion of the spectrum include a Navy space

surveillance (SPASUR) system, the Air Force's hazardous fire-protection suit communications

systems, and Army tactical radio-relay systems. The Army operations in this portion of the


spectrum include radio-relay system training, test range support (timing, beacons, and RDT&E),

and contingency operations.

The Navy’s Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check Site (FORACS) system Radio

Direction Finder Test System (RDFTS) is used to determine and improve the accuracy of radio

direction finder sets aboard ships. The RDFTS operates in conjunction with other FORACS

equipment and test systems. FORACS is used to measure and improve the accuracy of

shipboard navigational equipment and electromagnetic, acoustic, and optical sensors under

dynamic scenarios closely approximating operating conditions. FORACS testing provides the

ship with an assessment of actual sensor performance versus design standards, evaluates

maintenance effectiveness and degradation of performance due to aging, weather, and other

factors, and it serves to certify fleet operational readiness. The Navy also operates its SPASUR

system in this portion of the spectrum. The SPASUR system is a critical tracking sensor in the

Space Surveillance Network (SSN). The SSN maintains continuous surveillance of space and a

complete inventory of trackable Earth-orbiting objects. As the number of objects (active and

inactive satellite and debris) have grown over the years (generally at a rate of about 250 objects

per year), this space surveillance mission has become increasingly important in protecting the

safety of manned and unmanned missions into space. The SPASUR system is used to maintain a

constant surveillance of space (high-altitude, unalerted detection of Earth-orbiting satellites, and

other objects) and to provide object data for maintaining the satellite catalog, a database of orbital

trackable objects in Earth orbit. The Navy also uses spectrum within this band to support

vulnerability and electromagnetic radiation tests on ordnance, Boom Crane Audio-Visual Load

Warning System, and a weather research data link.
3.6 225 – 399.9 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-6 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-6. DoD Operations 225-399.9 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
225-399.9 X


Search and Rescue (SAR)


Command Control Link

Training Range/Center Operations
Since the 1940’s, the 225-399.9 MHz band has been preserved by most allied nations,

throughout the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and within the individual member

countries themselves for military operations. The military nature of this band has also been

maintained by certain allied and friendly nations outside the NATO alliance such as Australia,

Israel, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and most recently by the European

Cooperation Partners (CP) nations and the Partners for Peace (PFP) nations.


DoD supports a variety of missions within this band as a result of its historic availability

for military operations and the propagation benefits of the lower ultra high frequency (UHF)

range. DoD uses the 225-399.9 MHz band to maintain vital command and control (C2) and

communications on a global scale as well as within a theater of operations. Specific missions

include flight operations, tactical training, installation and sustaining base, test and training range

operations, and contingency command and control. Global C2 is supported by UHF satellite

communications (SATCOM). Theater command, control, and communications (C3) is carried

out by single and multi-channel voice and data systems supporting SATCOM, air-to-air (A/A),

air-to-ground-air (A/G/A), and ground-to-ground (G/G) operations. In addition, DoD relies on

the 225-399.9 MHz band to perform other critical missions such as air traffic control (ATC) and

search and rescue (SAR). This band also supports many non-traditional systems such as the

Joint Readiness Training Center Instrumentation System (JRTC-IS) datalink, weather buoy radio

beacons, sonobuoy, and weapons location systems. A small portion of this band (328.6-335.4

MHz) is set aside for the Glide Slope Instrument Landing System (ILS).

DoD operations supported in this spectrum band also include conventional land mobile

radio (LMR) nets and trunked radio systems in support of installation support/sustaining base,

security/law enforcement, medical, maintenance, research and development, test/training range

communications, and instrumentation support. The Navy and Marine Corps have also begun the

installation of an Enterprise-LMR (E-LMR) system that uses spectrum efficient technologies.

This system is intended to provide capabilities for linking Anti-Terrorist and Force Protection

communications between various Navy and Marine Corps Installations.

The 225-399.9 MHz band is the only available portion of the spectrum that can support

the diversity of communications required for peacetime, tactical training, and wartime operations

and can support the communications interoperability needed for joint operations involving US

and Allied/Coalition forces.
3.7 400.05 – 420 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-7 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-7. DoD Operations 400.05-420 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application


Command Control Link

Meteorological Aids

Search and Rescue
DoD operations supported in this spectrum band include installation support/sustaining

base, security/law enforcement, medical, maintenance, research and development, test/training,

range communications, and instrumentation support. DoD uses both conventional land mobile

radio (LMR) nets and trunked radio systems in support of these requirements. The


CombatSurvivor Evader Locator (CSEL) radio system operates in this band as well as the

Army's Observer/Controller radio systems.

DoD uses this band to collect and disseminate weather data to support ATC operations

and various DoD missions. DoD also uses a portion of this band for search and rescue

3.8 420 – 450 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-8 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-8. DoD Operations 420-450 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
420-450 X




2D Air Search

Airborne Early Warning (AEW)

Space Surveillance

EW Training

Command Control Link
DoD operations supported in this portion of the spectrum include national airspace

surveillance and early warning radars, shipborne and airborne early warning radars, remotely

piloted, unmanned air vehicle telecommand and flight termination systems, missile and rocket

flight termination equipment, and troop position and location reporting equipment. Recently, the

operations of radar equipment in this band received renewed interest when it was confirmed that

radar operations below 1000 MHz are more conducive to low-observable target detection. The

Position Location Reporting System (PLRS) and its successor, the enhanced PLRS (EPLRS), are

employed during tactical operations and exercises for three-dimensional positioning, navigation,

and friendly-force identification.
3.9 902 – 928 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-9 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-9. DoD Operations 902-928 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
902-928 X

2D Air Search

Target Acquisition


Shipboard Air Defense

Command Control Link

Test Range Operations
DoD uses this band principally for military operations and Industrial, Scientific and

Medical (ISM) systems. There are two key DoD systems that use the entire 902-928 MHz band.

One is the Navy’s primary two-dimensional shipboard air defense radar used on all aircraft

carriers, other ships, and some Navy shore installations. The other system tracks and controls

drones and other land and air vehicles at military test ranges.
3.10 932 – 935 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-10 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-10. DoD Operations 932-935 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
932-935 X


Air Defense Radar


Command Control Link
The Department of Defense operations supported in this portion of the spectrum

include point-to-point and multi-point fixed microwave systems, transportable tactical

communications, radiolocation operations, utilities control, remote system controls, and

passive (receive only) systems.

This band is used by the Navy to support the Tactical Aircrew Combat Training System’s

(TACTS) electronic warfare data links. Additionally, the Navy operates search radar systems in

this portion of the spectrum. The Air Force also operates its utilities and energy control system

in this band.
3.11 941 – 944 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-11 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-11. DoD Operations 941-944 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
941-944 X


Air Surveillance Radar

Command Control Link

AFRTS Audio/Visual
DoD requirements supported in this spectrum band include, point-to-point and multi-point

fixed microwave systems, transportable tactical communications, and radiolocation operations.

Navy operations supported in this band are very similar to its operations in the 932-935

MHz band. The Navy uses this band to support the Tactical Aircrew Training System

(TACTS) electronic warfare data links using the Multi-point-point 19 Communications System.

The Navy also supports the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) operation in

this portion of the spectrum. The Air Force also supports operations of its utilities and energy

control system within this portion of the spectrum.
3.12 960 – 1215 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-12 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-12. DoD Operations 960-1215 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
960-1215 X



Command Control Link


Secondary Surveillance Radar


Aircraft IFF

Long Range Radar
The 960-1215 MHz band is used both nationally and internationally for aircraft

identification, tracking, control, navigation, and collision avoidance. In addition to these

operations, DoD employs this band for integrated communications, navigation, and

identification (ICNI).

The peacetime functions of radionavigation and identification equipment that operate

in this band segment are essential to Air Traffic Control (ATC) in the US National Airspace

System (NAS) and abroad. Wartime operations vary slightly from peacetime operations with

the major difference being the addition of a cooperative aircraft identification and battlefield

information distribution system.


DoD also supports operation of Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) (airborne and

ground-based), Mark X and Mark XII, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), and Secondary

Surveillance Radar (SSR) in this portion of the spectrum. TACAN ground beacons are in

operation throughout the US in support of DoD flight operations. All Mark X and XII, IFF,

and SSR operations only use 1030 and 1090 MHz. IFF/SSR-related capabilities, including

Mode S as well as the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) operations, also

employ 1030 and 1090 MHz. DoD also operates a tactical spread spectrum datalink, the Joint

Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS), with Air Traffic Control and Landing

Systems (ATCALS) operations in this band.

The Navy and Marine Corps support an electronic warfare (EW) training simulator in

this band.
3.13 1215 – 1390 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-13 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-13. DoD Operations 1215-1390 MHz Band
The key DoD operations performed in this band include long and medium-range air

defense, radionavigation, test range support, and tactical fixed and mobile communications.

Government military equipment authorized to operate in this band include the following: long

and short-range air defense radar (ADR) equipment; an inter-continental ballistic missile (lCBM)

detection/surveillance radar; tactical line-of-sight (LOS) radio relay equipment; aerial unmanned

target/drone control equipment; manned and unmanned aircraft time, space, and position

reporting equipment; and satellite downlink equipment. Although they differ greatly in

application, each operation is necessary for both peacetime and wartime operations. The long

and medium-range air defense radars are used for North American border surveillance.

Radionavigation functions supported in this band include satellite-based navigational systems

and ground-based en route ATC systems. The Global Positioning System (GPS) provides

satellite-based precision radionavigation to DoD elements worldwide. Tactical communications

radio systems, used by the Army and Marine Corps also operate in this frequency band. Test

range support equipment such as the Range Applications Joint Program Office (RAJPO)

datalinks are employed during testing and training operations. Range applications systems

provide the military with the means to monitor and control drones and other air vehicles with
US&P Allocations




use only


Bands DoD Application
1215-1390 X


Command Control Link


Range & Test Operations


ICBM Detection/Surveillance Radar

Long-Medium Air Defense Radar

Training Range Operations

significant precision at many of the national test ranges. Shipborne systems provide point

defense and anti-missile engagement capabilities against sea skimming missiles.

The GPS provides worldwide precision navigation not only to the US military and its

allies but also to a global civilian population. GPS is a space-based radionavigation system that

is operated by the US Air Force for the US Government. The GPS system is composed of space,

control, and user segments.

The GPS Space Segment is composed of twenty-four satellites in six orbital planes. The

satellites operate in 20,200 km orbits at an inclination angle of 55° and within a twelve-hour

period. The satellites are arranged so that a minimum of five satellites are visible at any time to

users worldwide. The GPS Control Segment is composed of five monitor stations and three

ground antennas with uplink capabilities. The GPS User Segment consists of a myriad of

configurations, many of which have the antenna and receiver processor integrated with the user

platform. The User Segment computes navigation solutions to provide positioning, velocity, and

precise timing to the user.
3.14 1390 – 1710 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-14 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-14. DoD Operations 1390-1710 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
1390-1710 X



Low-Altitude Aircraft Detection

Precision Guided Munitions

Command Control Link

Within the 1390-1710 MHz band, the 1432-1435 MHz band has been reallocated from

primary government fixed and mobile services to commercial use in accordance with Title III of

the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-33)(BBA-97), effective January 1, 1999.

Essential federal government operations and associated airspace will be protected indefinitely at

the sites listed in Table 3-15. DoD uses this band for tactical radio relay communications,

military test range aeronautical telemetry and telecommand, and various types of guided weapon


The Air Force operates data links in the 1432-1435 MHz band to rebroadcast aircraft

position during tests and training. The associated system is deployed at all major military

aircraft and missile test centers.

The Navy uses the band for a variety of missions and functions. These include testing of

shipboard electronics, control of remotely-operated aircraft (ROA), and operation of aerostat

balloons to detect low-flying aircraft suspected of carrying drugs. In addition, the Navy operates


data links in the 1427-1435 MHz band to rebroadcast aircraft position during tests and training.

Other Navy data links are used to control the trajectory of live airborne munitions. This system

is deployed at major military aircraft and missile test centers.

The Army use the 1390-1710 MHz band for tactical radio relay systems in support of

proficiency training at specific Army installations. These tactical radio relay systems have broad

tuning ranges, which include the 200-400, 600-1000, and 1350-2690 MHz ranges. In addition,

the Army data links in 1350-1400 MHz and 1427-1435 MHz rebroadcast aircraft position during

tests and training.
Table 3-15.

Sites at which federal systems in the 1432-1435 MHz band will be protected indefinitely.




Protection Radius

China Lake/Edwards AFB, CA 35° 29' N 117° 16' W 100

White Sands Missile Range/Holloman

32° 11' N 106° 20' W 160

Utah Test and Training Range/Dugway

Proving Ground/Hill AFB, UT
40° 57' N 113° 05' W 160

NAS Patuxent River, MD 38° 17' N 076° 24' W 70

Nellis Range, NV 37° 32' N 115° 46' W 130

Fort Huachuca, AZ 31° 33' N 110° 18' W 80

Eglin AFB, Tyndall AFB, FL/Gulfport

ANG Range, MS/Fort Rucker, AL
30° 28' N 086° 31' W 140

Yuma Proving Ground, AZ 32° 29' N 114° 20' W 160

Fort Greely, AK 63° 47' N 145° 52' W 80

Redstone Arsenal, AL 34° 35' N 086° 35' W 80

Alpene Range, MI 44° 23' N 083° 20' W 80

Camp Shelby, MS 31° 20' N 089° 18' W 80

MCAS Beaufort, SC 32° 26' N 080° 40' W 160

MCAS Cherry Point, NC 34° 54' N 076° 53' W 100

NAS Cecil Field, FL 30° 13' N 081° 53' W 160

NAS Fallon, NV 39° 30' N 118° 46' W 100

NAS Oceana, VA 36° 49' N 076° 01' W 100

NAS Whidbey Island, WA 48° 21' N 122° 39' W 70

NAS Lemoore, CA 36° 20' N 119° 57' W 120

Naval Space Operations Center, ME 44° 24' N 068° 01' W 80

Savannah River, SC 33° 15' N 081° 39' W 3

3.15 1710 – 1755 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-16 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-16. DoD Operations 1710-1755MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
1710-1755 Mixed


Data/Video Links


Range Telemetry

Precision Guided Munitions

Air Combat Training
DoD has historically employed the 1710-1755 MHz band to support a broad range of critical

mobile/transportable systems and a large number of installation infrastructure services. The major

operations supported in the band include transportable tactical radio relay communications, air combat

training, fixed radio relay communications, and mobile video control links. Specific systems include, but

are not limited to, Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) and Digital Wideband Transmission System

(DWTS) which support tactical battlefield communications, and Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs)

systems. A detailed description of these systems is provided in the discussion of the 1755-1850 MHz

band. The 1710-1755 MHz band was previously reallocated for mixed use from Government exclusive

use. The mixed use allocation was provided for DoD operations in a primary status at 16 protected sites.

As a result of a national level effort to identify additional spectrum bands for commercial advanced

wireless services (AWS), the 16 protected sites were reduced to 2 protected sites; Yuma, AZ and Cherry
Point, NC28. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has auctioned the band. Thus, the

relocation efforts of incumbent DoD systems from the other 14 protected sites are underway. Proceeds

from the auction will be used to fund the relocation of affected federal systems as required by law. The

Marine Corps will continue operations indefinitely at the two protected sites.
3.16 1755 – 1850 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-17 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-17. DoD Operations 1755-1850 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
1755-1850 X


Data/Video Links


Range Telemetry

Precision Guided Munitions

Space Operations

Air Combat Training
28 An Assessment of the Viability of Accommodating Advanced Mobile Wireless (3G) Systems in the 1710-1770 MHz and 2110-

2170 MHz Bands, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, July 22, 2002.


DoD employs the 1755-1850 MHz band to support a broad range of critical

mobile/transportable systems and a large number of installation infrastructure services, as well as

advanced wireless systems in development. The major operations supported in the band include

Tracking, Telemetry, and Commanding (TT&C) of DoD space systems, transportable tactical

radio relay communications, air combat training, fixed radio relay communications, and mobile

video control links. Specific systems include, but are not limited to, the Space Ground Link

Subsystem (SGLS) which provides spacecraft TT&C, which support tactical battlefield

communications, the Air Combat Training Systems (ACTS) used to support air combat training,

and Precision Guided Munitions (PGMs) systems. The major DoD systems that operate in this

band are described below in detail. DoD also operates numerous other systems in this band that

are critical to global operations in addition to test and training functions.
Satellite Operations (SATOPS)
DoD uses this band as the only communications link for initial contact with newly

launched satellites, for early orbit checkout of those satellites and for emergency access to

spinning/tumbling satellites. It is also vital for command and control, mission data retrieval, and

on-orbit maneuvering of its many satellites in all orbits from low earth to geostationary. SGLS,

the primary component of this network, provides continuous, worldwide, command and control

of satellites used for missile warning, navigation, military communications, weather tracking and

reporting, and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR). The information provided by

these satellites to our National Command Authority, Combatant Commanders, Military Services,

and national level decision-makers is crucial to successful execution of our national strategies.

Additionally, other federal government agencies, such as the Federal Aviation Administration

(FAA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Federal Emergency

Management Agency, state and local governments and the commercial sector benefit from the

capabilities of the satellites controlled by this network.
Tactical Radio Relay Systems
The Army, Navy, and Marine Corps operate tactical communications systems in this

frequency band that provide high capacity, digital information to the battlefield. The Army

operates the Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) system in this band. The MSE system is

deployed from the corps-level headquarters to the maneuver battalions. These systems provide a

digital microwave backbone to link mid-level and lower-level battlefield commanders. The

system operates like a high-capacity cellular telephone system with highly transportable base

stations. A corps-size deployment could deploy twelve or more microwave links depending on

the operational or exercise scenario. From command and control traffic to intelligence imagery,

logistics, medical, and morale and welfare support, MSE provides the battlefield commanders

the ability to maintain effective control over forces. MSE is a tactical system designed for rapid

mobility in the field. This is because headquarters units, with signature electronic emissions, are

targeted for artillery and missile attacks by the enemy. The ability to set up, establish a link to

higher headquarters and subordinate units and then take the link down and move is key to the

survivability of the headquarter units and supports the concept of maneuver warfare. The

microwave radio equipment and antennas are transportable and robust for field conditions. To


maintain the operator’s capability to quickly establish a tactical microwave link, continuous field

training is required.

The Navy and Marine Corps operate the Digital Wideband Transmission System

(DWTS) in this band. The Navy/Marine Corps DWTS provides a backbone digital

communications capability supporting amphibious operations and ground combat operations.

The system supports command, control and data transfer from the Marine Expeditionary Force

(MEF) level down to the regimental level. The Marine Corps element of this radio system

providing digital backbone services (voice, video, and data). This link is the only transmission

media available to the Marine Corps with sufficient bandwidth to carry large quantities of critical

data such as maps, overlays, intelligence pictures, and other data to the battlefield commanders.

The Navy has a ship-to-shore link of DWTS primarily used for amphibious operations where

most of the critical information flow is from the ship to the landing forces. Like MSE, DWTS is

a tactical system designed to enable microwave links to be quickly established in support of

combat operations and maneuver warfare.
Air Combat Training Systems (ACTS)
The Tactical Air Combat Training System/Aircrew Combat Maneuvering and

Instrumentation (TACTS/ACMI) is a complex system of hardware and software components

configured and interfaced to measure, monitor, process, communicate, store, and display weapon

and aircraft information in real-time to provide realistic training for tactical aircrews. The US

Air Force uses ACMI while TACTS supports the US Navy and Marine Corps. TACTS/ACMI is

comprised of airborne and ground-based components linked through RF communications and

operates within many prescribed training ranges in the US. The TACTS/ACMI supports training

aircrews in realistic warfighting scenarios. It supports simultaneous engagement of multiple air

combat participants in state-of-the-art air-to-air, air-to-ground, ground-to-air, and electronic

warfare (EW) environments. The system provides real-time monitoring, tracking and recording

of the training activities and includes post mission reconstruction capabilities so that crews can

receive accurate debriefing and critique of their mission thereby maximizing the benefit of the

training activities. The system provides aircrew training such as Aircraft Handling Capability,

Basic Fighter Maneuver, or Intercept and Air Combat Training sorties up to and including large

composite force training. TACTS/ACMI is the primary tool at virtually all air combat training

ranges and supports every level of training from initial schools where pilots first learn to fly the

aircraft they will take into battle to advanced tactics training schools that hone combat skills. To

ensure interoperability, training sorties are conducted with Allied Forces, both inside and outside

of the US.
Tactical Control Links/Precision Guided Munitions
Tactical Control Links that support Precision Guided Munitions (PGM) provide a

decisive combat edge to US forces. These weapons provide the capability to attack single targets

with one aircraft or one standoff weapon. PGMs increase aircrew survivability by allowing the

launch of weapons outside of any enemy anti-air system threat envelope, thereby significantly

decreasing aircrew vulnerability. PGMs require regular testing and training at CONUS sites by

operational units to maintain operational readiness. Developmental activities also require regular

testing as the PGMs are updated for new missions, threats, and capabilities.

Other Systems
The operations of a number of additional DoD systems rely on spectrum between 1755

and 1850 MHz in addition to those of the four major DoD functional capabilities described

above. Long-range point-to-point microwave system operations represent a majority of these

additional systems. These systems primarily operate at fixed locations and employ directional

antennas. A number of other mobile operations are also authorized in this band. Two mobile

systems, the Combat Identification for the Dismounted Soldier (CIDDS) and the Land Warrior

Local Area Network (LAN), are developmental systems whose operations also are dependent on

spectrum in this band segment. Land Warrior is a first-generation integrated fighting system for

dismounted soldiers. A number of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) are authorized to operate in

this band. These systems transmit video and status data from the UAS to the ground control

system (GCS) using analog FM video and data on subcarriers. Fixed point-to-point microwave,

CIDDS, the Land Warrior LAN, and UASs represent significant other uses of the 1755 to 1850

MHz band.

The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) operates a nation-wide system of fixed point-topoint

microwave links providing connectivity for monitoring water levels, remote alarms, and

communications for remote locks, dams, and other water systems. These systems provide

microwave links where no commercial communications connectivity exists. The systems are

essential to the ACE operations because they allow for remote monitoring of critical waterway

operations negating the need for full time, on-site personnel. The systems provide key

maintenance parameters, alarm indications, and provide personnel at the facility with

communications capability. These systems help ensure the safety and integrity of the nation’s

waterways and help prevent catastrophic events that could cost lives and economic damage as

well as environmental damage.

The Land Warrior system is a close combat communications system for infantrymen,

combat medics, combat engineers, forward observers, and scouts. With Land Warrior, the

soldier can both send and receive voice, video images, map overlay information, operational plan

diagrams, etc. The system provides situational awareness information among team members,

improves survivability and increases mission effectiveness while reducing the soldier’s

equipment load.

The Combat Identification of the Dismounted Solder (CIDDS) program’s purpose is to

help prevent US forces from firing on friendly forces, otherwise known as fratricide. CIDDS

employs a laser interrogator with a RF response to provide identification of friendly forces by

individual and automatic weapons users. The laser interrogation signal message identifies a set

of random frequency channels, spaced throughout the 1755-1850 MHz band for the transponder

to use in its response. Current program documentation indicates approximately 100,000 CIDDS

units will be procured to outfit dismounted soldiers in all three military services.

The Pointer UAS is a production-ready, electric, hand-launched UAS designed for

remote monitoring and surveillance. The UAS transmits real-time images taken by a black and

white, color, or thermal camera. A variety of alternative payloads such as air pollution sensing,


chemical weapons detection, and unexploded land mine detections are currently being

developed. The video link operates in the 1755-1850 MHz frequency band.

The Aberdeen Test Center (ATC) Range telemetry System provides a multi-link radio

telemetry communication capability throughout the many test ranges and facilities of the ATC.

It consists of several fixed receiving stations located at the high usage ranges/test areas and many

transportable (vehicle housed) receiving stations that are emplaced at any of the multitude of

ATC test areas or remote test sites when required to support testing projects. The test mission

and workload of the ATC requires daily support by the telemetry system. It is vital to the

accomplishment of the test and evaluation of military equipment, primarily combat and tactical

vehicles, and many items of support equipment. Testing under dynamic conditions is a

requirement, and the telemetry system provides the capability to transfer engineering

measurements from the moving vehicle to a data collection center.

The Air Force Television Ordnance Scoring System (TOSS) provides a television

ordinance scoring capability to range users in support of exercise and test missions. TOSS is a

field proven accurate weapons scoring system with a night scoring capability using infrared

3.17 2200 – 2290 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-18 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-18. DoD Operations 2200-2290 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
2200-2290 X



TeleCommand Control Link
DoD operations supported in this band include tracking, telemetry and commanding

(TT&C) of space systems and launch vehicles, and missile telemetry. The 2200-2290 MHz band

supports the companion downlink to the Space Ground Link Subsystem (SGLS) uplink in the

1755-1850 MHz band. This is the most critical DoD operation supported in this band, and one

of the most critical DoD uses of all spectrum. SGLS functions include tracking launch and space

vehicles, telemetry (downlink) from both launch and space vehicles, and command operations.

The space resources supported by SGLS are not only DoD's most expensive system of spectrumdependent

resources, but they serve as vital national sources of operational communications and

surveillance data as well. The band is also used extensively for telemetry. Air- to-air and air-tosurface

missiles cannot be tested without aeronautical telemetry. The 2200-2290 MHz band is

the only band wherein adequate, properly allocated spectrum can be found to launch, operate,

and control DoD space resources.

3.18 2290 – 2700 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-19 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-19. DoD Operations 2290-2700 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
2290-2700 X




Tactical Communications

Wireless LAN’s

Radar Test & Simulation

Antenna Experimentation

Deep Space Surveillance

DoD operations supported in this portion of the spectrum include telemetry for aircraft

and missile flight testing, deep space observation, rocket and missile launch monitoring,

satellite communications, galactic and extragalactic radio astronomy, microwave

communications, and the operation of simulators during combat aircrew training for surface-toair

missile operations. Additional DoD operations supported in this band include military radar

tests and enemy radar simulations; scoring of air-to-air missiles against drone targets; antenna

experimentation; and certification of defense navigation systems. The Air Force and Navy also

use this band for target identification and certification of navigation systems at high speeds.

The Army uses the 2400-2483 MHz portion of this band for tactical communications and for

Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs).
3.19 2700 – 2900 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-20 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-20. DoD Operations 2700-2900 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
2700-2900 X


Range ATC

Weather Surveillance Radar
The primary DoD operations performed in this band include airport surveillance radar,

ground control approach (GCA) radar, and weather surveillance radar. The operations of all

three of these classes of equipment are essential for aviation safety.

ATC and GCA equipments are employed for terminal air guidance within sixty miles of

military airports. The purpose is to detect aircraft within a specified radius of an airport


terminaland to provide accurate real-time azimuth and range information to the airport air traffic


Weather radar equipments are deployed throughout the continental US (CONUS) by

military and non-military organizations to monitor current weather conditions and collect data

that is used to develop local and regional weather forecasts. These weather radars support

weather surveillance and storm prediction throughout CONUS.

The unifying purpose of the functions supported in this band is safety-of-life. Aerial

targets, drones, missiles, aerostats, and aircraft must be monitored continuously during flight to

minimize potential loss of life due to controller error, weather anomaly, or equipment failure.

Range air traffic controllers must manage the flight patterns of aircraft within respective

airspace, or collisions between aircraft may result. Test range procedures mandate that airborne

equipment under test be monitored continuously and with precision to ensure range safety.
3.20 2900 – 3100 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-21 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-21. DoD Operations 2900-3100 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
2900-3100 X


Distance Measuring Equipment


3D Surveillance Radar

Air/Surface Search & Navigation

The 2900-3100 MHz band is used nationally for three-dimensional long-range

surveillance precision approach, shipborne radionavigation, and air traffic control (ATC). In

accordance with safety requirements outlined by international treaty, this band is also used for

maritime radionavigation on an international basis. In addition to military operations

supporting long-range surveillance, precision approach, and ATC, the military uses this band

to support threat simulator and experimental test operations.

Army operations in this portion of the spectrum are used to support the operations of

aeronautical radionavigation, surveillance radar and RDT&E activities. Additionally, Army

operates Land and Mobile Radiolocation service operations of Distance Measuring Equipment

(DME) and navigational aid controls. Variants of the Conic DM-40 and DM-43 are used by the

Army Corps of Engineers at dams and locks on US rivers and waterways in support of


The Navy uses this band to support coastal, dockside and sea trial operations for crew

training. The Navy also supports the operation of height-finding radar and high-accuracy

positioning of sea and airborne targets. The operation of sea surface surveillance radar at test

facilities is also supported in this band.


The Air Force operates surveillance radars in this portion of the spectrum for air

control operations, navigational aids, training, and test range support.
3.21 3100 – 3600 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-22 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-22. DoD Operations 3100-3600 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
3100-3600 X

Command Control Link

Counter Battery Fire Radar

Search, Track & Missile Direction

Navigation & Collision Avoidance

Carrier-Controlled Surveillance

Airborne Early Warning (AEW)

Radar Altimeters

Tactical Air Defense Surveillance

The major functions of DoD systems operating in this frequency range are airborne and

shipboard air surveillance, artillery location, aircraft station keeping, and missile data links.

DoD uses the 3100-3600 MHz band primarily for mobile radar and missile link operations.

There are several operational mobile radars in the band, and they are among the most important

DoD tactical radars in use today. These radars have a primary mission of detection and tracking

air targets for airborne early warning.

The Navy uses the 3100-3600 MHz band for a major Shipborne radar system. DoD also

plans to develop and deploy the Navy’s new volume search radar, operating in the 2-4 GHz

band, on the next generation destroyers.

DoD operates a radar used for specialized surveillance and identification and control.

The radar operates in the 2-4 GHz part of the spectrum.

Other DoD radar applications in this band include an Army mobile counter-battery radar

that supports Field Artillery. The radar detects and tracks in-flight projectiles, providing the

location of the firing unit or battery and projectile impact. There are also shipborne air traffic

control radar systems used for aircraft marshaling. In addition, the Air Force uses a radar system

in this band on Air Force C-130s and C-141s to perform station-keeping operations during

formation flying. These units display the locations of each aircraft in formation, allow trackwhile-

scan, and exchange maneuver messages between equipped aircraft. Another system is a

ground-based zone marker used during parachute drops.

3.22 4200 – 4400 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-23 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-23. DoD Operations 4200-4400 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
4200-4400 X Radar Altimeters


The 4200-4400 MHz band is used both nationally and internationally for aircraft radar

altimetry. Radar altimetry operations are essential during instrumented take-off and landing of

aircraft and during instrumented flight. The altimetry data provided while en route is also

essential for instrumented navigation.

The 4200-4400 MHz band is used extensively to support radar altimeter operations on

both fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. DoD has approximately 17,000 aircraft in inventory of

which more than 15,000 are instrumented with one or more radar altimeters. Radar altimeters

are also employed on some missile variants, drone aircraft, and UASs. Because of thecapability

to achieve increased precision and accuracy at altitudes less than 1,000 feet, they are often used

to supply height-controlling commands in automatic approach and landing systems as well as

ground proximity warning systems and weapons delivery systems. Most radar altimeters are

designed to provide altitude data from ground level to a height of 5,000 feet above ground level;

although, several systems currently deployed provide altitude data up to 70,000 feet above

ground level.

In addition to the Army’s approximately 5,900 aircraft that are instrumented with radar

altimeters, the Army also supports RDT&E operations in this portion of the spectrum.

The Navy radar altimeter operations support Tomahawk cruise missile tests and Tactical

Aircrew Combat Training System (TACTS) operations. Altimeter RDT&E is also performed by

the Navy in this portion of the spectrum. The Navy and Marine Corps have approximately 4,800

aircraft that are instrumented with radar altimeters.

The Air Force operations in this portion of the spectrum include radar altimeter

operations and some regionalized test operations involving cruise missiles and drone aircraft.

Radar altimeters are primarily used as navigational aids. The Air Force has approximately 6,200

aircraft that are instrumented with radar altimeters. The Air Force Global Hawk UAS carries

radar altimeters whose operations depend on the 4200-4400 MHz band for precision altitude

information during takeoff and landing. Global Hawk is a high-altitude endurance UAS

designed to loiter above a region and provide ground commanders with radar, visible, and

infrared imagery.

3.23 4400 – 4990 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-24 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-24. DoD Operations 4400-4900 MHz Band
The major functions of DoD systems operating in this frequency range are point-to-point

communications, data links supporting exchange of weapons sensor data, and telemetry and

command links for weapons and range systems.

DoD uses this band to satisfy many of the requirements for high capacity, multi-channel,

point-to-point communications. These systems may be either digital or analog. There are

thousands of frequency assignments for both fixed and transportable communications systems in

this band supporting all of the Military Services as well as National Guard units. Many of the

transportable units are used to affect tri-service tactical area communications. CONUS

operations of these systems are almost entirely for training. US forces when deployed use these

radios extensively. This band supports the operations of many fixed and transportable line-ofsight

and trans-horizon radio-relay systems. It should be noted that systems with a trans-horizon

mode have comparatively high-powered transmitters and use the phenomenon of tropospheric

scattering to communicate at distances up to 400 km. The point-to-point, line-of-sight, and

troposcatter communications systems in this band transfer voice, video, and data between

individual end-users. These systems support tactical as well as training and administrative


The Navy operates a system in this portion of the spectrum to transfer LAMPS MK III

helicopter ASW sensor data to shipboard data terminals for aerial platforms. Helicopter radar

and ESM data can also be transferred over the link. The Navy also operates its Cooperative

Engagement Capability in this band. The mission of Cooperative Engagement Capability is to

form a timely and highly accurate distributed AAW picture and to share fire control radar track

data between individual units in the net to establish a common, composite track database that can

be utilized by each unit to conduct weapons engagements.

DoD also uses this band to support datalinks and video links for several different

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) (Pioneer, Shadow, and Camcopter). The primary mission of

UAS data links is to provide information gathered by sensors onboard various unmanned aerial

vehicles to ground control stations and to control UAS operations. The UAS links in this band

are line-of-sight only; other frequency bands support additional UAS links.
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
4400-4900 X


Command Control Link

UAS Video Links

Weapon Systems Telemetry

Weapon System Sensor Datalink

3.24 5000 – 5250 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-25 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-25. DoD Operations 5000-5250 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
5000-5250 X ATC

The key DoD system operating in this band is the Air Force Mobile Microwave

Landing System (MMLS). This system is a tactical military precision approach and landing

system that is compatible with civil Microwave Landing System (MLS ), military airborne

and fixed aeronautical radionavigation MLS/ILS (Instrument Landing System), tactical air

navigation, and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) systems.

Army operation in this spectrum band is limited. The only Army system identified is

a Proximity Warning Device.

The Navy makes very limited use of this band and currently only operates a signal

generator for special projects.
3.25 5250 – 5350 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-26 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-26. DoD Operations 5250-5350 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
5250-5350 X

Telemetry Video/Data Links

Mobile Air Defense Radar

Surveillance & Tracking Radar

Radar RDT&E

UAS Datalinks
The primary DoD operations supported in this portion of the spectrum are mobile air

defense radars, surveillance and tracking radars, and telemetry (video or data) links.

The Army currently has the only operational radar system in the band, the PATRIOT

radar. While this is the only DoD radar system currently operating in this band, it is one of

DoD's most important land-based radars. Additionally, the Navy is exploring wideband

operations for a next-generation shipboard radar. These multi-function radars are specifically

designed, or being designed, to simultaneously detect and track tens to hundreds of military

targets and respond to threats in enough time to establish defensive measures.


The Pioneer Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) has an alternate video and telemetry link

that operates in this band. Additional UAS links for the Predator and Hunter Joint Tactical UAV

(JTUAV) have also been developed in this band. In the mid-term these UAS links are projected

to migrate to other bands.
3.26 5350 – 5650 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-27 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-27. DoD Operations 5350-5650 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
5350-5650 X

Missile & Fire-Control

Sea Surface Search/Navigation

Mobile Air Defense

Test Range Instrumentation

Range Tracking Radars

UAS Datalinks
The principal DoD operations supported in this band are mobile air defense radars,

weather radar, surface search/navigation radars, missile and gun fire control functions, test

range instrumentation, and telemetry operations. Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) radars operate in

this band as part of an advanced, ground-based air defense missile system.

The 5350-5650 MHz band supports the operation of a variety of test range radars and

transponders. Most of these radars operate over a tuning range of 5400-5900 MHz. These

systems are used at a number of DoD test and training ranges and missile test launch facilities

located across the continental US and Hawaii.

DoD also uses this band for UAS datalink transmissions. This function is performed on

a non-interference basis. The Pioneer UAS has a primary radio frequency downlink at 4 GHz.

The downlink data may be video, infrared sensor, or telemetry data. The Predator UAS

communications between ground elements and this UAS take place in the 5250-5850 MHz

frequency range in one line-of-sight mode. Alternate downlink data transmissions take place in

the lower segment of this band (5350-5450 MHz) and uplink communications take place over the

entire band.
3.27 5650-5850 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-28 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-28. DoD Operations 5650-5850 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
5650-5850 X

Missile & Fire-Control

Air/Surface Surveillance

Target Acquisition

Range Tracking Radars

UAS Telemetry

Data/Video Links
The major DoD operations supported in this spectrum band are air surveillance, target

tracking, range tracking, missile data links, UAS telemetry, and video links. While other radar

bands do support simultaneous search and track radars, only the 3 GHz and 5 GHz radar bands

permit the development of military radars that have small enough antenna apertures to be mobile

systems. They also provide great enough range capabilities to serve as medium range radars.

This critical characteristic has resulted in the development of extremely high value military

radars in this band. These multi-function radars are specifically designed to concurrently detect

and track hundreds of military targets and respond to threats in time to establish defensive

3.28 5850 – 5925 MHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-29 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-29. DoD Operations 5850-5925 MHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
5850-5925 X

Range Tracking Radar

Beacon Transponder

DoD operations supported in this band include instrumentation support, tracking radars,

and beacon transponder operations on DoD test ranges.

Instrumentation and range tracking radars are used to support the testing of missiles,

aircraft, and rockets. Additionally, beacon transponders, which operate over the 5400-5900

MHz frequency range, use a portion of this band. Beacon transponders are installed onboard

missiles and other test objects to enhance radar tracking of the test objects. This tracking is

accomplished through the interrogation of the beacon by the tracking radar and a response from

the transponder.

Army systems in this band include range tracking radars and beacon transponders, which

are used on several test ranges within the continental US. The Army also supports the

Transportable Trojan Spirit II Satellite Communications Terminal in this band.


The Navy operates range tracking radars and beacon transponders in this portion of the

spectrum. These systems are used for training and special operations. Additionally, the Air

Force supports operation of an instrumentation radar and radar testing signal generators in this

band of spectrum. Other Air Force systems operating in this band are used to track radar

3.29 7.125 – 8.450 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-30 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-30. DoD Operations 7.125-8.450 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
7.125-8.450 X


Command Control Link


Air & Sea Surveillance

Target Acquisition

Low-Altitude Aircraft Detection

Weapon System IFF

DoD operations in this portion of the spectrum include air traffic control (ATC),

administrative point-to-point communications, RDT&E support, and satellite communications.

The point-to-point circuits are used to support numerous functions such as test and training

range video, specialized air defense, and Presidential support as well as test and training range

safety, control, simulators, and target scoring. Other operations consist of data transfer for

training systems such as the Tactical Air Combat Training System (TACTS), Air Combat

Maneuvering and Instrumentation (ACMI) systems, and electronic warfare training. The band is

also critical for DoD global satellite communications support.

The Army uses this spectrum for point-to-point communications using DoD satellites

RDT&E support and range operations (target scoring). The Navy’s use of this band includes

ATC, radar data transfer, maintenance and calibration, and remote studio links. Air Force

operations include satellite communications on DoD satellites, ATC, and other training

3.30 8.5 – 9.0 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary
Table 3-31 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-31. DoD Operations 8.5-9 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
8.5-9.0 X


Command Control Link


Navigation & Collision Avoidance

Acquisition & Tracking

Missile & Fire-Control

Submarine Surface


Aircraft Control Approach

Maritime Surveillance

Helicopter Search

Multi-mode Fire-Control

ASW Search

Multi-mode Airborne Radar

Navigation & Mapping

Terrain Following/Avoidance

SAR & Moving Target Indicator


Radar Altimeters

Search, Rescue & Weather


Portable Ground Surveillance

Long-Range Theatre Ballistic

Missile Detection
The 8.5 - 9.0 GHz band is used primarily by DoD to support fixed, mobile, and

transportable operations of target acquisition and target tracking radar systems. This band is

used by DoD to support RDT&E operations on national and military test ranges. Experimental

operations are included in this band but on a non-interference basis (NIB).

The Army’s typical use of this band is for Distance Measuring Equipment in support of

Army Corps of Engineers operations. The Army operates a rendezvous beacon transponder,

which is used on helicopters. Similar equipment is also employed by the Air Force, and its

operation is functionally equivalent to that of numerous other beacons fielded by the Air Force

and Navy. Key equipment operated by the Navy in this band includes engagement radars whose

operations support ship-borne gunnery and missile fire control for both offensive and defensive

purposes, airborne surveillance radar, submarine surveillance and navigation radar and

rendezvous beacon equipment. The primary Air Force capabilities include rendezvous beacon

radar equipment, aircraft-based Doppler navigation radar equipment, test range bomb scoring

equipment, target acquisition radar equipment, and test range support equipment. Rendezvous

beacon equipment is employed on aircraft to extend the range of surface-borne tracking radars

during test and training exercises. Bomb scoring equipment is employed from ground-based

locations to score the performance of pilots during training exercises. Target acquisition radar

equipment would typically be used to engage and target enemy aircraft during tactical

operations. These operations are vital to successful flight and surveillance of military aircraft as

well as testing and training exercises.

3.31 9.5 – 10.45 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-32 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-32. DoD Operations 9.5-10.45 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
9.5-10.45 X

Navigation & Collision Avoidance

Acquisition & Tracking

Missile & Fire-Control

Submarine Surface Nav/Search

Aircraft Control Approach

Maritime Surveillance

Helicopter Search

Multi-mode Fire-Control

ASW Search

Multi-mode Airborne Radar

Multi-mode Weapon Control

Navigation & Mapping

Terrain Following/Avoidance

SAR & Moving Target Indicator


Search, Rescue & Weather


Portable Ground Surveillance

Long-Range Theatre Ballistic

Missile Detection
DoD operations in the 9.5 to 10.45 GHz band include tactical radar operations onboard

ships and aircraft, navigational aids (NAVAIDS) operations, RDT&E support, and test-range

simulator operations. DoD also supports additional capabilities such as electronic warfare (EW)

training, test-range simulator operations, and calibration.

Army operations include multiple ground-based radars for test and training and the

operation of ground-based sensors. The Army also supports test and training with target

acquisition radar, high-power illuminator radar, and a counter fire radar system. Additional

capabilities/requirements supported in this band include precision acquisition radar operations at

Army airfields, operation of tracking radars, rendezvous beacons, and meteorological (balloontracking)

radars at many of the Army ranges. Key Army capabilities/requirements are artillery,

rocket, and mortar locating radar including tracking radar system employed to detect and track

up to 50 fast and slow-moving, fixed- or rotary-wing aircraft as well as UASs. Navy operations

include Ship-borne navigation, surface and airspace search radar systems, and fire control

systems. Additional one-of-a-kind equipment supported by the Navy, in this band, includes the

cloud physics research radar and distance measurement equipment. The Navy also supports their

Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy Check Site (FORACS) ship-borne equipment calibration

operations, simulator electronic warfare, and electronic countermeasure operations in this band

on a non-interference basis. Characteristic Navy equipment are fire control and targeting radar

systems. These interoperate with precision munitions like the Advanced Medium Air-to-Air

Missile System (AMRAAM). The Air Force supports the contingency airborne reconnaissance

system (CARS) datalink for both manned and unmanned aeronautical vehicles. It can be flown


on manned aircraft as well as UASs, such as the Global Hawk. The Air Force also supports fire

control radar equipment, aircraft transponder systems, synthetic aperture radar, and battlefield

surveillance radar within this band. Examples of test, training, and simulation capabilities

supported in this band are enemy surface-to-air missile (SAM) simulation, anti-aircraft artillery

(AAA) simulation, electronic warfare, and radar bomb scoring performance evaluation systems

at numerous Air Force test ranges. Airborne fire control equipment is employed on several

thousand Air Force fighter and bomber aircraft. Fire control radar is employed for air-to-air

combat and air-to-surface attack. The Air Force also supports the operation of airborne, allweather

ground surveillance radar that is designed to locate and track slow moving and

stationary ground-based vehicles, such as tanks.
3.32 14.5 – 15.35 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-33 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-33. DoD Operations 14.5-15.35 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
14.5 –15.35 X


Command Control Link


Air & Sea Surveillance

Target Acquisition

Low-Altitude Aircraft Detection

DoD operations in the 14.5 to 15.35 GHz portion of the spectrum include point-to-point

and multi-point fixed communications, transportable tactical communications, electronic warfare

(EW) training, and test range operations. The military Services use frequencies in this portion of

the spectrum to support several key systems for point-to-point and multi-point microwave and

remote sensor applications. Additionally, several types of threat emitters and simulators tune

through this band and are used for Electronic Warfare (EW) exercises and training. Several

transportable tactical systems tune within this band and are employed at numerous locations for

exercises and training.

Point-to-point microwave communications is a major Army capability supported in the

14.5 to 15.35 GHz band. These operations support video, data, and audio requirements at test

ranges throughout the US and at selected locations worldwide. The Army conducts training on

MSE and “down-the-hill” radios and TERRACOM 608B training at numerous locations within

the US and Possessions (US&P). Several Army installations also use an Air Defense Threat

Simulator to conduct helicopter pilot training. The Navy uses this band for support of EW

training using a family of threat emitters and simulators. The Navy’s Fleet Operational

Readiness Accuracy Check Site (FORACS), fixed microwave systems, and an Intrusion

Detection System also operate in this band. Similar to the Navy, the Air Force supports EW

training using a family of threat emitters and simulators operating in this band as well as fixed


microwave links supporting test range operations, remote feeds for air traffic control radar data,

and video/audio links.
3.33 15.7 – 17.3 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-34 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-34. DoD Operations 15.7-17.3 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
15.7-17.3 X

Command Control Link


Multi-mode Airborne Radar


Navigation & Mapping

Terrain Following/Avoidance


DoD operations/requirements supported in the 15.7-17.3 GHz band include: airborne

terrain-following and forward-looking radars, RDT&E of missile guidance and target-tracking

radars, experimental operations and calibration of sensors, and navigational equipment.

Additional DoD operations supported in this band include airborne tactical radar training

operations, navigational aids (NAVAIDS) operations, NAVAIDS RDT&E support, test-range

simulator operations, and sensor calibrations. Some individual military Service applications are

discussed below.

The Army uses this portion of the spectrum for ground-based radar equipment

training, RDT&E operations, portable combat surveillance radar equipment, and

mortar/artillery fire locating radar for training. The Army also operates a White Sands

Missile Range (WSMR) tracking radar and muzzle velocity radar measurement equipment in

this portion of the spectrum. The Army also supports operation of a radar cross section

measurement range to evaluate refinements to the Radar Advanced Measurement and Target

Scatter System (RATSCAT).

Other DoD systems operating in this band include the UAS Tactical Endurance

Synthetic Aperture Radar (TESAR), Grisly Hunter demonstration radar, and the UAS Small

Tactical Synthetic Aperture Radar (STACSAR). The Navy operations supported in this band

include equipment associated with a Missile Defense System, operations of the LANTIRN

Terrain Following Radar (TFR), and ground-based operations of a weapons delivery and

drop-zone marking system. Similar to the Army, the Marine Corps operates mortar/artillery

fire locating radar for training in this band. Additional Navy operations supported in this

band include a six-system net of projectile velocimeter equipment for RDT&E purposes, the

Navy’s ship-borne fire control systems, an airborne navigation/bombing system, and an

additional terrain following radar system. The Air Force operations supported in the 15.7 to

17.3 GHz band include a forward-looking, multi-mode radar on the MH-53J Pave Low III


helicopter, RDT&E support operations of the Airborne Real-Time Information System

(ARTIS) transponder, and another transponder employed by the Air Force Special

Operations Command for special tactics team training. Other Air Force operations /

capabilities supported in the 15.7 to 17.3 GHz band include the LANTIRN Terrain Following

Radar (TFR), and a multi-mode radar installed on C-130 Combat Talon II aircraft. The Air

Force also supports fix-tuned training and simulator operations requirements for the Roland

Missile guidance command link, tracking radar, and beacon system in this band as well as

fire control and additional forward-looking terrain-following radar equipment.
3.34 20.2 – 21.2 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

This band is generally addressed in section 4.4.
3.35 24.05 – 24.25 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-35 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.

Table 3-35. DoD Operations 24.05-24.25 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
24.05-24.25 X




Vehicle Speed Detection
DoD primarily supports law enforcement operations in the 24.05-24.25 GHz band.

Additional operations or capabilities supported in this band include operations at a radar crosssection

(RCS) measurement facility, experimental operations for ship-borne calibration,

intrusion detection, and antenna performance measurement equipment.

The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force use this portion of the spectrum to

support law enforcement operations. The Army also supports RDT&E and the operations of the

K-Band Doppler Transceiver, which is the motion detection component of the Mobile Detection

Assessment Response System-Interior (MDARS-I). In addition to law enforcement operations,

the Navy also supports the operation of their FORACS system in this band. The Air Force

operates a RCS measurement facility at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in this portion of

the spectrum as well as a Signal Generator used to measure out-of-band aircraft antenna

performance. The Air Force also supports operations of a Relocatable Sensor System (RSS)

employed for unattended perimeter security.

3.36 25.25 – 25.5 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-36 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-36. DoD Operations 25.25-25.5 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
25.25-25.5 X T&E

DoD uses this band primarily for experimental work with the Navy FORACS program

and for the Air Force Radar Cross Section Measurement System. Specific uses include antenna

testing, radar cross-section determination, and fleet readiness testing.
3.37 25.5 – 27.0 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-37 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-37. DoD Operations 25.5-27.0 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
25.5-27.0 X


Range Opns


DoD operations supported in this band include antenna testing, radar cross-section

determination, fleet readiness testing, and test range operations.

The Army operates point-to-point microwave communication links supporting test range

operations in the band. The Navy operates portions of its FORACS program in this band. As

well, the Air Force supports the development and evaluation of aircraft antennas in this portion

of the spectrumalong with its Radar Cross Section Measurement Systemand is developing a

Wireless Broadband System (WBS) in this band. WBS is a two-way voice, video, and data

distribution network for use at air bases.
3.38 27 – 27.5 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage Summary
Table 3-38 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-38. DoD Operations 27-27.5 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
27-27.5 X RDT&E

DoD operations in this band are very limited. The operations supported include

experimentation and proof of concept testing of millimeter wave links, development and

evaluation of aircraft antennas, and fleet readiness testing.

DoD uses this band primarily for experimental work with the Navy FORACS program,

the Air Force Radar Cross Section Measurement System, and developing and performing proof

of concept demonstrations of a millimeter wave link.
3.39 30.0 – 31.0 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

This band is generally addressed in Section 4.4.
3.40 33.4 – 36.0 GHz Band: Mission, Functions, and Usage

Table 3-39 depicts the major DoD application/operations supported in this spectrum band.
Table 3-39. DoD Operations 33.4-36.0 GHz Band
US&P Allocations



use only


Bands DoD Application
33.4-36.0 X

MMW Radar

Cloud Detection Radar

Weather Surveillance Radar

Space Surveillance

PIRS Radar
The 33.4 to 36.0 GHz band is primarily used by DoD for supporting RDT&E operations.

Specific RDT&E functions include radar cross-section (RCS) measurement, spectral imaging, reentry

vehicle splash detection, cloud surveillance, and simulation of enemy air defenses. Other

DoD uses of this band include equipment calibration, weather surveillance, and vehicular speed


Key Army operations supported in the 33.4 to 36.0 GHz band include the operations

of a dual-band, millimeter wave (MMW) radar, and operation of cloud detection radar. The

operations of these two systems support final-phase, pre-impact tracking of missiles launched

for test purposes and is a constituent part of the Kwajalein Missile Range (KMR). KMR is

considered to be a vital national asset because it is the only location available for testing US

exoatmospheric ballistic missile defense intercepts, and it is one of only two US Anti57

Ballistic Missile Treaty-approved ballistic missile defense test locations. The Army also

supports the Radar Advanced Measurement and Target Scatter System (RATSCAT) system

in this portion of the spectrum and a Radar Seeker System.

The Navy operates portions of its FORACS system and the Air Force supports law

enforcement, Air Force Flight Test Center RDT& E, cloud detection radar used for remote

sensing and weather research, and fire control system test and evaluation in this portion of

the spectrum. The Air Force also supports the operations of the Polarimetric Imaging Radar

System (PIRS). The PIRS was designed to operate on aircraft strictly for test purposes (i.e.,

the PIRS was not designed for tactical use) and is used to collect radar imaging data.

Another Air Force capability supported on a NIB is the operation of instrumentation radar

used to collect radar data on various targets and terrain features from fixed platforms,

buildings, and towers. The Research and Seeker Emulation Radar (ERASER) is also used to

support laboratory in-house MMW seeker research. A Signal Generator used to test antennas

in support of airborne equipment target classifier performance studies operates in this band.

The Advanced Cross Section Measurement Radar is also supported in this band as well as the

Radar Advanced Measurement and Target Scatter System (RATSCAT).
3.41 Summary of Current DoD Spectrum Usage
This section has focused on providing a general summary of the spectrum bands that

the Department of Defense employs in support of the numerous spectrum-dependent

capabilities that are required to uphold its global mission. The above discussion addresses

the majority of bands, both federal exclusive and shared bands that DoD uses. While DoD

also uses a number of other bands, those addressed above (and in a subsequent section)

reflecting satellite communications spectrum use provide significant insight into the varied

applications to which DoD employs spectrum to support in addition to the numerous

functions for which these applications are essential. The next section will address DoD’s

anticipated future demands for spectrum support and the way in which future demands will

impact certain spectrum bands. The discussion of bands used for satellite communications

will encompass both current and future needs.

4.0 Future Needs and Growth Assessment (2015-2020)

4.1 DoD Spectrum Requirements, Including Bandwidth and

Frequency Location for Future Technologies or Services
As a result of addressing the first task from the Executive Memorandum for agencyspecific

strategic spectrum plans, DoD determined that it would need to address current spectrum

usage and demands as well as provide information on future spectrum requirements. Current

spectrum usage and demands are presented first to establish DoD’s baseline spectrum usage.

The approach used to address baseline spectrum requirements focuses on providing an

understanding of the many spectrum bands in which DoD currently operates, and on which DoD

is critically dependent. DoD’s future spectrum needs are subsequently addressed and the

discussion is structured primarily according to major categories of service. The categories used

for DoD’s future spectrum demands assessment include terrestrial, satellite communications,

radar, and test/training. Future spectrum needs are addressed by providing assessments of how

each of the major categories of services for applicable bands and systems are projected to

experience an increased demand for spectrum use in the future.

This section of the DoD Strategic Spectrum Plan will address DoD’s future systems,

technologies, and services that will be both dependent on spectrum resources and have

significant impact on DoD’s growing spectrum needs. To help ensure that spectrum is available,

DoD must first understand and articulate its spectrum needs. DoD’s concern/need includes both

US&P and non-US&P for day-to-day infrastructure, training, and operational scenarios. One of

the major challenges here is accurately determining spectrum needs arising from the vast US&P

camp/post/base/station day-to-day infrastructure activities. Not only is it difficult to determine

what equipment is present, but it is also difficult to determine its specific spectrum operational

use during these activities.

Over the next twenty years, US forces will experience operational environments that are
increasingly complex, uncertain, and dynamic. The Net-Centric Environment Joint Functional

Concept29 is an information and decision superiority-based concept which describes the

organization and operations of joint forces in the future. The networking of all joint force

elements will enable unparalleled information sharing and collaboration. Full exploitation of

both shared knowledge and technical connectivity will thereby increase the joint force mission

effectiveness and efficiency in support of military transformation.

Critical to achieving this capability is communications connectivity and flexibility across

geographically dispersed, heterogeneous systems at capacity levels far greater than previously

experienced. Indications are that DoD will experience increased usage of EM spectrum for

numerous systems in the future. The frequency bands most affected for terrrestial systems are

depicted in Figure 4-1.
29 Net-Centric Environment Joint Functional Concept, Version 1, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, April 7, 2005

3 MHz 30 MHz 300 MHz 3 GHz 30 GHz 300 GHz

4.2 – 4.4 GHz

9.5 – 17.3 GHz

33.4 – 38.0 GHz
3 MHz – 2.29 GHz
Figure 4-1 Bands in which DoD spectrum usage is expected to increase.
4.2 Transformation Development Initiatives
To this end, DoD has embarked on a comprehensive plan to reinvent the tactical

communications infrastructure. The following DoD development initiatives are a manifestation

of this reinvention and create the framework for addressing future spectrum needs.
Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) The JTRS is a family of modular, software-defined,

multi-band, multi-mode radios that will replace virtually the entire current inventory of tactical

radios and, ultimately, SATCOM terminals as well. Furthermore, JTRS radios will have

inherent cross banding and a networking capability that will enable mobile forces to remain

connected to an Internet Protocol (IP) based network.
Warfighter Information Network – Tactical (WIN-T) WIN-T is the US Army’s high-capacity,

high-speed, backbone communications network that will provide the required reach, reachback,

interoperability, and network operations for the Maneuver Units of Action (UA) and seamlessly

interface with JTRS. It will extend to the individual warfighter platform level and offer seamless

interoperability with other networks, including legacy, joint, coalition, and even commercial

networks utilizing all available links to support the warfighter anywhere on the globe.
High Capacity Line-of-Sight (HCLOS) – The HCLOS radio is part of the Army's area common

user system (ACUS) program. ACUS is the first phase of the warfighter information networkterrestrial,

or WIN-T program. The Army also anticipates using the HCLOS radio with MSE

which is equipment configured for a brigade subscriber node for initial brigade combat teams.

HCLOS technology will increase link capacities from the current 1 Mbps to more than 8 Mbps.
Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW) High data rate waveform development is an integral

part of the JTRS Program. Within the JTRS context, the Wideband Networking Waveform

(WNW) is key to providing wideband networking capabilities.
Future Combat Systems (FCS) FCS is a joint networked system of systems connected via an

advanced network architecture that will enable levels of joint connectivity, situational awareness

and understanding, and synchronized operations heretofore unachievable. The FCS

communication network is comprised of several homogenous communication systems such as

JTRS with the WNW, Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW), Network Data Link, and WIN-T. FCS


leverages all available resources to provide a robust, survivable, scalable, and reliable

heterogeneous communications network that seamlessly integrates ground, airborne, and

spaceborne assets for constant connectivity and layered redundancy.
Common Data Link (CDL) CDL will provide communications paths using JTRS software

communications architecture. The project includes a number of separate tasks dealing with

tactical CDL for UASs, a wideband integrated CDL for Network Centric Collaborative

Targeting, and development of an ultra-wideband airborne laser.

In the future, these and other current and planned developments will have a dramatic impact

on throughput requirements for tactical DoD systems. In addition to considering the impacts of

these major developments, DoD also surveyed the research and development and the acquisition

elements of the Military Departments regarding other programs. The purpose of the survey was

to collect information on as many programs as possible that are expected to influence spectrum

usage and requirements in the future. A significant number of survey responses were received

and proved to provide very useful insights, though they represent only a portion of the actual

programs that will have future impacts on spectrum requirements. The throughput requirements

of the major development initiatives, as well as for those programs providing survey responses,

indicate that in many instances there will be a corresponding impact on EM spectrum usage.
4.3 Future Terrestrial Spectrum Needs and Growth Trends
Each of the aforementioned has one or more terrestrial components. Taken together, these

new systems will affect the amount of data being exchanged on the battlefield and, as such, will

have an impact on future demand for EM spectrum. Terrestrial spectrum usage is comprised of

both mobile and fixed systems as defined by the following:
Mobile Systems – Systems (used while in motion or during halts at unspecified points) that

include land, maritime, and aeronautical mobile services. Generally, systems employing nondirectional

antennas are assigned to this category, since mobility and/or connectivity

requirements would make directional antennas relatively impractical for most applications.
Fixed Systems – Within DoD, there are numerous fixed (point-to-point) systems that

provide service over operating distances of up to approximately 60 km. These systems often

share frequencies in the mobile bands using directional antennas. Some of these systems are

permanently “fixed” in a certain location. Other systems include tactical terminals that are

regarded as “fixed”, even though they are actually “fixed-transportable.” For the assessment

herein, point-to-point refers to radio transmission between or among two or more stationary

systems employing directional antennas.

Terrestrial spectrum requirements considered herein have been subdivided into two broad

categories representing different physical operating concepts and technical implementations,

namely: (1) Operations below 3 GHz and (2) Operations above 3 GHz. Each reflects unique

challenges with respect to access and use of the spectrum.

4.3.1 DoD Terrestrial Spectrum Requirements Growth Below 3 GHz
DoD terrestrial mobile radio systems include the Enhanced Position Location Reporting

System (EPLRS), HAVEQUICK radios, hand-held, manpack and vehicular-mounted radios (to

include Abrams tanks, Bradley Fighting Vehicles, High Mobility Multi-wheeled Vehicle

(HUMMV), etc.), and radios used in VHF and UHF Common Radio Nets. The point-to-point

category consists primarily of terrestrial elements of weapon system command/video links, MSE

radio, and the HCLOS radio (225 to 400 MHz and 1,350 to 2,690 MHz).

Projections for future mobile spectrum requirements include the JTRS family of radios and

the addition of unmanned ISR and combat delivery platforms. Although the JTRS is a multifunction

software supported system, its initial fielding is geared at replacing legacy radio systems

and maintaining the fundamental structure of current operational communications architectures.

As such, the JTRS will not have an appreciable impact on spectrum requirements until fielding

of the Army’s Future Force – the Unit of Action (UA) / Unit of Employment (UE) in 2014. The

UA will leverage the JTRS WNW to support increased information demand and drive a

corresponding increase in spectrum requirements.

DoD’s need for access to EM spectrum for terrestrial mobile systems will experience

significant growth over the next decade. Many of the systems operating in the bands presented

in Table 4-1 reflect a projected increase in spectrum use. Most of these are due to the additional

requirements to support fielding of new capabilities such as unmanned ground/air vehicles and to

support additional Combat Net Radio (CNR) links associated with echelon adjustments to force

structure as a result of transformation and increased use of maneuver forces.

The trend depicted in Table 4-1 is the result of a significantly increased requirement for

mobile spectrum use beyond 2014. This increase is in support of the joint transformational

communications concepts of the Army and Marine Corps FCS, the Air Force Command and

Control Constellation, and Navy FORCEnet. Mobile spectrum usage beyond 2014 is driven by

transition to WNW wireless networks that contribute to the realization of Network-Centric

Warfare. These networks will provide increased situational awareness, dissemination of timely

intelligence, and direct high-bandwidth communications to all battlefield users.

Table 4-1.

Future Terrestrial DoD Spectrum Usage Below 3GHz

(MHz) Service or System Increased Usage

in Band
3-30 Voice / Data YES

30-88 Voice / Data YES


Differential GPS (DGPS) Data


Voice / Data

162-174 LMR YES

216-225 Radiolocation YES



Command Control Link





Command Control Link

420-450 LMR

902-928 Radar YES

932-935 Radar YES

941-944 Radar YES

960-1215 IFF







Command Control Link


Video Link





2200-2290 WIN-T


Flight Test Telemetry

Command Control Link



2700-2900 Meteorological
Radiolocation UNK

2900-3100 Radar YES

4.3.2 DoD Terrestrial Spectrum Requirements Growth Above 3 GHz
High-speed, point-to-point data transfer applications are the major contributor to DoD

terrestrial spectrum requirements above 3 GHz as shown in Table 4-2. Data transfer from

aircraft and UASs and sensor data links are among the primary categories of battlefield data

transfer requirements. Fixed infrastructure communications links are the primary non-battlefield

systems category. These data transfer systems typically operate in a variety of frequency bands

below 20 GHz, depending on the application characteristics. The Common Data Link (CDL),

UAS C-band data links, and precision-guided munitions video and control data links are a few

examples. Specific attributes for these high-data rate links include supporting throughput rates in

the megabit ranges and links to ground or fixed stations with high gain, highly directional

antennas. The operational battlefield geometry and operating distances along with spectrum

physics determine the optimum bands for support of these high-speed data links.

Data link requirements for battlefield systems are projected to grow significantly through

2015 to support the increased use of battlefield sensors and support high data transfers associated

with high-resolution and hyper-spectral sensor data projected for employment on the Global

Hawk UAS. Moreover, new requirements are surfacing for Secure Wireless LANs in the 5 GHz

band as well as UAS Command & Control links and FCS Data Networks in the 30 GHz to 40

GHz frequency band. Based on projections for these and other systems, an indication of where

increases in band usage are expected to occur for the 2015 time frame and beyond.
Table 4-2.

Future Terrestrial DoD Spectrum Usage Above 3GHz

(MHz) Service or System Increased Usage

in Band
3100-3600 Radar
4200-4400 Radionavigation YES

4400-4990 UAS Data Link YES

5250-5350 Secure Wireless LAN YES

5350-5650 Secure Wireless LAN YES

5650-5850 Secure Wireless LAN YES

5850-5925 Secure Wireless LAN YES

9500-10,450 Shipboard Wireless LAN


UAS Command & Control


15,700-17,300 Synthetic Aperture Radar

30,000-31,000 UAS Command & Control YES

33,400-36,000 UAS Command & Control YES

38,000 FCS Data Networks YES

4.4 Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Spectrum Needs
4.4.1 Importance of SATCOM to DoD
The importance of SATCOM to DoD has increased significantly as transformational

concepts requiring increased information flow to smaller combat units operating across greater

distances in non-contiguous battlefields using “reach-back” have evolved. This, along with the

increasing demand for more information at all echelons, has resulted in ever-increasing demands

for more satellite capacity which has a direct bearing on available spectrum for satellite

applications. SATCOM resources use bands between 225 MHz and 44 GHz to support military

requirements. SATCOM includes both military systems (MILSATCOM) operating in the

government allocated spectrum bands and commercial satellites used by DoD although provided

by commercial operators using non-Government spectrum bands. DoD relies on a mixture of

both MILSATCOM and commercial SATCOM services to support military operations.

DoD’s use of SATCOM has increased greatly over the past decade. SATCOM resources

are inherently flexible and well suited to supporting dynamic mobile and comm-on-the-move

operations required for military missions. Spanning over distance, terrain, or hostile forces,

SATCOM can provide a global reach for dispersed mobile platforms such as aircraft (both

manned and unmanned), submarines, and surface ships as well as vehicles and man-pack

applications. SATCOM supplies mobile voice, paging, video, data, and messaging services and

can deliver those services independent of the type of warfighting platform or system. Similarly,

satellites keep en route forces, weapons, and support systems supplied with critical information

while deploying from CONUS or overseas bases into the theater of operations. SATCOM can

immediately tie sensors to shooters and provide over the horizon control of remote sensors and

remoted or in-flight weapons. SATCOM systems also link together widely dispersed forces in

various stages of training, mobilization, deployment, engagement, sustained operations,

recovery, and redeployment. Properly designed and implemented, SATCOM services are by

their very nature multi-purpose and can be dynamically reconfigured to respond to the

warfighter’s changing mission needs, environments, and variety of geographical distributions.

SATCOM systems are absolutely essential in providing the assured and survivable

communications demanded by the National Command Authority (NCA) and strategic and nonstrategic

nuclear deterrence forces. Survivable SATCOM is one of only two primary means of

connectivity for these systems, and the only one with appreciable data throughput to provide

secure, accurate, reliable, and unambiguous command and control to our nuclear forces.

SATCOM also satisfies some of the more specialized warfighter information transfer needs.

Operations in the north polar region rely on assured, robust, and capable SATCOM connectivity

to support NCA operations, intelligence collection and dissemination, space surveillance,

submarine and anti-submarine warfare operations, and special operations forces (SOF) as well as

trans-polar flight and polar region naval activities. They are also ideal for broadcasting to

multiple forces across many echelons of command and for critical information that helps provide

a true, fused, real-time, common view of the joint battlespace.

4.4.2 Mix of SATCOM Requirements
DoD continually faces the challenge of ascertaining the correct mix of DoD-owned

SATCOM and leased commercial SATCOM to meet its growing information transfer

requirements. The stringent information needs of the warfighters and combat support require a

flexible media mix. In general terms, DoD’s SATCOM requirements fall into four areas:

protected and survivable, wideband / high capacity, narrowband, and commercial leased

Protected and Survivable:
Current: Protected and Survivable systems stress anti-jam features, covertness, and

nuclear survivability. These features are currently provided to DoD by the Milstar

satellite constellation.
Mid-Term: The Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) System is the followon

to the Milstar, and expanding the SATCOM architecture to enable

Transformational Communications and Network Centric Warfare. AEHF will

provide connectivity across the spectrum of mission areas, including land, air, and

naval warfare; special operations; strategic nuclear operations; strategic defense;

theater missile defense; and space operations and intelligence. AEHF will operate in

the same spectrum bands as the Milstar constellation but with significantly higher

data rates.
Future: The Transformational Satellite System (TSAT) will address DoD’s future

SATCOM needs for protected services. It will have the security features currently

associated with Milstar and AEHF constellations but operate at much higher data

rates (see Wideband below). The TSAT constellation will be capable of establishing

circuit-based crosslinks with the AEHF constellation and will also be backward

compatible with AEHF circuit-based terminals. Accordingly, the TSAT constellation

will operate in the current Milstar and AEHF frequency bands.
Wideband/High Capacity:
Current: Assured capacity is the primary goal of the military's wideband satellite

communications constellation. The military's wideband requirements are currently

supported by the super high frequency (SHF) Defense Satellite Communications

System (DSCS) and the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) as along with commercial

systems (discussed below).
Mid-Term: The Wideband Gapfiller Satellite (WGS) program will provide the next

generation of wideband communications for DoD. The constellation will supplement

DSCS and GBS systems while DoD transitions to more capable future systems. In

addition, the WGS program will include a high-capacity two-way Ka-band capability

to support mobile and tactical battlefield forces. WGS will also operate in the current

DSCS and GBS spectrum bands.
Future: As discussed under Protected and Survivable services above, the TSAT

program will be DoD’s primary future MILSATCOM constellation. While offering

fully protected communication services it will also provide data rates historically


associated with the wideband DSCS and WGS constellations. The ability to provide

high data rate protected services comes from the incorporation of new technologies

such as advanced laser communications, RF-waveforms, and internet-like switching.

The multi-function capability of the TSAT will require frequencies across all current

satellite allocated spectrum bands.
Current: Narrowband systems emphasize support to users who need voice or lowdata-

rate communications and who also may be mobile or otherwise disadvantaged.

Ultrahigh frequency (UHF) satellites are the workhorses for tactical ground, sea, and

air forces. The current military narrowband tactical satellite communications system

is the Ultra High Frequency Follow-On (UFO) system.
Mid-Term/Future: The next-generation narrowband tactical satellite communications

system is known as the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS). MUOS will provide

improved and assured communications for the mobile warfighter. MUOS satellites

will be fully compatible with the existing UFO system and associated legacy

terminals while dramatically increasing military mobile communications availability

and providing simultaneous voice, data, and video in real time to mobile warfighters

around the globe. MUOS will also maximize the full feature capability of the future

Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) terminals.
Commercial SATCOM:
The fourth segment of DoD’s SATCOM media mix consists of commercial

communications satellites. Commercial SATCOM is heavily used to support DoD's

MILSATCOM capabilities where capacity and coverage needs are the primary

consideration and jamming protection is not required. DoD leases a variety of

commercial satellite resources worldwide depending on the capabilities that are needed

and the available bandwidth in the region of interest able to be satisfied by commercial

Current: Over the past decade or more, DoD has had to resort to employing

increasing amounts of commercial SATCOM services. The on-going conflicts in the

Middle East, and the increased op tempo globally, have resulted in the need for

SATCOM services and capacities that have overwhelmed DoD’s MILSATCOM

capabilities. The growth in the use of commercial SATCOM has been with both

high-capacity Fixed Satellite Services (i.e., C-Band and Ku-Band SATCOM) and

with lower capacity Mobile Satellite Services (i.e., Iridium, Globalstar, INMARSAT,

Thuraya, etc.).
Future: It does not seem reasonable that DoD would continue to experience the high

rate of growth in commercial SATCOM usage; however, future developments are

very difficult to anticipate. DoD’s planned MILSATCOM capability upgrades

(MUOS, WGS, AEHF, and TSAT) continue to experience delays and program










Gateway links,
G3.4 -





M3700 21.0














Government / Military SATCOM Services

Link System
Unified S-Band

1000MHz 8GHz 40GHz 75GHz









Various C-Band


L Com’l





C Ku


M1616 -




M243.7 -


Uplink Bands

M1761-1842 (SGLS)

M2025-2110 (USB)

Downlink Band



The mobile-satellite service may operate on a non-interference G43.5-45.5

basis in the M235–322 and M335.4–399.9 bands

worldwide (FN 5.254), and on a primary basis
limited to military operations in the US&P (FN G100).

G27.5 G31



L1: M1575.420

L2: M1227.600

L3: M1381.050

L4: M1379.913

L5: M1176.450*

(*future use)


L-Band Sat Phones
INMARSAT: M1525-1559 D/L, M1626.5-1660.5 U/L

THURAYA: M1525-1559 D/L, M1626.5-1660.5 U/L

IRIDIUM: M1616-1626.5

GLOBALSTAR: M1610-1626.5 U/L, M2483.5-2500 D/L

ACeS/GARUDA: M1610-1660.5, M1980-2010 U/L

M1525-1559, M2170-2200 D/L,

M 2483.5, 2500, M3400-3700 D/L

New ICO: M1980-2010 U/L, M2170-2200 D/L
Typical: G3.700-4.200 D/L, G5.925-6.425 U/L

EXTENDED C: G3.400-3.700 D/L, G6.425-6.725 U/L

INMARSAT: G3.550-3.700 D/L, G6.425-6.575 U/L

THURAYA: G3.400-3.625 D/L, G6.425-6.725 U/L

GLOBALSTAR: G5.091-5.250 U/L, G6.875-7.055 D/L

New ICO: G5.150-5.250 U/L, G6.975-7.075 D/L
Ku-Band SATCOM: (10.7-14.5 GHz)
Typical: G10.95-12.75 D/L, G14.00-14.50 U/L

Extended Ku: G10.7-12.2 D/L,

G12.75-13.25, G13.75-14.00 U/L

ECHOSTAR: G11.7-12.7 D/L, G14.0-14.5 U/L
K-Band SATCOM (10-31 GHz) Includes Ku and Ka:
NIMIQ: G12.2-12.7, G19.7-20.2 D/L,

G17.3-17.8, G29.5-30.0 U/L

SIRIUS (Swedish): G11.7-12.5, G12.5-12.7 D/L,

G17.3-18.1, G14.0-14.5 U/L
Ka-Band SATCOM (17-21 GHz and (27-31 GHz)
ECHOSTAR: G17.3-17.8, G28.35-28.6, G29-25-30.0 U/L

G18.3-18.8, G19.7-20.2 D/L

SPACEWAY: G28.35-28.6, G29.25 – 30.0 U/L

G18.3-18.8, G19.7-20.2 D/L

PEGASUS IA, IIA, IIIA: G28.35-28.6, G29.25-30.0 U/L

G18.3-18.8, G19.7-20.2 D/L

M292.85 -




Heavy Orbital/Terrestrial

Congestion: much coordination

with terrestrial users needed
M401- 402





M1544 . 5

M2025-2118 TDRS Crosslinks (Fwd)

M2200-2300 TDRS Crosslinks (Rtn)
Satellite Communications Spectrum Commercial SATCOM Services





Fwd Rtn
G13.4-14.05 D/L

G14.6-15.25 U/L



Fwd Rtn


DRTS (G19.7 – 21.15)







Various Ku-Band






EHF Package

Version 4.0 April 2005, Joint Spectrum Center/J3, DSN 281-9815

= Uplink Band

= Downlink Band

= Forward Crosslink from TDRS (or DTRS) satellite to orbiter

= Return Crosslink from orbiter to TDRS (or DTRS) satellite

= MHz

= GHz
DRTS G23.0-23.55 D/L

DRTS G25.25-27.5 U/L

DRTS G23.0-23.55 C/L (Fwd)

DRTS G25.25-27.5 C/L (Rtn)

IRIDIUM G22.55-23.55 C/L
G7.25-7.75 G7.9-8.4

M2025-2110 D/L

M2200-2290 U/L

M2025-2110 C/L Fwd

M2200-2290 C/L Rtn


Digital Audio

Radio Service




XM Radio
Heavy Orbital/ SIRIUS CD Radio

Terrestrial Congestion:

much coordination

with terrestrial

users needed



Inter-Satellite &

Terrestrial Links
challenges. As existing commercial SATCOM capabilities are enhanced and as

advanced commercial SATCOM systems (e.g., Ka-Band SATCOM) are deployed,

DoD may have no other option than to leverage these emerging capabilities to meet

on-going operational requirements.

Figure 4-2 depicts most military and commercial SATCOM capabilities and identifies them

with associated spectrum bands.
Figure 4-2. Military and Commercial SATCOM Spectrum
Determining the best mix of military and commercial SATCOM capabilities,

management and control systems, and terminals to provide optimum support to all warfighter

information requirements within fiscal constraints is a tremendously complex problem. The

right balance must be reached between operational utility, backward compatibility, technical

achievability, and affordability. Additionally, strong and unpredictable forces of change will

dominate the coming decade. Factors DoD cannot accurately predict include technology, geopolitics,

budgets, and the national and international legal and regulatory environments, to name

but a few. The warfighters' requirements will be directly and dramatically influenced by (and

will evolve in response to) these forces.

4.4.3 SATCOM Spectrum Requirements
Spectrum requirements for SATCOM depend, among other factors, on the degree that

spectrum reuse can be achieved and the extent to which jamming protection is employed. Reuse

is a function of the directionality of the antennas and the satellite field of view. Low earth orbit

(LEO) and medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites have a smaller field of view than

geosynchronous satellites and such satellite constellations can employ frequency reuse to a

greater extent. Jamming protection is primarily achieved through signal processing and requires

an increase in spectrum requirements in direct proportion to the processing gain supported.

Factors also affecting spectrum use include details of orbital location; power and modulation;

geometry including satellite and terminal locations and antenna directionality; and time or

operational limitations. All of these factors must be considered when identifying satellite

spectrum requirements.

Additionally, due to capability requirements, DoD must employ satellites across multiple,

diverse military and commercial frequency bands. No single frequency band or single satellite

communications system can satisfy the full range of needs. Each satellite communications band

of the internationally regulated spectrum has its own fundamental and essential utility to the

warfighter due to capabilities not easily duplicated in other bands. Especially important for

certain applications is the ability to penetrate foliage or other obstacles (in general, the lower

frequency bands [e.g., the (VHF) and UHF bands] penetrate foliage better than the higher bands).

Higher frequency bands bring expanded capacities through higher spectral energies and available

bandwidths (but with drawbacks such as increased rain attenuation effects and increased freespace


Table 4-3 identifies the satellite spectrum bands currently utilized by both military and

commercial satellite systems and indicates the bands where DoD spectrum growth is expected to

occur in the near future. However, this does not describe the full extent of DoD’s future satellite

spectrum requirements. As discussed above, to satisfy the increased demand for SATCOM

associated with transformational warfighting and DoD’s need for information, DoD is planning

to field several new satellite constellations that will require access to satellite spectrum. While

these systems are expected to operate in the current bands identified for satellite utilization, the

increase in the number of constellations utilizing the same frequency bands will put pressure on

the spectrum availabilty to satisfy the demand while providing necessary assurance of

interference free operations. Some examples of multiple systems employing the same frequency

bands are noted in Table 4-3. Additionally, there is increased research into the utility of higher

bands for these purposes, but the utility and ultimate use is not assured. DoD will continue to

work with the NTIA and international community to identify requirements and coordinate

efficient utilization of these frequency bands.

Table 4-3. SATCOM Growth Projections by Spectrum Bands

Band (MHz) Military Commercial Increased Use


Argo Downlink





UFO Uplink



UFO Downlink





Argos Uplink







SARSAT Downlink


Argos Downlink














1755-1850 SGLS Uplink




ICO Uplink

2025-2110 USB Uplink

DRTS Downlink




ICO Downlink

2200-2290 SGLS Downlink

DRTS Uplink









Table 4-3. SATCOM Growth Projections by Spectrum Bands (Continued)

Band (MHz) Military Commercial Increased Use



ICO Uplink







ICO Downlink


DSCS Uplink

DSCS Downlink YES


NIMIQ Downlink

SIRIUS Downlink


NIMIQ Uplink







IIIA Downlink YES


NIMIQ Downlink

SIRIUS Downlink






IIIA Downlink

Table 4-3. SATCOM Growth Projections by Spectrum Bands (Continued)

Band (MHz) Military Commercial Increased Use

MILSTAR Downlink

Advanced EHF


GBS Downlink

UFO Downlink



TSAT Downlink

DRTS Downlink




DRTS Uplink








IIIA Uplink


NIMIQ Uplink






IIIA Uplink

30,000-31,000 GBS Uplink
WGS Uplink YES



UFO Uplink



TSAT Uplink

4.4.4 Impact of Increased SATCOM Demand
Since all currently used SATCOM frequency spectrum is projected for continued or

expanded use there is growing competition for SATCOM spectrum. This competition will

increase as new commercial satellite constellations and the DoD transformational SATCOM

constellation is fielded. Future systems will use the totality of the existing SATCOM frequency

bands and the associated orbital slot assignments unless, or until, other bands or services can

better meet requirements. Consequently, sufficient nationally and internationally allocated

frequency spectrum and orbital slots must be retained/obtained as an essential enabler of

military-unique systems and capabilities. Denying the warfighters’ use of any portion of the

spectrum would reduce flexibility and jeopardize mission accomplishment.
4.5 Radar Spectrum Needs
Current DoD radar spectrum requirements are extensive and will grow significantly in the

future. Military radars perform several essential tasks including navigation, landing aides, air

traffic control, surveillance, target location and tracking, weapons control, and altimeters.

Successful accomplishment of these tasks is vital to DoD’s ability to perform the full range of

missions and conduct successful military campaigns.

For radar systems, the characteristics of the spectrum band employed have significant

impact on the capability that can be achieved and therefore the information that will be provided

to the user. Like most other RF based system design decisions, the frequency selection for radar

systems has significant impact on the radar’s application. The best frequency to use for radar is

specific to the application of the system and involves many tradeoffs such as physical size,

transmitted power, antenna beamwidth, and atmospheric attenuation. Typically, radars in low

frequency bands provide the ability to detect targets at long distances and track space assets. On

the other hand, higher frequency band systems have only limited ability for search functions but

can track objects with very high precision, potentially forming an actual image of the object to

assist in classification and discrimination. For example, the 8 - 12 GHz band missile defense

radar requires queuing by low frequency band radar systems to focus on a specific search area.

Because of these relationships between radar frequency bands and radar capabilities, the US

military will continue to retain radars and develop new systems that operate throughout the full

range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

New developments in radar systems are centering on the upper frequency bands (above

10 GHz), but these developments are generally intended to enhance capabilities rather than

supplant the existing systems in the lower bands. Additionally, the trend in radars is towards

wider bandwidths both to better discriminate target objects and to provide additional signal

processing for anti-jam techniques. Another unique aspect of radar spectrum usage is that radar

systems are generally unable to be retuned for flexible frequency assignment. As discussed

above, military radars perform several different tasks and are further discussed below by general

radar function: Search, Surveillance, and Fire Control/Imaging.

4.5.1 Search Radar
The primary functions of search radar are detection and determination of accurate ranges
and bearings to targets while maintaining a complete 360o search for all targets. Search radars

normally operate at relatively low frequencies below 1 GHz, permitting long range transmissions

with minimum attenuation. Low frequency band systems can cover large volumes of space and

are capable of foliage penetration and operation in extreme weather environments, but they have

limited resolution and cannot image objects detected. Generally, search radars are used to detect

targets and pass them to fire control/imaging radars for further action. In the case of search

radar, existing systems are planned to operate well into the foreseeable future. Consequently,

reliance on the associated bands will continue through 2020 and beyond.
4.5.2 Surveillance Radar
Similar to search radar, surveillance radar uses a 360 o antenna to survey the area of

interest. A key difference is that surveillance radars usually display all detections, whereas

search radars attempt to filter out stationary objects. The majority of surveillance radars operate

in the range from below 1 GHz up to 6 GHz; however, there are many surveillance radars that

also operate in the range of 8 - 12 GHz. Although surveillance radars perform both search and

tracking functions, they are typically used in self-defense or more range-limited applications than

in search radar. As with search radar, existing surveillance radar systems are planned to continue

to operate in the foreseeable future with the majority of systems remaining in service through

4.5.3 Fire Control/Imaging Radar
Radar that provides continuous positional data on a target is called fire control/imaging

radar, or sometimes referred to as tracking radar. Fire control/imaging radar must first be

directed in the general location of the desired target because of the narrow beam pattern. Fire

control/imaging radars most often operate in frequency bands above 8 GHz. The radars in this

category provide high-resolution performance for track identification, precision-guided

munitions capabilities, and discrimination of ground targets. Current applications include highresolution

air and surface tracking radar used by air defense installations, tactical aircraft, and

Navy surface ships. Fire control radar and precision munitions also rely on higher fequencies

for accurate and effective targeting. DoD’s use of current fire control/imaging radar systems will

continue into and through the next decade and will also experience a significant increase.
4.5.4 Current DoD Radar Systems
DoD’s ability to provide the full range of military capabilities needed to deter war and to

protect the security of our country is heavily dependent on radar systems operating throughout

the electromagnetic spectrum. This is reflected in Table 4-4 below, which depicts DoD radar

frequency operating bands, the variety of radar applications resident in those bands, and the

military platforms employing radar systems in the identified frequency band. As stated above,

DoD plans to operate these systems in their current frequency bands in the foreseeable future

with the vast majority of systems operational through the year 2020.

Table 4-4. DoD Radar Frequency Operating Bands
Frequency-Band DoD Platform



use only


Bands DoD Application Ship Aircraft Land
3-30 X Over-the Horizon

216-225 X Space Surveillance

420-450 X 2D Air Search

Airborne Early Warning (AEW)
902-928 X

2D Air Search

Target Acquisition

Surveillance Radar
1215-1390 X

Target Acquisition

Aerostat-borne Surveillance

3D Long Range Air Surveillance

Tactical Air Surveillance

Low-Altitude Aircraft Detection

Weapon System IFF
2360-2390 X


Search, Track & Missile Direction

Tactical Air Defense Surveillance
2900-3100 X


Search, Track & Missile Direction

Navigation & Collision Avoidance

Airborne Early Warning (AEW)

Tactical Air Defense Surveillance
3100-3600 X

Search, Track & Missile Direction

Navigation & Collision Avoidance

Carrier-Controlled Surveillance

Airborne Early Warning (AEW)

Radar Altimeters

Tactical Air Defense Surveillance
4200-4400 X Radar Altimeters

5250-5350 X Missile & Fire-Control

5350-5650 X Missile & Fire-Control

Sea Surface Search
5650-5850 X Missile & Fire-Control

Sea Surface Search
5850-5925 X Missile & Fire-Control

Table 4-4. DoD Radar Frequency Operating Bands (Continued)
Frequency-Band DoD Platform



use only


Bands DoD Application Ship Aircraft Land
8500-9000 X

Navigation & Collision Avoidance

Acquisition & Tracking

Missile & Fire-Control

Submarine Surface Nav/Search

Aircraft Control Approach

Maritime Surveillance

Helicopter Search

Multi-mode Fire-Control

ASW Search

Multi-mode Airborne Radar

Navigation & Mapping

Terrain Following/Avoidance

SAR & Moving Target Indicator (MTI)

Radar Altimeters

Search, Rescue & Weather Avoidance

Portable Ground Surveillance

Long-Range Theatre Ballistic Missile

14,500-15,350 X SAR & Moving Target Indicator (MTI)

Vehicle Speed Detection
15,700-17,300 X

Multi-mode Airborne Radar


Navigation & Mapping

Terrain Following/Avoidance



Long-Range Theatre Ballistic Missile


Transponder Beacon
24,050-24,250 X Navigation & Mapping

Terrain Following/Avoidance
33,400-36,000 X

Aircraft Control Approach

Navigation & Mapping

Terrain Following/Avoidance

Multi-mode Airborne Radar
4.5.5 Future Radar Spectrum Requirements
DoD is projected to experience a significant increase in future spectrum use by radar

systems. Although the projected growth in radar spectrum requirements will be distributed

throughout the current frequency bands, the most significant growth will be in the upper bands.

The growth in the lower frequency bands are due to the fielding of follow-on systems with

enhanced capabilities that require increased spectrum access for functionality of the system.

These new radars generally process a much wider signal bandwidth than current generation

systems in order to provide additional processing capability and enhanced target recognition

capabilities which fuel increased demand. Systems employed on Navy Aegis ships and the

future 2-4 GHz band Volume Search Radar (VSR) to be used on the next-generation destroyer

DD (X) introduce additional spectrum demand over and above current applications and reflect

the trend toward increased occupied bandwidth requirements for emerging applications.


Particularly, in the case of the VSR, the increased spectrum required will improve the ability of

these ships to track aircraft and missiles and to effectively counter missiles and other projectiles.

Several other new radar systems will utilize frequencies in the range from 8 to 30 GHz.

The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) ground-based radar systems take advantage of the

characteristics of high frequencies, as do the space-based radar, the advanced moving target

indicator (MTI) radars, and Synthetic Aperture radars (SAR). Of note is the increased use of

SAR and MTI radars on UASs and other airborne platforms. These radars not only provide

increased resolution and imaging capability but also require greater bandwidth to achieve the

detail associated with SAR and MTI images. Occupied bandwidth requirements for the new

advanced SAR radars can range from 600 MHz to over 1 GHz of occupied bandwidth to support

full operation. Newer applications will include features such as multi-function and dual band

modes and systems designed for intrusion detection and improved space surveillance. The new

MDA radar systems will afford protection against conventional and Nuclear, Biological and

Chemical (NBC) theater missiles. The increased use of SAR radars systems will take advantage

of the long-range propagation characteristics of radar signals and the complex information

processing capability of modern digital electronics that provide the military with high-resolution

imagery and targeting information.

Table 4-5 shows the radar frequency bands that DoD will utilize through 2020 and also identifies

the frequency bands that will experience a significant growth in spectrum requirements.
Table 4-5. Future DoD Radar Spectrum Requirements through 2020
Frequency-Band (MHz) Continued DoD Use Increased Use
3-30 YES







225-328.6 YES

328.6-335.4 YES

335.4-399.9 YES



420-450 YES



Table 4-5. Future DoD Radar Spectrum Requirements through 2020 (Continued)
Frequency-Band (MHz) Continued DoD Use Increased Use
1215-1390 YES

1390-1400 YES





1755-1850 YES

2200-2290 YES

2290-2360 YES

2360-2390 YES

2390-2700 YES

2700-2900 YES

2900-3100 YES

3100-3600 YES









7125-8450 YES

8450-8500 YES

8500-9000 YES

9500-10,450 YES

10,000-10,450 YES

14,500-15,350 YES

15,700-17,300 YES

20,200-21,200 YES

24,050-24,250 YES

25,250-27,500 YES

30,000-31,000 YES

33,400-36,000 YES

4.5.6 Impact of Increased Radar Spectrum Demand
The frequency bands typically occupied by search and surveillance radar systems are

heavily congested and highly coveted due to the favorable physics of these bands for

communications applications. Radar and communications systems must operate in close

physical proximity without causing significant interference to the other system. The limited

spectrum availability for low band radar systems restricts the degree of jamming protection that

can be provided, thereby, exposing such systems to greater vulnerability to enemy electronic

warfare systems. Coalition forces demonstrated the effect of jamming search radar by exploiting

such limitations in the enemy’s search radar during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The result was the

ability of coalition forces to attack with minimal detection and warning, enabling them to quickly

establish air superiority and conduct a highly effective ground war with minimal impact to Allied

forces. Due to the constraining environment in which these radars operate, it is unlikely that this

situation can be significantly ameliorated in the foreseeable future. Any loss in spectrum would

have a severe impact and would greatly increase the operational constraints, potentially to the

point of precluding operation.

While the upper frequencies captured by the fire control/imaging radar category are the

least constrained of the three radar categories, there is an increasing trend in the use of the upper

bands for new radar systems. As discussed above, some of the very high-resolution imaging

systems inherently require access to large blocks of contiguous spectrum for operation (wide

band pulse as compared to frequency hopped). These large spectrum block requirements are a

unique challenge in spectrum planning. Consequently, as technologies evolve to take advantage

of the frequencies available in the upper bands, competition for spectrum will likewise increase.

This competition can be evidenced by the increased use of the upper frequency bands by

commercial applications which compete for spectrum in the 5 GHz range with military radar

4.6 Training, Test and Evaluation Spectrum
Training and test and evaluation (T&E) missions each have different, independent

objectives. However, they most often share common RF equipment and common resources; and,

are often conducted in parallel to ensure realistic operational testing while maximizing training

opportunities for military units. The demand for spectrum to support training and T&E events

has increased over the last decade and will continue to increase as the design, development,

testing, fielding, and employment of systems in support of force transformation is matched more

closely with DoD warfighting needs. For the military to be effective and efficient, it is essential

that DoD possess the requisite capabilities to accomplish the mission. In support of this

objective, military equipment must be tested for operational performance at a sustained

warfighting tempo and in realistic environments that best represent how and where the

equipment will be required to function. Similarly, training for future military operations

translates operational concepts into achievable processes for which vigorous unit training is a

fundamental building block. Training fosters Service readiness and emphasizes the need for all

personnel to acquire the requisite skills essential for mission accomplishment. This means that

personnel must train as they intend to fight and that they must have access to required spectrum

to fully evaluate and understand their operational systems as well as having spectrum for


evaluation, scoring, and other post-event analysis purposes. Thus, having sufficient spectrum is

essential not only to battlefield success, but it is equally important in the testing environment.
4.6.1 US Training and T&E Facilities
DoD ranges have unique and specialized spectrum requirements that are essential to

military success. Training and T&E ranges support operations essential to attaining overall

warfighting goals. They provide realistic environments to enable full-up systems testing, to

evaluate operational effectiveness and suitability requirements, and to stress operational units

before actual employment in a contingency or operation. Additionally, for all Major Defense

Acquisition Programs, the legacy programs and systems that must operate with them are subject

to interoperability evaluations throughout the acquisition cycle to validate their ability to support

mission accomplishment. The range facilities provide the necessary real estate and specialized

monitoring equipment to accomplish these tasks. Accordingly, DoD has ranges throughout the

world to support required operations with the vast majority of these facilities located within the

US. Although training and T&E events are ongoing daily at the majority of DoD facilities, the

major range facilities conduct the bulk of T&E as well as the large-scale training events. The

major US ranges are shown in Figure 4-3.
Figure 4-3. Major US Range Facilities
As seen in Figure 4-3, many of these facilities are situated near high-density population

areas, which presents a challenge to have sufficient spectrum for all ongoing events in the

presence of dense commercial communication activities. For example, Figure 4-4 depicts the


range and test facilities with overlapping rings that represent the average radiating area of a

typical S-band aeronautical telemetry transmitter. The red circles show the authorized aircraft

operating radius for each of the facilities with S-band channel assignments. The dotted blue

circles show the line-of-sight range of the transmitter for an aircraft flying at an altitude of

36,000 feet. The chart illustrates that electromagnetic emissions can extend substantially beyond

the facility operating areas, which emphasizes the day-to-day close management and detailed

scheduling that is required to avoid interference. Current management techniques include

sharing of frequencies by lower priority systems and borrowing frequencies from other

government facilities. While these are workable (stopgap) measures, they will not ensure

spectrum support for the long term.
Figure 4-4. Average S-band Telemetry Radiated Distance
4.6.2 Training and T&E Spectrum Demand
Spectrum requirements for training and T&E are extensive due to the need to provide

dedicated spectrum to support a variety of simultaneous functions such as:
Spectrum for the forces conducting the training, commonly called the Blue forces;

Spectrum for a similar size force that represents the enemy or opposing force;

Spectrum for safety systems, scoring systems, video collection, training

Spectrum for any new equipment undergoing tests to include unique spectrum


required for the test function, such as range control, support equipment, and test

Spectrum for real-time aeronautical telemetry; and

Spectrum required for the day-to-day operation of the training or test facility (i.e.,

security, fire, safety, and administrative links).

One of the challenges presented in training and T&E events is to provide sufficient

spectrum for operational systems while also ensuring that range infrastructure, test

instrumentation, and associated scoring equipment is spectrally supported. It is important to note

that typical training requirements exceed the spectrum demand for military contingency

operations. This higher spectrum demand for training is due to the discrete spectrum assigned

not only for the forces conducting the training, but also for a similar size force that represents the

enemy or opposing force. In addition to these requirements, there are unique demands for

spectrum at individual training facilities. These requirements include safety support, scoring

systems, video collection, instrumentation, and umpire (White Team) support. These three types

of requirements for spectrum are each distinctive and are the major factors contributing to the

high demand for spectrum in support of training. As discussed in the training and T&E facilities

section above, providing sufficient spectrum for these requirements must be accomplished in

many areas of the US where there also exists a large concentration of commercial RF


This report has detailed DoD current and future spectrum requirements for operational

warfighting systems. Figure 4-5 depicts the unique range functions that must also be supported,

which are in addition to the operational warfighting systems and functions previously discussed.

EExxppeerriimmeennttaall SSyysstteemmss

Unit Training /


TTaarrggeett CCoonnttrrooll

Integrated Live/

Simulated Testing

Time & Space

Positioning Information
Figure 4-5. Unique DoD Range Functions

Dedicated range systems support the above functions by transmitting the data streams

necessary to conduct test and training. The size and number of data streams varies with the

equipment being tested and data collection requirements. When planning for spectrum, the

projected number of transmitters per control station, test vehicle, number of vehicles, and size of

the data streams is used to determine the bandwidth required to perform the mission and is

calculated based on the projected data collection requirements. As military systems have

increased in complexity, the data rates have had to increase accordingly with a corresponding

increase in spectrum demand. Table 4-6 identifies the major dedicated range system

applications and the associated operating bands.
Table 4-6. Training and T&E Range Applications
Of note, spectrum for instrumentation is predominantly in bands that support operational

systems and is in high demand within the Continental United States (CONUS). It becomes a

significant challenge to balance the needs for spectrum between the evaluation of a system under

test and a unit’s performance, yet provide the Training Force the spectrum it requires in order to
30-88 Observer Network


Weapons Scoring Systems

Traget Control

Assessment / Evaluation

Data Transfer

Range Communications

400.05-420 Weapons Scoring Systems

420-450 Range Safety

Drone Control

1390-1710 Range Telemetry


Missile Scoring

Range Telemetry

Air Combat Training

Target Control

2200-2290 Range Telemetry

2290-2700 Range Telemetry

Weapons Scoring

3100-3600 Projectile Scoring

Missile Scoring

4400-4990 Drone Control

Event Video Recording

5000-5250 Event Video Recording

5350-5650 Drone Control / Range

Tracking Radar

5650-5850 Drone Control / Range

Tracking Radar

5850-5925 Drone Control
Bands Utilized for DoD Range Systems


(MHz) Range Application

accomplish its training objectives. As the principal function of the ranges is to evaluate and

determine the adequacy and efficiency of scheduled events, instrumentation is critical. This

necessitates that deference be given to instrumentation systems in making spectrum assignments

at the expense of other systems in the same frequency bands. Too often, training units must

shutdown or suffer a loss of operating RF frequencies.
4.6.3 Future Training Spectrum Requirements
The density of spectrum use in training areas and spectrum requirements for tactical

systems will grow throughout the next decade. This growth is attributable to the increased

spectrum that will be needed for tactical systems (as discussed in previous sections of this

report); the need to exercise the equipment during training events; and the increase in data

collection requirements.

There are many reasons for the increase in range systems spectrum needs. Each new

generation of weapons system incorporates the latest increases in electronic and information

technology. High performance systems are now designed to operate at the extremes of the

envelope and are maintained by a complicated network of computers, sensors, and actuators

whose detailed performance must be monitored. Accordingly, more data must be examined in

order to evaluate performance of these advanced systems, which results in the need for very large

amounts of spectrum. Spectrum demand is further compounded as overhead incurred from link

security, error correction coding, network management, and other support provisions are added

to the systems and therefore drive additional spectrum needs which are, in turn, added to the

overall spectrum required for a test event. Consequently, the demand for training and T&E

spectrum is forecasted to increase significantly in the future.

An example of this projected growth was identified in platforms with the most

demanding requirements for telemetry spectrum needed only about 300 kilohertz (kHz) to

support the test requirements of a single platform. In 2000, the analogous requirement was 30

MHz, a one hundred-fold increase. The same study found that by the year 2020, a test vehicle

will arrive at a test range and require approximately 400 MHz of telemetry spectrum, almost

twice as much as what is currently available. This projection assumes that a specific state-of-theart

spectrum efficient technology will have been implemented in the mid-term.
4.6.4 Impact of Increased Training on Spectrum Demand
Providing required training and T&E spectrum in highly populated frequency bands

poses a significant challenge. Sufficient spectrum to operate all operational and threat systems is

critical to successful training and a challenge in areas where government and civilian

requirements co-exist.

Insufficient spectrum at range facilities to accommodate all range monitoring and

performance systems will result in the loss or degradation of a critical test and evaluation

function that can ultimately affect acquisition programs. If the function is a form of data

collection, and the data cannot be gathered by any other means at that range, the entire test

program may have to be reevaluated to determine if the data is mandatory to evaluate the

effectiveness or suitability of the system undergoing testing. If it is determined that the data is

essential to perform an adequate evaluation of the weapon system, the test may have to be


relocated to another range that can collect the required data or a detailed risk analysis undertaken

to determine the impact of the unavailable data. In many cases, a risk analysis is not sufficient to

confirm operational performance and form the basis for acquisition. Depending on the leadtime,

the delays to move events or to reschedule due to unacceptable risk impacts could result in

significant program delays, or possibly unexpected cost overruns. Even if there are alternative

means of collecting data, these methods are generally not as effective, are more time consuming,

or both, which could also result in program delays or fielding less effective systems to the


Congestion in the telemetry bands is already beginning to be experienced at some test

ranges and many projects today are operating at a less than optimal test efficiency due to lack of

real-time spectrum availability. Missions have been delayed and lost due to lack of sufficient

spectrum to schedule activities. This has resulted in test delays, increased costs, and higher test

risks. Examples of these impacts to the US test ranges were documented in a National

Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA) special publication, which cites
impacts to several military projects as a result of spectrum limitations.30 This situation is

expected to exacerbate over the foreseeable future.
4.7 Transformational Capabilities Driving Future Spectrum Needs

This section presents two key capabilities (Unmanned Systems and Future Combat

Systems) that are illustrative of the growth in DoD electromagnetic spectrum requirements due

to the evolving DoD mission and need for increased capabilities. The discussion is intended to

provide an understanding of how the military is highly dependent on electromagnetic spectrum

for current and future operations and how Net-Centric warfare concepts impact the demand for

spectrum access.
4.7.1 Unmanned Systems: Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) and Unmanned

Ground Systems (UGS)
Current DoD demand for spectrum to support UAS and UGS is extensive and will

continue to grow as a more sophisticated and capable force of unmanned systems are fielded in

the next 15- 20 years. The forecasted growth is due to a variety of reasons that include the

number and mix of unmanned systems deployed in support of DoD missions, the number of RF

dependent devices required to remotely operate the systems and employ mission equipment, and

the increased use of more sophisticated onboard sensor systems that require increased bandwidth

to support enhanced processing requirements. With the need to autonomously launch, operate,

and recover these systems, it is paramount to have sufficient electromagnetic spectrum to enable

interference free operations.

Unmanned systems, in general, are changing the conduct of military operations. They are

the preferred solution over manned counterparts especially when the requirements involve long
30 Spectrum Reallocation Study as Required by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. Special publication 98-36 National

Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA).

dwell time for surveillance, sampling for hazardous material, and extreme exposure to hostile

action. Each Service is developing a wide range of unmanned capabilities, and the Office of the

Secretary of Defense (OSD) is responsible for ensuring these capabilities support the

Department’s larger goal of fielding transformational capabilities. Unmanned Air Systems
DoD’s use of UASs continues to expand and encompass a broad range of mission
capabilities. As stated in the DoD UAS Roadmap,31 “the use of UASs in military operations has

expanded rapidly since entering the war on terror in the fall of 2001… unmanned aircraft have

transformed the battlespace with innovative tactics, techniques, and procedures.” UASs provide

surveillance, intelligence, reconnaissance, and fire support and are becoming increasingly relied

upon by Combatant Commanders.

Current and future UASs are diverse in size, weight, and mission performance. They

range from Micro Air Vehicles (MAV) weighing less than one pound that can be carried and

operated by an individual soldier to aircraft weighing over 40,000 pounds that require dedicated

support teams to operate but provide a broader range of capabilities than the MAVs. UASs

perform a vast array of DoD missions including surveillance, reconnaissance, chemical and

biological detection, and weapons delivery. Figure 4-6 shows the on-going and planned UAS

programs of record through 2020.
Figure 4-6. UAS Inventory through 2020
31 Unmanned Aircraft Systems Roadmap 2005 -2030. Office of the Secretary of Defense August 4, 2005

UCAV X-46/X-47

Dragon Warrior
Air Force
Global Hawk




UCAR A-160





Marine Corps

Fire Scout

Dragon Drone

Dragon Eye
UAS Deployment

SCAN Eagle



Silver Fox

2005 2010 2015 2020
86 UAS Spectrum Demand
Every aspect of UAS operations depends on the assured availability of spectrum to

support RF systems. Accordingly, electromagnetic spectrum use by UAS is extensive and

requires systems to operate in a variety of frequency bands to provide full functionality and

mission accomplishment. A typical UAS may require spectrum for its RF based systems in up to

14 different frequency bands to support such functions as: launch and recovery; platform

control; payload functionality; sensor data transfer; navigation; weapons functions; situational

awareness; and communications relay. The characteristics of the frequency band and regulatory

allocation, as with other RF systems, have a significant bearing on the function performed by the

system. The RQ-4 Global Hawk is illustrative of UAS spectrum dependency and its nominal

spectrum usage is featured in Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7. RQ-4 Global Hawk Spectrum Dependency
The Global Hawk system consists of the aircraft, Launch and Recovery Element (LRE),

and Mission Control Element (MCE). The LRE controls the aircraft via the line-of-sight (LOS)

Common Data Link (CDL) operating in the X and Ku-Bands, LOS VHF and UHF, and beyond

line-of-sight (BLOS) UHF SATCOM radios. The MCE contains all of the aircraft control

functions of the LRE. In addition, the MCE provides for sensor control as well as receipt and

dissemination of payload products. The MCE maintains situational awareness via a variety of

means including GPS and Link-16. MCE aircraft command and control is accomplished using

narrow band LOS UHF radio and UHF SATCOM with Inmarsat as a back up command and
UAS Spectrum Requirements
Application / Frequency
Differential GPS: 112 - 117 MHz

VHF Voice: 118 – 136 MHZ

UHF Voice: 225 - 400 MHz

IFF: 1030 / 1090 MHz

Link-16: 960 - 1215 MHz

GPS L2: 1217 - 1235 MHz

Flight Test Telemetry: 1530 - 1559 MHz

GPS L1: 1565 - 1585 MHz

Application / Frequency
Flight Test Telemetry: 2300 - 2400 MHz

Radar Altimeter: 4200 - 4400 MHz

Sensor Suite: 8 - 10 GHz

Data Link: 9.75 – 10.425 GHz

Ku Commercial Satcom Downlink: 10.95 –

12.75 GHz
Ku Satcom Uplink, 14.0 –14.5 GHz

Data Link: 14.5 – 15.35 GHz


control link. The LOS CDL as well as Ku-band SATCOM also provide command and control

channels. Sensor data flows from the aircraft to the MCE via either LOS X and Ku-Band CDL

or Ku-band SATCOM. Figure 4-8 depicts the current UAS RF architecture, which further

illustrates UAS spectrum dependence.
Figure 4-8. Current UAS Architecture
UAS Architecture
Fixed UAV

Processing and



Hunter UAV

High (>50K ft.)

Medium (16-49K ft.)

Low (<15k ft.="" p="">
Forward Deployed UAV

Processing and

Exploitation Node/Launch

& Recovery Element (may

or may not be collocated)
SUAV Pioneer



RQ-4 Global Hawk

Shadow 200
88 Unmanned Ground Systems
DoD continues to develop UGS to support a variety of missions, increase combat

effectiveness, and enhance personnel safety. As with UAS, UGS are also diverse in size, weight,

and mission performance. UGS missions include detection, neutralization, breaching of

minefields, and other obstacles. These obstacles include: explosive ordnance disposal; physical

security; fire-fighting; urban warfare; weapons employment; and operations in contaminated and

other denied areas. On the battlefield, they assist in increasing situational awareness by

providing observation of tactical objectives and potential danger areas beyond line-of-sight

where human access is impractical or unsustainable. The Army and Marines are the largest users

of UGS technology and both are expected to increase usage in the future. The Navy has also

invested in UGS technology for use in the ocean environment for mine warfare, anti-submarine

warfare, riverine operations, and special forces operations. Figure 4-9 shows the on-going and

planned UGS programs of record through 2020.
Figure 4-9. UGS Inventory Through 2020 UGS Spectrum Demand
Although UGS do not typically require as many RF systems or links to operate as UAS,

they are, no less, dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum for functionality. A typical UGS

mission requires spectrum in seven frequency bands. A notional system consists of the vehicle,

sensor, sensor interface, remote controller, and situational awareness module. UGS control links

most often operate in the VHF or UHF bands with many systems utilizing unlicensed 802.11

devices for the control function. UGS data links operate in the L and S-bands and are equipped

with GPS for location information. Future UAS and UGS Spectrum Requirements
DoD forecasts significant growth in spectrum requirements to support unmanned

systems. As discussed earlier, this projected growth is due to an expected increased number of
Air Force






Man Portable

-Sensory System




Marine Corps
Dragon Runner

Remote Minehunting

UGS Deployment Inventory
2005 2010 2015 2020

unmanned systems deployed on the battlefield and the use of more sophisticated onboard sensor

systems that require additional operating bandwidth. UAS will be the greatest contributor to the

increased demand for spectrum. Due to operating altitude and antenna characteristics, they must

be assigned discrete frequencies to preclude interference and support safe and uninterrupted

operational performance. Thus, as the number of systems and rate of use increase, the demand

for dedicated operating frequencies also increases.

The single largest contributor to increased unmanned system spectrum demand will be to

support airborne data links. Data link rates and processor speeds are in a race to enhance future

unmanned capabilities. Today, and in the near-term, the CDL is the primary data link utilized to

transfer airborne data. The CDL requires 274 MHz of spectrum in the X and Ku-band to support

transfer of sensor information. As sensor resolution increases, the demand for increased data

link spectrum will rise significantly. For example, the fielding of a new sensor for the Global

Hawk system projected for 2015 will require over 1 GHz of bandwidth to support the associated

information transfer requirements. The availability of 1 GHz of spectrum is currently difficult

and will become increasingly problematic as forecasted frequency congestion occurs. This is

especially true for data links in the 1-8 GHz range, which covers L, S, and C-bands. Table 4-7

presents UAS and UGS operating bands and identifies those bands that will experience increased

demand as new and more capable unmanned systems are deployed.
Table 4-7. UAS and UGS Operating Bands and Future Requirements
Current an Frequency-Band d Future UAS and UGS Increased Demand

(MHz) UAS UGS DoD Application UAS UGS
30-88 Pointer Command Control Link

108-150.05 Global Hawk


Voice Yes


Global Hawk




Predator B

Fire Scout


Dragon Eye

Dragon Warrior




Command Control Link Yes

400.05-420 SARGE Radar
Command Control Link Yes

420-450 Pointer


Video Link


902-928 Hunter Dragon Runner Sensor

Command Control Relay

960-1215 UCAV X-45 Remote Mine

Hunting Vehicle


1215-1390 Global Hawk

Predator B

Remote Mine
Hunting Vehicle GPS Yes

Table 4-7. UAS and UGS Operating Bands and Future Requirements (Continued)
Current and Future UAS and UGS Increased Demand


(MHz) UAS UGS DoD Application UAS UGS
1390-1435 Remote Mine

Hunting Vehicle Command Control Link

1435-1710 Global Hawk


Remote Mine

Hunting Vehicle


Video Link





Dragon Eye

Silver Fox








Remote Mine

Hunting Vehicle

Dragon Runner

Data Link
Video Link Yes Yes

2360-2390 Flight Test Telemetry

2390-2700 Shadow





Command Control Link Yes


Global Hawk



SARGE Radar Altimeter Yes



















Video Link







5850-5925 SATCOM
7125-8500 Global Hawk Sensor YES

8500-9000 Global Hawk Multi-mode Radar

9000-9500 Global Hawk Sensor YES

9500-10,450 Global Hawk
Fire Scout CDL YES

Table 4-7. UAS and UGS Operating Bands and Future Requirements (Continued)
Current and Future UAS and UGS Increased Demand


(MHz) UAS UGS DoD Application UAS UGS

Global Hawk


Predator B


Fire Scout


Dragon Warrior


Command Control Link


15,700-17,300 Predator Synthetic Aperture Radar YES


Global Hawk



Global Hawk


YES Impact of UAS and UGS on Increased Demand
As with many other DoD systems and services, the spectrum requirements of unmanned

systems will continue in all of the same frequency bands utilized today but will grow in selected

bands as identified in Table 4-7. In these bands, there will be a steady rise in the number of

frequencies required to support the growing use of unmanned systems, an increase in the

bandwidth for frequencies to support increased data transfer, and an increase in the time of

operation due to longer on-station requirements. Meeting the increased requirement for

spectrum dedicated to support unmanned systems will require increased attention to spectrum

management schemes and scheduling to promote sharing of frequencies. Additionally,

technologies that increase onboard processing and compression of sensor data will assist in

reducing the amount of contiguous bandwidth needed to support airborne data links. Without

significant spectrum reuse and fielding of spectrum efficient technologies, unmanned systems

will be constrained in the use of spectrum to achieve overall mission needs and may require

highly refined scheduling plans to ensure operations are executed within the limits of available

4.7.2 Future Combat Systems (FCS)
Future Combat System will be another key capability impacting DoD’s future spectrum

requirements. As detailed earlier, DoD is undergoing a transformation in capabilities and in the

way we organize and support the warfighter. FCS is a core building block for this

transformation and an excellent illustration of DoD’s dependence on, and increased demand for,

the electromagnetic spectrum. FCS is an Army led, joint networked system of systems

connected via an advanced network architecture that will enable levels of joint connectivity,

situational awareness and understanding, and synchronized operations heretofore unachievable

on the mobile battlefield. The Army’s FCS-equipped Units of Action (UA) will be its future

tactical warfighting echelon. FCS will network existing systems, systems under development,


and systems to be developed that meet the requirements of the UA. FCS will incorporate a

variety of spectrum-dependent systems operating across various bands of the frequency

spectrum, thus access to the electromagnetic spectrum will be essential to fully support FCS

system functionality. After initial prototype testing and evaluation, FCS fielding will commence

in 2010 with the first fully FCS equipped UA operational in 2014.

As depicted in Figure 4-10, FCS includes 18 systems consisting of unmanned ground

systems; unattended munitions, the Non-Line of Sight – Launch System (NLOS-LS), and

Intelligent Munitions System (IMS); four classes of UASs organic to platoon, company,

battalion, and Unit of Action (UA) echelons; three classes of unmanned ground vehicles, the

Armed Robotic Vehicle (ARV), Small Unmanned Ground Vehicle (SUGV), and Multifunctional

Utility/Logistics and Equipment Vehicle (MULE); and eight manned ground vehicles

plus the individual soldier - all integrated via the FCS wireless network.
Figure 4-10. Future Combat Systems Future Combat System Wireless Network
Individual FCS platforms will be equipped with a variety of RF emitters that will operate

across frequency bands to provide offensive and defensive capabilities. However, the core of

FCS will be the multi-layered FCS wireless network, which will have unprecedented range,

capacity, and dependability. The FCS network will provide secure, reliable access to

information sources over extended distances and complex terrain. The network will support

dissemination of critical information among sensors, processors, and warfighters both within and

external to the FCS-equipped organization. The network will be embedded in the FCS platforms

and will move with the combat formations. This will enable superior Battle Command (BC) onthe-

move to achieve offensive-oriented, high-tempo operations.










(CL1 & CL II)










The FCS wireless network will be comprised of several homogenous communication

systems such as JTRS with Wideband Network Waveform (WNW) and Soldier Radio Waveform

(SRW), Network Data Link, and Warfighter Information Network–Tactical (WIN-T). FCS

leverages all available resources to provide a robust, survivable, scalable, and reliable

heterogeneous communications network that seamlessly integrates ground, near ground,

airborne, and spaceborne assets for constant connectivity and layered redundancy. Every FCS

vehicle in the Unit of Action (UA) will be equipped with a 4 or 8-channel Joint Tactical Radio

System (JTRS). Soldiers and other weight and power-constrained platforms will be equipped

with a 1 or 2-channel JTRS radio. In addition to the WNW and SRW communications

backbone, the software programmable JTRS will support other waveforms to ensure current

force Joint, Interagency, and Multi-national (JIM) interoperability. The WIN-T will provide

additional communications capability within the Unit of Action (UA) as well as reach to senior


Supporting the FCS equipped UA will be a distributed and networked array of ISR

sensors allowing FCS the ability to provide timely and accurate situational awareness (SA),

enhance survivability by avoiding enemy fires, enable precision networked fires, and maintain

contact throughout engagement. FCS will process real-time ISR data, outputs from survivability

systems, situational awareness (SA) data, and target identification information to update the

common operating picture (COP) containing information on friendly forces, battlespace objects

(BSOs), BSO groupings and associated intent, threat potential, and vulnerabilities. The real-time

distribution and dissemination of information and data are reliant on robust, reliable, and highcapacity

network data links that require assured access to spectrum for functionality. Future Combat System Spectrum Demand
Parallel with the development of FCS systems, DoD is conducting detailed engineering

studies and analysis to determine spectrum requirements to support the FCS equipped UA.

Although the exact requirements have not been confirmed, various studies have concluded that

FCS’s demand for spectrum is forecasted to grow significantly and could result in as much as a

50 – 60% increase over the spectrum required for similar sized units deployed today. The

projected increase is due to the development of advanced ad-hoc networking technologies to link

FCS while also supporting the information demand associated with other tactical systems such as

unmanned vehicles, battlefield sensors, precision munitions, real-time video, and situational

awareness. Since FCS will rely heavily on the JTRS with WNW and SRW, growth in spectrum

demand will be concentrated in the frequency bands below 2 GHz commensurate with the JTRS

design. Frequency bands currently under consideration for FCS use are the 225- 399.9 MHz,

1350-1390 MHz, and 1755-1850 MHz bands. Although use of these bands has not been

confirmed, DoD expects that the highest demand for FCS spectrum will be in the bands between

1 and 2 GHz due to the planned implementation of WNW above 1 GHz.

To understand the demand for spectrum and heavy reliance on the frequency bands below

2 GHz, we must understand the environment, the way DoD plans to fight, and what capabilities

and functionalities have to traverse RF dependent systems. As discussed earlier in this report,

DoD operates RF equipment across various frequency bands due to capability requirements and

the ability of various frequency bands to meet those requirements. Since spectrum bandwidth


facilitates information capacity, spectrum bandwidth has become increasingly critical as the

requirement for information has increased. Additionally, what makes FCS demand for spectrum

inherently different from other implementations is the requirement to have a fully mobile tactical

communications infrastructure that can conduct combat operations on-the-move, at the quick

halt, and during sustained operations. This necessitates use of omni-directional systems, which

limits spectrum reuse and sharing. A second major fundamental difference is the requirement to

provide high bandwidth communications capability to large numbers of forces over a dispersed

area, which requires large blocks of contiguous spectrum. Thus, the forecast requirements for

spectrum to support FCS are a direct reflection of the increased capability of FCS units to

conduct combat operations over extended distances in austere environments. FCS Impact on Increased Demand
DoD recognizes that spectrum is a finite resource and the use of this resource is, and must

be, prioritized. To assist in determining precise FCS spectrum requirements, the Army is

collecting information exchange requirements, data from field experiments, and operational

experience as well as information on legacy systems. This data is being evaluated via various

models and spectrum algorithms. The main premise in identifying spectrum to support the FCS

network architecture is that the required information must safely traverse the wireless network

regardless of the environment and arrive within identified timelines. The result of the on-going

analysis will be a spectrum requirements determination for implementation of FCS, which will

be identified in future revisions to this report.
4.8 Future DoD Spectrum Needs Forecasting
DoD continues to deploy updated sensors, radars, and communications systems with greatly

improved performance and capability; correspondingly, they also require more spectrum. Through the

experiences acquired in developing the 2005 DoD Strategic Spectrum Plan the DoD has recognized the
need for near- and far-term spectrum planning processes that provide a high degree of predictability. As

such, the Department’s draft 2007 Strategic Plan for Spectrum Management32 includes two

objectives that relate to spectrum requirements:
The development of a comprehensive plan for the determination of current baseline

spectrum usage.
The design and implementation of methods to analyze and forecast spectrum


DoD also recognizes that the characterization of spectrum requirements, in terms of

reflecting spectrum utilization or access, requires a consistent framework within which to

classify and quantify both current and projected needs. Methodologies developed for the

representation of spectrum usage must have Department-wide application which can best be

achieved through the development of a structured framework for assessing spectrum needs and

accessibility. This includes modeling and simulation, the application of metrics, risk assessment,

and statistical methods.
32 Department of Defense, Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense (Networks and Information Integration), Draft

2007 Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Strategic Plan, Washington, D.C., Op. Cit.

5.0 Current and Future Use of Non-Federal Spectrum Offered by

Commercial Service Providers
DoD typically does not buy systems that it cannot deploy worldwide. Thus, it “must”

buy systems that are deployable (CONUS/OCONUS). In CONUS we can lease items but not

buy for deployability purposes. In CONUS locations (base, post, camp and stations) and local

operations are like mini cities. Due to local practices in the cities surrounding military

installations, items such as cell phones and commercial land lines are leased or used via

communication trunking stations when feasible. For instance, DoD’s mobile subscriber

equipment can interface with commercial communications, however, DoD is prohibited by law

from doing so; its use would interfere with the providers profit revenue.

In summary: DoD will use commercial services when possible. However, the purchase

of these services is tied to the worldwide deployability of the product.

6.0 Agency Current and Future Use of “Non-Licensed” Devices
DoD’s worldwide mission has presented a unique situation regarding spectrum. In the

“fast track” acquisition, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) is often referred to as the way to field

systems quickly and cheaply. That is, research and development is performed by an independent

agency, and thus the Government saves money. Unfortunately, the primary market for these

systems is the commercial sector. When COTS equipment is purchased by the government, it

cannot always be supported in spectrum authorized for use by the military. There is, however, a

sub-set of COTS known as non-licensed devices, which are low power devices approved by the

FCC for use in the US&P. Some examples are: garage door openers, baby monitors, cordless

phones, and remote controlled cars or planes.

Frequency conflicts from COTS devices could possibly cause problems, and technical

characteristics cannot be changed once the equipment is purchased and placed into use. In order

to train as we fight, we must deploy to areas outside the US&P. Spectrum is not allocated the

same in every country and many of our systems are not allowed to operate in places where

training is taking place. A COTS device may work well in the US&P, but its use may be

restricted in another country. Thus, adopting a COTS solution is not always the best means to

meet military requirements. Also, non-licensed devices must operate within the limits placed

upon them by federal law. Spectrum supportability assessments, done in concert with a

spectrum manager, will ensure that the best possible decision is achieved.

DoD will use COTS and non-licensed systems in US&P areas due to the following

Operational problems; potential loss of life;

System can only be minimally used during peace-time exercises;

System cannot be used during military operations; and

Multiple systems to perform a single function because of Host Nation issues.

7.0 DoD Spectrum Dependent Technology Initiatives
In the future, military commanders will operate in a dynamic, multi-layered, multidimensional

battlespace. This will require radio spectrum support that adapts to rapidly

changing conditions for highly mobile, widely dispersed forces. The Department of Defense

(DoD) demand for throughput is expected to increase dramatically. At the same time, worldwide

competition for radio spectrum has placed increasing pressure on US military spectrum usage

and the paradigm shift to asymmetric warfare only exacerbates this dilemma. Seemingly, future

assured access to spectrum will only be achieved through both the application of technologies

that increase channel efficiencies and by the supplement of spectrum allocated to DoD with

access to other government and commercial networks worldwide.
7.1 Planned, Future Uses of Spectrum Dependent Technologies or

Over the next twenty years or so, US forces will experience operational environments
that are increasingly complex, uncertain, and dynamic. The Net-Centric Environment Joint

Functional Concept33 is an information and decision superiority-based concept of how joint

forces will organize and operate in the future. The networking of all joint force elements will

enable paralleled information sharing and collaboration. DTOs supporting this concept are well

targeted where the development of technologies to overcome a number of identified limitations

is concerned.
Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) JTRS is a family of modular, software-defined, multiband,

multi-mode radios that will replace virtually the entire current inventory of tactical radios

as well as SATCOM terminals, eventually. Furthermore, JTRS will have inherent cross-banding

and a networking capability that will enable mobile forces to remain connected to an IP network.
Warfighter Information Network Tactical (WIN T) – WIN-T is the US Army’s high-capacity,

high-speed, backbone communications network that will provide required reach, reachback,

interoperability, and network operations for the Maneuver Units of Action (UA) and will

seamlessly interface with JTRS. WIN-T will extend to the individual warfighter platform level

and offer continuous interoperability with other networks including legacy, joint, coalition, and

even commercial networks through utilization of all available links to support the warfighters

anywhere on the globe.
Common Data Link (CDL) CDL will provide communications paths using JTRS/SCA

architecture. The project includes a number of separate tasks dealing with tactical CDL for

UAVs, a wideband integrated CDL for Network Centric Collaborative Targeting, and

development of ultra-wideband airborne laser development.
33 Net-Centric Environment Joint Functional Concept, Version 0.95, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, December

30, 2004
Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW) – Wideband waveform development is an integral

part of the JTRS program. A key waveform that will provide high speed, high bandwidth

networking within the JTRS context is the WNW, which includes four signals-in-space

supporting user data rates up to 13.25 Mb/s.
7.2 DoD Technology Initiatives for Achieving Spectrum Utilization

Future wideband networks will place new demands on efficient access to RF spectrum,

even as availability of spectrum for existing systems comes under new pressures. A 2003
Defense Science Board (DSB) Task Force Report34 recommended that efficiency of access and

utilization of spectrum may be improved by:
Bandwidth-efficient signal design (i.e., coding and modulation);

Adaptive techniques for changing signal parameters and frequency assignments as

required; and
Using the spatial domain in conjunction with the frequency and time domains (spacetime

coding, adaptive, and multiple beams).

Within the Department of Defense, modulation and channel coding has been a productive

area of research for enhancing efficiency of spectrum utilization. Source coding, particularly

voice and video compression, reduces the bits-per-second required for a given application. DoD

has benefited from commercial progress in these areas; the exception might be a case where

unique requirements, such as electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) and low probability

of intercept (LPI), need to be satisfied.

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s (DARPA) program for Next

Generation (XG) has a goal of developing, evaluating, and integrating technology to

automatically select spectrum and operating modes to both minimize disruption of existing users

and to ensure the most efficient operation of systems.

Defense Research & Engineering’s Project on Spectrum Efficient Technology Director

is concerned with spectrum for test and training (e.g., telemetry). Areas being investigated

include bandwidth-efficient modulation and coding, directional antennas, and channel modeling

for multi-path.

Each of the aforementioned represents only a small sample of on-going R&D initiatives

within DoD that are focused on improving spectrum utilization efficiency. Examples of other

DoD technology initiatives have been extracted from the FY 2008 DoD Research &

Development Descriptive Summaries (RDDS) and are presented throughout Table 7-1. The

table references potential impacts of these technologies with regard to the following:
Frequency Reuse

Bandwidth Efficiency

34 Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Wideband Radio Frequency Modulation, Office of the USD

for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, July, 2003.
Dynamic Management

Interference Control

Spectrum Sharing

Spectrum Planning

Increased Functionality

Mission Enhancement

Moreover, a general description of near and long-term objectives of each R&D project is



Table 7-1 Selected DoD Spectrum Dependent Technology Initiatives
No. Name
F requen cy

R euse

Bandw id th

Effic ien cy

D ynam ic

M an ag em ent

In terfe ren ce

C ontrol




P lanning



M issio n

Enhancem e n t
Modeling and

Simulation (M&S) for

Network Designs
Current: Baseline network design capability to validate principles and rules that govern the behavior and performance of complex communication

networks; assess and characterize the behavior and performance of the network (higher physical, data link and network layers) through analytical

and M&S processes and technologies.

Future: Evaluate the network design capability on a surrogate future force network; interface network design algorithms with simulation;

characterize detailed end-to-end user performance metrics; assess effectiveness of new networking technologies. Extend the ad-hoc network

design tool to include modeling and representation of the C4ISR nodal functionalities; develop a comprehensive representation of the internal

operation and performance of network data dissemination mechanisms; improve the network traffic characterization model.
E2E Performance

Ad Hoc Networks
Network M&S X X X XX
Communications Planner for Operational and Simulation Effects with Realism (COMPOSER): COMPOSER consists of the following software

modules: Communication Effects Simulator (CES), Network Visualizer (NV), Spectrum Manager, and Architecture Framework.

Current: Perform analysis of available radio models and waveforms and integrate the waveforms to test interoperability with COMPOSER tools;

mature spectrum management capability, improve the speed and accuracy of the CES.

Future: Complete enhancements to CES; will increase the integration of waveform models to CES; will complete spectrum management capability;

will develop final version of COMPOSER for transition to the Coalition Joint Spectrum Management Planning Tool Joint Concept Technology

Spectrum Planning
Application X X X X X XX
Radio Enabling

Technologies and

Nextgen Applications

Current: Develop Handheld Manpack Small Form Fit (HMS) Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JTRS) Manpack Power Amplifier (PA) subsystem

brassboard; validate the PA's component performance and associated system-level capability; identify root causes of waveform porting difficulties

through failure and risk analyses to software defined radio (SDR).

Future: Perform detailed investigation and experimentation into the development of HW/SW and porting of waveforms onto JTRS representative SDR

platforms; will develop capability to reduce the complexity of porting software waveforms onto SDR hardware
Software Radio X X
Tactical Wireless

Network Assurance

(TWNA) / wireless

information assurance

Current: Develop advanced IA techniques; expand wireless intrusion detection to detect attacks against mobile hosts and networks.

Future: Investigate a suite of IA technologies to enable enhanced tactical battlefield information sharing across all security domains to meet emerging

threats. Develop jam resistant and low signal detection communication technologies including space-time adaptive techniques, cross layer algorithms,

cognitive disruptive tolerant networking, and signal processing techniques. Develop IA technologies enabling information exchange across security

domains, ensuring robust survivability of tactical networks and critical information against info warfare attacks.


Disruption Tolerant

Antenna Technologies
Current: Conduct modeling and simulation to validate terrestrial directional antenna (TDA) parameters/link connectivity; develop innovative methods

for integrating radio frequency (RF) electronics into X-band antenna assembly; develop methods of integrating Ku and Ka band transmit/receive into

one OTM ground antenna system; develop methods of integrating power amplifiers into antenna assemblies; and investigate various low profile

antenna technologies.

Future complete development of TDA technologies for mobile ground platforms providing air interface for terrestrial directional networking and beam

steering protocols; investigate hybrid scan and phased array antenna technologies for a low profile multi-beam OTM SATCOM antenna for use with

military Ka band and commercial Ku band satellites; develop multi-beam low profile OTM SATCOM antenna in a single frequency band (Military Ka or

Commercial Ku); develop tri-band low profile (Ka, Ku, Q Band) OTM SATCOM vehicle antenna.
Directive Antennas

C om m a n d , C o n tro l, C om m u n ic a tio n s T e c h n o lo g y

H 9 2 C om m u n ic a tio n s T e c h n o lo g y
Spectrum Impact




Project Title Project Description


0 602782A

Table 7-1 Selected DoD Spectrum Dependent Technology Initiatives (cont’d)
No. Name















Enhancem ent
Survivable Wireless Mobile Networks:

Current: Analytical and experimental studies validating dynamic and survivable resource control to enable mobile networks to predictably exploit

distributed network infrastructures. Devise and validate adaptive distributed control of physical, medium-access, and network layers based on

statistical inferencing to adapt communications parameters for improved performance.

Future: Devise formal models, abstractions, metrics, and validation techniques for understanding the behavior of large scale military mobile ad hoc

networks. Design techniques that combine social networking and network structure control functions in real time to dramatically increase the level of

resource utilization in keeping with the stated intentions (outcomes) of a particular military objective. Design networking techniques for sensing the

networking operating environment, identifying the best networking functional components, and dynamically composing protocols for superior

Dynamic, Adaptive


Management and

Network Control
Signal Processing for Communication-on-the-Move: Perform research in signal processing techniques to enable reliable low-power multimedia

communications among highly mobile users under adverse wireless conditions.

Current: Conduct analytical and experimental studies of signal processing aided medium access control algorithms that improves communications

performance while on-the-move.

Future: Design and validate multi-input multi-output multi-carrier waveforms that exploit non-contiguous spectrum during mobile operations. Design

optimal channel-adaptive distributed multiple access techniques to provide high capacity, interference-robust, multiple access networks for

Signal Processing X X X X
Secure Jam-Resistant Communication: Perform research in secure, jam-resistant, multi-user communications effective in noisy/cluttered and hostile

wireless environments enabling low probability of detection/intercept.

Current: Devise and study sensor array processing and interference techniques that enable adaptive antennas for improved interference rejection

and spectrum reuse.

Future: Low power adaptive medium access control algorithms that are energy-efficient and support duty-cycling to extend the life of sensor

networks. Design signal separation techniques to mitigate packet collisions and improve signal detection for improved network performance.
Array Processing

Access Control

Packet Collision


Communications in

Urban Terrain
Future: Will mature communications capabilities for dismounted Soldier operating in highly complex terrain (e.g. urban environments) through the use

of space-time adaptive processing, cross layer networking algorithms, and network security features such as employing random noise waveforms and

other low probability of intercept, low probability of detection technologies to reduce communications systems vulnerability.




Communications and

Information Networking

Future: Will mature and demonstrate commercial networking and communications technology in intelligent agents and mobile networking; will provide

rapid adaptation of commercial communications equipment for military use through the development of new architectures combining commercial and

military unique technologies; and will provide modeling and simulation for communications/network planning.
Network Simulation X X X
Proactive Integrated

Link Selection for

Network Robustness
Current: Mature design of planning mode components based on M&S results; mature system architecture to include design of deployed mode link

selection technologies; begin M&S of deployed mode link selection algorithms.

Future: Continue M&S and design of enhanced implementation of deployed mode link selection algorithms; will implement first level integration

among link selection algorithms; will conduct performance characterization and scalability testing of mature link selection algorithms. Complete

implementation of deployed mode link selection algorithms; will conduct final architecture, design maturation, and integration of planning and

deployed mode link selection algorithms.
Control X X X

University and Industry Research

Project Title


Electronic W arfare Advanced


Spectrum Impact
Project Description




Table 7-1 Selected DoD Spectrum Dependent Technology Initiatives (cont’d)
No. Name
F requency


Bandwid th

Effic iency


M anagem en t

Interfe rence





Plann ing

Inc reased


Missio n

Enhanceme n t
Comman d , C o n tro l a n d

Commu n ications
4519 Communications

Current: Develop communications/resource network management schemas and sensor exploitation technologies enabling the dynamic integration of

communications and sensor management functions. Develop capabilities for self-organizing, self-healing, autonomous networking.

Future: Initiate design and development of cognitive networking technology that senses operating environment, learns application requirements, and

intelligently adapts network protocols. Complete demonstration of adaptively combined multi-dimensional (space, time, frequency, coding,

polarization) transmission techniques that enable high bandwidth information transmission and exploitation capabilities. Complete demonstration of

multi-mode, multi-function, sense-and-adapt air-mobile communications capability to dynamically alter communications methods under fast-changing

environment. Initiate the development of scaleable video compression schemes which dynamically trade-off bandwidth and quality based upon the

priority of the required information. Initiate the development of advanced, automated, network and bandwidth management technologies to move,

manage, and process information in real-time.




0603789 F
C3I A dvanced

De v e lopm ent
4216 Battlespace

Information Exchange
Current: Demonstrate improved battle management command, control, and communications networked collaboration capabilities by making

improvements in routing, mobile ad-hoc networks, and adaptive protocols

Future: Initiate the development of advanced, automated, network and bandwidth management technologies to move, manage, and process

information in real-time to provide dynamic Quality of Assurance/Quality of Service. Investigation to provide assured access (anti-jam) covert high

capacity spectrum dominance for global networking.
Dynamic Network

and Bandwidth
Management X X X X

T ransfo rmational SATCOM

(TSA T )
4944 Advanced

Wideband System
The Transformational Satellite Communications (TSAT) is key to global net-centric operations. As the spaceborne element of the Global Information

Grid (GIG), it will extend the GIG to users without terrestrial connections providing improved connectivity and data transfer capability, vastly improving

satellite communications for the warfighter. The TSAT's Internet Protocol (IP) routing will connect thousands of users through networks rather than

limited point-to-point connections.

TSAT will incorporate radio frequency (RF) and laser communications links to meet defense and intelligence community requirements for high data

rate, protected communications. The space segment will make use of key technology advancements that have proven mature by independent testing

of integrated subsystem brass boards to achieve a transformational leap in SATCOM capabilities. These technologies include but are not limited to:

single and multi-access laser communications (to include wide field-of-view technology), Internet protocol based packet switching, bulk and packet

encryption/decryption, battle command-on-the-move antennas, dynamic bandwidth and resource allocation techniques, and protected bandwidth efficie
IP Switching;

Packet Networks;
Adaptive Antennas X X X



Concept development work to identify commercial/military technology solutions to improve MILSATCOM terminal capabilities for the warfighters.

Focus includes increasing throughput, facilitating sustainability, reducing footprint on user platform and supporting network.

Future: Develop aamily of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T). Development of a High Data Rate (HDR) Radio Frequency (RF)

Ground Terminal.


Phased Array

Project Description




ORG Project Title
Spectrum Impact

Table 7-1 Selected DoD Spectrum Dependent Technology Initiatives (cont’d)
No. Name















Navy Space and Electronic

Warfare (SEW) Support
0706 EMI Reduction

and Radio Frequency

Automated capabilities will be developed that reflect research into new operational fleet battle group frequency management processes. They

reflect current fleet needs for a communications planning and frequency management tool used to plan communication links and analyze, allocate,

and assign communication and radar frequencies for fleet operations.

Current: Developed interfaces for AESOP (Afloat Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Program), and other automated tools to interface with

evolving network protocols and to ensure currency for web based applications. Developed new algorithms for automated tools for new Navy C4ISR

systems for both government and commercial communication systems being used by the Navy.

Future: Develop new algorithms for automated tools for new Navy C4ISR systems for both government and commercial communication systems

being used by the Navy. Implement a set of web-based capabilities utilizing latest technologies (XML) and other data standards to optimize

information exchange/usability. Institutionalize frequency management process for operational fleet by developing procedures that can be utilized by

all Navy Strike Groups.




Interference Control
Tactical Data Links
Dynamic Network

Management (DNM)
Dynamic Network Management (DNM) will provide automatic reconfiguration of Link-16 networks that respond instantly to emergent warfighter

requirements in the field. DNM consists of different capabilities including Network Control Technologies (NCT), new terminal protocols (Time Slot

Reallocation (TSR) receipt compliance (TC) (TSR RC) and Stochastic Unified Multiple Access (SHUMA)).

Current: Continued Dynamic Network Management (DNM) development allowing for data forwarding between Link-16, Internet Protocol (IP)

networks and new Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) waveforms. Completed integration of NetworkControl Technologies (NCT) capabilities into

JSS. Continue development of multi-netting capabilities and migration efforts to Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW) and JTRS waveforms.

Commence development of Multi-netting Phase II capability. Continue platform integration and testing of TSR RC (AEGIS Baselines). Development

of multi-netting capabilities and migration efforts to Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW) and JTRS waveforms.

Future: Continue migration efforts to WNW and JTRS waveform. Achieve Stochastic Unified Multiple Access (SHUMA)/TSR RC IOC.
RF DevicesNetwork
Management X X X X


Communications Security
Knowledge Superiority

And Assurance
Ubiquitous Communications: Provides Dynamically Managed, Interoperable, High-Capacity Connectivity wireless network technology critical to the

performance and robustness of naval communications by providing higher data rates, expanded coverage to disadvantaged platforms, and improved

bandwidth management.

Current: Complete development of Integrated Autonomous Network Management (IANM) by transitioning to ADNS Integrated

Ship Network System (ISNS)/ADNS

Future: Complete Ultra High Frequency (UHF)/L-Band phased array antennas for A/C carriers. Complete Ultra High Frequency (UHF)/L-Band phased

array antennas for carriers. • Complete the High Altitude Airborne Relay and Router Package to deliver relay/router packages for a high and medium

altitude platforms across UHF/VHF and Ku-Bands. Complete the Joint Coordinated Real-Time Engagement (JCRE) Advance Concepts Technology

Demonstration (ACTD) to provide GIG-compliant core enterprise Services and COI Services which will ensure warfighting COIs access to information

required from any source for rapid situation awareness assessment.
Dynamic Bandwidth
Management X X X

Common Picture Applied

Ccmmunication And

This initiative develops wireless communications network technologies critical to the performance and robustness of naval communications including

bandwidth efficient communication techniques; advanced networking techniques for robust, highly dynamic environments; interoperable wireless

networks for secure communications and protocols; and bandwidth and network management techniques that can effectively manage and allocate

bandwidth across tactical and theater levels in support of ireless network centric operations

Current: Complete research and development in MIMO antenna technology and OFDM signaling to improve data throughput (500 Mbps) in strong

multipath environments. Finish prototyping of lab models. Development of Robust Airborne Networking Extensions (RANGE) for joint battlespace

networking, networking UAVs, and hybrid mobile ad hoc networking (MANET)/satellite operation.

Future: Complete development of Robust Airborne Networking Extension (RANGE) protocols and software kit for dynamic inter-UAV networking.

Initiate development of frequency agile and cognitive communications. Initiate development of protocols and middleware for rapid self-configuration an
Channel Efficiency

Dynamic Bandwidth


OTM Multiple Access
Project Description




ORG Project Title

Spectrum Impact
No. Name















Next Generation (XG)
The Next Generation (XG) program goals are to develop both the enabling technologies and system concepts to provide dramatic improvements in

assured military communications in support of a full range of worldwide deployments through the dynamic redistribution of allocated spectrum along

with novel waveforms.

Current: Developed initial set of hardware prototypes and undertook initial field experimentation. Developed and evaluated candidate approaches for

implementation complexity, on-board processor and memory capability/power, overhead, scalability and performance. Developed final set of

hardware prototypes to evaluate and demonstrate system capabilities in an operational exercise. Demonstrated spectrum agility performance of

prototypes in field experiments. Demonstrated spectrum effectiveness and operational characteristics.

Future: Develop and demonstrate large-scale network organization and adaptation. Conduct medium and large-scale military scenario

Spectrum Sensing;
Spectrum Adaption X X X X X X X
Disruption Tolerant

Networking (DTN)
The Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) program is developing network protocols and interfaces to existing delivery mechanisms (“convergence

layers”) that provide high reliability information delivery using communications media that are not available at all times, such as low earth satellites,

UAV over-flights, orbital mechanics, etc.

Current: Demonstrated that information organized into bundles can be delivered across intermittent networks. Investigated policy cognitive operation

by moving intelligence into networks to make the best choices on delivery. Commence research to show “fuzzy scheduling” can make network routing

decisions in the presence of uncertainty about available or

optimal paths.

Future: Develop mechanisms to allow code-base-independent environmentally-aware selection of routing algorithms. Demonstrate distributed innetwork

cache and indexing services. Demonstrate information binding on demand from a network cache.
Network Protocols;X X X X

Networking (CN)
The Connectionless Networking (CN) program will develop technology to allow networks such as unattended ground sensors (UGS), to send and

receive messages without initial link acquisition or previous sharing of routing information. This will, in turn, improve energy per bit of delivered

information by as much as 100 to 1,000 times compared to conventional and near-term deployable communications systems such as contemplated

by both commercial and military users.

Current: Translated CN technology design and simulations into actual hardware and software. Designed and fabricated prototype CN network node

devices, and performed laboratory demonstrations.

Future: Develop and evaluate candidate approaches for implementation complexity, on-board processor and memory capability/power, overhead,

scalability and performance. Design and fabricate prototype Connectionless Networking node devices with hardware and form factor suitable for

military applications. Conduct 30 node field demonstrations using CN devices in a form factor suitable for transition.

Adaptive Routing X X X X

Command, Control and Communications Systems
Project Title
Spectrum Efficient

Test and Evaluation/Science and

Technology (T&E/S&T)
Defense-Wide RDT&E
Current: Continued Spectrally Efficient High Data Rate Telemetry System in 3-30Ghz range effort which will combine physically compact digital

technology and complex software modulation schemes capable of mitigating effects of communications channel multipath error at high Doppler rates,

while achieving implementations that are both power and spectrally efficient. Continued RF MEMS effort to develop a low cost, low profile,

multifunctional phased array antenna using switchable micro elements which will enable rapid antenna geometry reconfiguration.

The Netcentric Systems Test (NST) focus area will address the T&E scenarios, technologies, and analysis tools required to ensure that operational

networked systems delivered to the warfighter provide an assured capability to acquire, verify, protect, and assimilate information necessary for

battlefield dominance within a complex netcentric environment.

Future: Complete RF MEMS system integration, package development, ground testing, flight testing, test data analysis. Complete Joint Virtual

Netcentric Warfare effort; demonstrate virtual mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) technology and real-time virtual communication network.
Phased Array



Adaptive Antennas;

Data Compression;




Project Description

Spectrum Impact
Table 7-1 Selected DoD Spectrum Dependent Technology Initiatives (cont’d)


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8.0 DoD Biennial Strategic Spectrum Plans
DoD developed this Strategic Spectrum Plan in response to the Presidential

Memorandum on Improving Spectrum Management for the 21st Century. The purpose of this

report is to emphasize DoD’s critical dependence on access to the electromagnetic spectrum in

order to successfully employ operational military capabilities. The approach was to identify the

current DoD uses of, and dependence on, spectrum as well as identify long-term spectrum needs

and provide a forecast of spectrum trends. Fundamental to this report is the goal to emphasize

DoD’s research into spectrum technologies that will assist in mitigating spectrum requirements

for future DoD systems.

This document marks the first installment on what will become a biennial process to

update the DoD Strategic Spectrum Plan. The approach used for this report provides a national

framework which will be enhanced and modified to support the long-term intent of the

Presidential Memorandum. It is anticipated that this “living” plan will be recognized as a

strategic document that will also be used to assist in guiding DoD investment in future spectrumdependent

systems and technologies.

Through the experiences acquired in developing the 2005 DoD Strategic Spectrum Plan

the DoD has recognized the need for near- and far-term spectrum planning processes that provide

a high degree of predictability. As such, the Department envisions a plan for the development of

a current user needs analysis for spectrum dependent systems and a methodology for

characterization and forecasting of long-range spectrum requirements.

The Department recognizes that the development of an effective biennial process will be

a significant challenge. The size, complexity, and diversity of DoD’s spectrum needs will not

only require establishment of an extensive outreach structure, but it will also require the

development of a standardized data repository with codified procedures for updates, additions,

and enhancements. Additionally, DoD will work closely with NTIA and the Commerce

Department to ensure that DoD’s future process is optimized to meet the intent of the

Presidential Memorandum.

One process, in particular, that is used within DoD is the JCIDS. It is a joint-conceptscentric

capabilities identification process that allows joint forces to meet future military

challenges. The JCIDS process assesses existing and proposed capabilities in light of

contributions to future joint concepts. The JCIDS is supported by robust analytic processes and

identifies capability gaps and potential solutions. This system is consistent with DoD Directive
5000.1 35charge for early and continuous collaboration throughout DoD. One key aspect of

JCIDS is that it informs the acquisition process by identifying, assessing, and prioritizing joint

military capability needs; these identified capability needs then serve as the basis for the

development and production of acquisition programs. As spectrum is redefined for the future,

the use of this process will be integral to its success.
35 Department of Defense Directive 5000.1, USD (AT&L), May 12, 2003.

9.0 Additional Comments and Recommendations

The following conclusions may be drawn from the enclosed DoD Strategic Spectrum

Plan regarding DoD spectrum requirements for the next 10-20 years:
Spectrum requirements growth will be significant through 2015 and beyond,

irrespective of planned and programmed modernization efforts.
DoD’s most significant spectrum requirements growth will occur in the spectrum

bands below 3 GHz due to the ability of these bands to support many of the emerging

-netcentric capabilities and the implementation of JTRS-based communications

architectures such as FCS. This spectrum region is also where commercial demands

are increasing most rapidly.
Significant growth in DoD requirements is also projected in bands above 3 GHz.

While these bands are not as densely occupied as the lower bands today, they are

critical to future DoD systems.
Forecasted spectrum requirements growth may not be fully supportable without

advances in spectrum utilization technologies along with changes in spectrum

management concepts and approaches.
Any loss of spectrum access to DoD, either nationally or internationally, through

reallocation or other means will exacerbate DoD’s challenge to meet future spectrum

9.2 Recommendations
A credible and living strategic spectrum plan supported by focused action will be

essential to ensure that all federal users of the spectrum gain sufficient spectrum access to

support current and future operations and that competition for spectrum does not constrain the

ability of DoD to perform all missions worldwide. DoD recommends that:
The Department of Commerce (DoC), in collaboration with other federal agencies,

develop a codified spectrum requirements process that provides a consistent federal

approach for identifying current and future spectrum requirements as well as develop

the following:
A baseline Federal Spectrum Management Strategy that embraces a long-term vision;

A comprehensive, Federal Spectrum Architecture representative of the vision;

A Federal Spectrum Management Transformation Roadmap; and

A Federal Spectrum Summit and Workshop, hosted by the NTIA, to discuss federal demand

for current and future spectrum access and to develop an overall federal plan for utilization of

the spectrum.

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