Saturday, July 3, 2021


UPDATED 7-3-2021 7:22 PM, 7:45 PM Saturday, July 3, 2021 ‘ WARFARE ‘ CASSIE ( STRATTON was is already posted ) WAS A FRIEND’S DAUGHTER ALONG WITH JURY ( spelling is wrong. Teenage sex fantasies along with DR.DRAKE kids - normal behaviors, learnt later. Roger W. knew I had no ‘ reaction ‘ when his girls all over me. PHD LESBIAN FREAKS during ‘ mental rapes ‘ at or around this time 2002-‘03 ? ), POSTAL PERSON WHO STARTED CRYING FOR NO REASON NAME WAS ASHLEY, NEIGHBOR JASON WAS AT HEIGHTH OF VARIOUS ADDICTIONS, SCREAM WAS FREQUENCY MODULATION TO HIGHEST SETTING IF A DIAL. BEGING OF ‘ MIND MUSIC-EEG INFUSED ‘ PURCHASES. HUGE ‘ CLUSTER ‘ OF EMMESE EXPLOSIONS; SEE CA POLICE BOMB TRUCK EXPLOSION, ‘ TIP OF ICEBERG,’ I THINK HERE AT HOME. ( LAT’S: “ 17 hurt in huge blast during LAPD detonation of explosive devices “ ) ABC 7 NEWS: “ SOUTH LOS ANGELES -- What was supposed to be a safe operation to destroy a cache of illegal fireworks turned into a "total, catastrophic failure" of a Los Angeles police bomb squad vehicle that resulted in a massive explosion in South L.A., rocking a neighborhood and injuring 17 people, including 10 law enforcement officers, authorities say. The bomb squad truck remained on the street in the 700 block of East 27th Street near San Pedro Street Thursday as a national Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives team arrived to conduct their investigation. “ ( THE DIRECTION I’M GOING WITH THIS AS TO ‘ FORCE ‘ AND WHY SO MUCH ?: “ In the case of ammunition, atomic spectroscopy has also played a role in that comparison. In a study, firearm cartridge case brass was compared for elements such as Ni, Fe, and Pb via graphite furnace AAS. For the analysis, hollow cathode lamps for Ni, Fe, and Pb were used in order to provide the characteristic radiation. The estimated content of these elements helped in classifying the brass cartridges according to their origin (Heye and Thornton, 1994).” NOT JUST “ ORIGIN AS PER RESIDUE; RADIATION ? WITHIN ‘ TRUSTED ‘ LEVELS ? ‘ I ‘ HEARD ‘ THIS DURING THAT TIME ! MIGHT OF BEEN POSTED IN 2007-2008 ON ‘ the protection of prudence by conscience at blog spot dot com,” I CANNOT POST MY LINK TO MY BLOG BECAUSE FACEBOOK WILL NOT ALLOW IT?!?? BUT THEY ALLOWED POSTS FROM VERY PROBABLE HOMEGROWN TERRORISTS WHO ARE STILL AROUND !??!?? - “ The NRA also suggested that taggants would be useless distractions to an investigation — "like finding a needle in a haystack" “ “ LIKE A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK “ MORE….JASON R. AND PETER L. REMOTE VIEWING GROUP AT IT’S WORST, UNM EMPLOYEE INVOLVED TOO, THINK ‘ UNIFORM,’ “ THINK LOCAL “ FEMALE VOICE, TIME AND DATE ? HOMOSEXUALS ’ PURPOSE ( very questionable ) ? ‘ LEFT BEHIND, SABOTAGED ‘ WORK SITUATION BUT BETTER; ALMOST THREW UP READING STORY WILL POST UP TO DROPPING PHONE. THERE IS MORE BEYOND CNN REPORTERS NAME AND CNN MARKETING OF THIS STORY AND barton princes ' masonic ' LIES AND WHO SPENT THE NIGHT AT HIS HOUSE: ANDERSON COOPER, HE ONLY HAD APPLE COMPUTERS IS A LIE, HIS OLD GATES PRODUCTS, COMPUTERS HE WOULD NOT LET GO OF, SELL OR GIVE AWAY 2000-2001. Closing of laundry mat, crisscross of police or firefighters at exact times since January of this year 10:00 and 10:30, also anywhere I am in city unless at UNM. This is Terrorists State here. CNN NEWS: 'Tragedy beyond tragedy': Champlain Towers South was a catastrophe in slow motion By Rob Kuznia, Scott Glover, Curt Devine and Casey Tolan, CNN Updated 4:03 AM ET, Sat July 3, 2021 (CNN) Sara Nir was up late, checking her email when she heard knocking sounds that went from a soft tapping to hard pounding to a frightful crash overhead -- as if a wall had collapsed in the unit above her ground-floor condo. " Raysa Rodriguez was sleeping in her room on the ninth floor when she awoke disoriented. The building was swaying "like a sheet of paper." She ran into the hallway to find that it had been impaled from floor to ceiling by a concrete pillar; the doors of the elevators were shorn off, exposing the shafts. Cassie Stratton was on the phone with her out-of-town husband, looking down from her fourth-floor balcony in horror as part of the pool deck below apparently vanished into a sink hole. " " She "told him that the pool was collapsing, that the ground was shaking and cracking," Stratton's sister, Ashley Dean, told CNN's John Berman. "It's my understanding that she let out a very loud scream and the phone went dead." "

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