Saturday, July 3, 2021


CASSIE ( STRATTON was is already posted ) WAS A FRIEND’S DAUGHTER ALONG WITH JURY ( spelling is wrong. Teenage sex fantasies along with DR.DRAKE kids - normal behaviors, learnt later. Roger W. knew I had no ‘ reaction ‘ when his girls all over me. PHD LESBIAN FREAKS during ‘ mental rapes ‘ at or around this time 2002-‘03 ? ), POSTAL PERSON WHO STARTED CRYING FOR NO REASON NAME WAS ASHLEY, NEIGHBOR JASON WAS AT HEIGHTH OF VARIOUS ADDICTIONS, SCREAM WAS FREQUENCY MODULATION TO HIGHEST SETTING IF A DIAL. BEGING OF ‘ MIND MUSIC-EEG INFUSED ‘ PURCHASES. HUGE ‘ CLUSTER ‘ OF EMMESE EXPLOSIONS; SEE CA POLICE BOMB TRUCK EXPLOSION, ‘ TIP OF ICEBERG,’ I THINK HERE AT HOME. MORE….JASON R. AND PETER L. REMOTE VIEWING GROUP AT IT’S WORST, UNM EMPLOYEE INVOLVED TOO, THINK ‘ UNIFORM,’ “ THINK LOCAL “ FEMALE VOICE, TIME AND DATE ? HOMOSEXUALS ’ PURPOSE ( very questionable ) ? ‘ LEFT BEHIND, SABOTAGED ‘ WORK SITUATION BUT BETTER; ALMOST THREW UP READING STORY WILL POST UP TO DROPPING PHONE. THERE IS MORE BEYOND CNN REPORTERS NAME AND CNN MARKETING OF THIS STORY AND barton princes ' masonic ' LIES AND WHO SPENT THE NIGHT AT HIS HOUSE: ANDERSON COOPER, HE ONLY HAD APPLE COMPUTERS IS A LIE, HIS OLD GATES PRODUCTS, COMPUTERS HE WOULD NOT LET GO OF, SELL OR GIVE AWAY 2000-2001. Closing of laundry mat, crisscross of police or firefighters at exact times since January of this year 10:00 and 10:30, also anywhere I am in city unless at UNM. This is Terrorists State here. CNN NEWS: 'Tragedy beyond tragedy': Champlain Towers South was a catastrophe in slow motion By Rob Kuznia, Scott Glover, Curt Devine and Casey Tolan, CNN Updated 4:03 AM ET, Sat July 3, 2021 (CNN)Sara Nir was up late, checking her email when she heard knocking sounds that went from a soft tapping to hard pounding to a frightful crash overhead -- as if a wall had collapsed in the unit above her ground-floor condo. " Raysa Rodriguez was sleeping in her room on the ninth floor when she awoke disoriented. The building was swaying "like a sheet of paper." She ran into the hallway to find that it had been impaled from floor to ceiling by a concrete pillar; the doors of the elevators were shorn off, exposing the shafts.  Cassie Stratton was on the phone with her out-of-town husband, looking down from her fourth-floor balcony in horror as part of the pool deck below apparently vanished into a sink hole. " " She "told him that the pool was collapsing, that the ground was shaking and cracking," Stratton's sister, Ashley Dean, told CNN's John Berman. "It's my understanding that she let out a very loud scream and the phone went dead." "

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