Tuesday, August 27, 2013



Late 2008-2009 ( ? )
Before I forget, my neighbor during this time, dug a hole in the back yard and apparently buried every piece of electronics that he owned, after he burned it all. I asked him why? " Because I G-d dammed earned the right too! " I laughed with him.

He once asked me again what the name of my friend was in Jemez ( Ponderosa ), I told him Mary's name and he told me that he was once charged with a crime but found innocent and the judges name was Mary's first and last name to the T. This is what he had said.

Part of the attacks were about this. I bought a steel climbing/ice pick. It was thrown out in Austin,Tx., I think.

When I was illegally arrested for ibuprofen in Scottsdale, Arizona, the first arraigning judge looked almost exactly like my ex-friend Mary Street. ( For the record, alot of women in the greater southwest were the products of women who were shipped, carted and sold as wives and or whores to the cattle and land barons. Most of what remains, if  blond, red headed and blue eyed have the same heritage. Alot of blonds pretty much look the same for this reason. Survival at any cost.)


The test was boring, all those circles to be filled with a number two pencil. I remember this test only because of a book report I thought of and a dire need to get back to. The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton. 

After writing page 16 and still continuing on I was in the troughs of realization that my notes, perhaps, accounted for fifteen of the pages. I wondered how can a person write of another's work. I couldn't wrap my head around this concept.

I remember the book, because I was given the The Terminal Man to read years earlier by my father. I was allowed to watch the movie on television later. After my parent's divorce ( I, third grade ), I kept reading and have never stopped.

I think of ' your ' platitudes of economy and all language down to a word that met the eye, globally, since breath met mineral evidenced in the first plant's crawl away from living waters.

I have read most of Mr. Crichton's work through the years, Sphere, I read almost twice. I was on my first trip to Mazatlan, Mexico with friends at the time and Monte asked me, " How can you read now when you are traveling through country that you have never seen before? " We were in Arizona traveling to Nogales, a continuance of our journey. I looked around to the desert, nothing in all directions and I said that " I had been here before." Daphne looked at me and smirked, " It's just desert." I said. I hadn't traveled through Arizona on my own yet.

I recognized a ' remnants of voice, ' within the pages of collected thoughts and associations in lessons, that can be associated with those in the years, most especially 2007-2010 and even earlier. I see the snares of trappings that children men and women still play at the bequest of ' the veil.' I also remember saying ' Latitude ' out loud while walking out the back door of my house and the ' echo ' then comment, something to the effect " don't read that book now, you won't like it." Five years ago or so, just off the cuff.

To describe a bit more more in detail about the larynx and the areas just behind the ears, the temples ( or just above it ) and the ongoing ( tone ) or ' electrical impulse ' that I felt. This went on for days. I don't know how many. One night while fighting this, I guess I lost. Earlier that day, I saw a bridge of light  ( no other way to explain it ) from within my brain, connect with the other side. At night, threw a ' tear,' a separation, a ' females ' voice that spoke in and of itself, until ether I controlled it or it disappeared.

This is what was done to me ( That of which I will write about; I reflect also on the memory of being asked how I understand G-D. ' The there of. ' A happening before this. ) As in Austin and Scottsdale, all I can say is this ' A light streaked in the sky, I think daylight, I don't know which Island. I think of ' Ash,' of Alien, the movie that I saw with my family and Rebbecca my sister exclaimed at the time, " Bart is the only one that wasn't frightened." Other people left and some threw-up.

The beauty of the light, ' twice to my body and once in mind and spirit.' I thank G-D for the foresight, you can't escape this answer of my prayers ( don't be fooled by my lack of descriptive wordage ). I do not forgive you.

I might read  Mr.Crichton's book again. The photo I might copy and put in this post, along with the old fossil with the face in it. For me there were over 15 hits in the book alone with ' Providence.' I damned near cried deep inside with his character's description early in the book when she was a child, ' triggers ' for pleasing adults.

" How I see the ' heart ' in you all."-Bartholomew 8-30-2013, The Protection of Prudence by Conscience/ The Cristo-2003-04-New Mexico State Fair-First place , that Ribbon thrown away too. When building the sculpture, I also ' hammered the nails ' threw the hands.
" How I see you, the ' heart ' in you all." Bartholomew 8-30-2013.

England's Moral Authority will always be above the United States, until a time comes that ' She ' ( The United States ), takes a Stand on her own; a temperance of will not yet found in the ' Soul ' of the people, or The Monarchy will be once more, or ' the whore,' on the Democratic aisle, either way, a Monarchy.


Ramsy, the ' Egypt son,' the Palestinian, the businessman, and your ' Christian ' follower's, I and ' we ' meaning the US Military, when they get their heads out of their asses will see the world my way, one day. YOU ARE JEWISH IN MY EYES.


' The Underground ' constantly hammering away as to what will happen tomorrow, though redundant while the youth ( drug dealer's-young adults ) constantly ' Be happy, live today,' connected in illegal drugs ( ha! ), top to bottom. Might as well be under the Christan's staft with the New Age Atheists.

FOR THE HOMELESS ( unwanted )

You can't get an airline ticket out of Hawaii, although I have been labeled ' Undesirable ' for years, because the ' highers ' needs the economic slavery and Law Enforcement needs the arrests and monies derived from tickets. An endless chain, thus loop.


There really isn't any Hawaii Mystic other than a misconception of ' Revolution ' prompted by Hawaiians themselves and the ILLEGAL drugs they PUSH. That's all it is. I'm not your enemy, I WANT TO LEAVE YOUR PARADISE, MY HELL. Besides, I wasn't the one who created a arrow pointing the way to Peal Harbor, to get rid of ' WHITEY.'

This is day 28 on the streets, big deal. I don't look for trouble although ' they ' look for me. It doesn't really matter where you sit, or are, either they smoke the shit in front of you, near you or sit right beside you. All you can really do is move because outside of being white skinned, it is almost just as bad if you don't do illegal drugs. It doesn't matter if they sell it in front of anyone else or the police, they simply just don't care. That is the ' REVOLUTION.' Children in this library will blatantly state " It's the money," though not asked. The Pride of Hawaii.

Upon finding the Police department, with intention of turning in my side arm for safe keeping, the Police officer stated, " My sister is looking for," model of that making. I am the joke of the American Military from the President all the way down the line to the shit on the street. This, the first night in Hilo, HI. Safe-Keeping is best when uncertain of environments, MOB controlled shelters or on the streets.

The older people think Hawaii is just great, Feminist mainly, old hags; lesbians.Old military too.Pot heads and of course, speed freaks ( they crash soon, then some die or fill the soup kitchens until death ). But the ' fronts ' are many, and GOSH ! HOW ELSE ARE THE KIDS GONNA HAVE FUN ???????????????????????????????DON'T YA KNO' ANYTHANG!?!?!?!?!?                            ?

 For the benefit of whom?

The ' Underground homeless Shelter ' system is linked nationwide and Hawaii is no exception. The ' Gay Movement ' found a great deal in the sheltering system for individuals and families too. ( I SORRY MR. OCHO', BUT WE HAVE KID'S HERE.....YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? ) It works out great for Law Enforcement too in the apprehension of ' criminals on the run,' too. ' Other's are ' decided ' whether they are or fall under that classification, depending on ' what the attitude of the day is.' But this not just Hawaii, but the entire Southwest, all as by design, yet the sickening feeling that this really might not be the reflection of a will of the people from the top down, but from the bottom up. We know who we are, ' more money in ' medicine.' I sorry.' This a sentiment that I do not follow, yet have been exposed to for longer than I care to mention. THE LOOP. No matter the cultural expression.

I'm sure the missing girls in Hawaii, if truly missing, abducted recently, will never make the mainland's news papers. Don't trust the people sitting around, always ask the information centers or a large business with alot of people around for directions or bus routes or times. Avoid ' being one,' taken by the ' people of the night,' Tourist money will buy any silence.

Ask the police, put responsibility where it should be..( IT'S BETTER IF YOU DON'T HAVE A BACKPACK ON )


A recent read that freaked me out a bit, and the other by M. Crichton still on my mind. his death ( October 23,2008 ), then and all the shit that was going on at the time, the Arthur C. Clark stuff; THE BABY IN THE SKY. The interrogations were constant, the endless ' brainwashing ' that everyone and most especially Artist are queer. The realization, once again that it was England and not the United States that first Incorporated law that protected the children at work and at what age they could work. Laws dealing with sex, abuse and the such came later, yet well ahead of the United States. Back then, in NM, the on slaughter of mental games with the ' Gay Race ' that repeatedly tryed to convince me that Mr.Crichton was one of the ' images ' that they so Idolize. I read NEXT during this time, I knew nothing of the manuscript that would become a book after his death. G_D Bless Mr. Crichton, his wife and children.

8-27-'13-last night-someone trying to ' regress me again,' strong Fem-Nazi symbol-(then a person that I once knew along with her family-the face then blinked out-real one revealed when I examined it more closely)- ' entered my conscience.' - Nice try-you will see your future-guided. You want to play with heavies.----------------------------------------------- cell-barrel.......smell,taste,touch,feel,see,hear, breath.

8-26-'13-night before, found myself in a office/computer room/grey walls/brightly lit.....abruptly woke up. Fuck off-track, smell, smell, smell. DO YOUR OWN SPYING.


The symbolism that I have come across everywhere that I have been is off the charts.' The acclamation ' of my sobriety has always been the issue for some reason. Perhaps the targeting of myself or neighbor next door, after all he was the one that had the tattoo of the eye of Isis on his arm, of course you would have had to forgive him for coloring his hair blond for years. Never the less, I have seen, felt and met these people for better than three years and probably longer than that.

The search for god.

From the out reach programs, soup kitchens and the streets, YMCA's and other church organisations, the aim of these people has always been acceptance and then some kind of ' friendship.' Also and more importantly, another issue has always been that they are responsible in some way for my sobriety and that it be, in some way related to the absolute acceptance and service to Jesus Christ ( for his church will be ' our ' next conquest, like the JEW ). From queers caring and walking with staffs, as if Mosses, and from teddy bears and stuffed St. Bernard's ( dogs that we were raised with ) and Notre Dame everywhere ( worn by them ).

I think of B. Prince and " I've been listening to late night radio for over ten years. " an answer in reference to RV ( about 1987 ), and " Is that a wireless phone? Don't use it, I hear an echo." " Why? because that what they say." This, about 1995; he had a very large satellite dish in the back of his house, partly covered by the trees. ( Interestingly enough, his constant battle with the city concerning the large metal ' screens ' above his house for ' shade.' They were not made of metal wire, more solid than not. ) The dish was for radio, he said. ( Remember Mr. Lent ( ! ), my neighbor the Federal Air Traffic Controller ).

I think of his ' boyfriend ' Mr. Lee Willson walking behind him, up Monta Vista Blvd., in a rant and ' that ' pretend Mosses walking with his stafft, this seen while on my way to a lawyer's office then Walmart.

The Gate that I welded, repaired, has always ' left ' me in wonder as to how those branches were broken at the end of the second level patio area, the old breaks were never removed. The railing never terminated, but left open ended and the pathway from the bottom of the tree to the gate itself, thus leaving the broken welded steel.

Where was our military then, those playing with the satellites? Was the popcorn buttered those nights? Uh guys? Soldiers? .. fuck yourselves.


I think of my bitch of a father, how I ' feel ' about him sometimes, and his almost admission if not acceptance to the Masonic Lodge in either Austin or El Paso, Tx. I think of my half sisters who where abducted while still small children by a Lesbian who lied ( ? ) to him and ran off with a Cocaine Dealer who in turn raped ( one of ) the two young girl ( s ? ). They were found in California ( who would ' ever ' guess that ) by FBI, though my father said different. I believe my brother Karl.

This explained alot of what Evelyn Abbott would never tell me, other than that the police found pot under my sidewalk, in front of my gate when I rented the Apt. in back of her house. She stood up to them. " He might drink, but he's not into ' Dope.'" It wasn't even near a holiday; I was in Albq. for months. Earlier that year, then questions about some homeless woman, later that year. Never want to arrest those ' bringing ta' mone'a home!, ' I'm sorry,' Pinche way!' Sorry my ' spinach ' isn't very good.

The last one is for you Phil and Marie, but at the very least, I know that you, I don't think, are corrupt. It's a real Bitch when some one trys to force you off the road, I know, happened to me. Remember I fought back, tried to fish tail that Mother Fucker. The red semi-diesel flatbed. I was sober, that Bitch was one of your's. Your generation. So much for ex-friends.

For future reference never give a man like me a grenade, I know the difference, ask Finemark about the cannonball, he lost his nerve, I moved on ' just above the lower surface of the material that looked like ' cardboard.' I still dug until I heard something other than the ' language,' in the store. How did I know what I was doing, ask the Army about my youth. I don't know.

I went to states to ' stop ' things from happening...not any more. FUCK HAWAII, now I know. You fags and women are insane with all your combinations of mumbo jumbo mental crap. Now I know.

REAP WHAT YOU SOW....8-27-'13

Last night a little child belonging to one of a haggle of lesbians let their small child run about, aimlessly, in the traffic of the parking lot. A surfer dude, drug dealer, just another white guy, a long haired youth, but not me yelled, got up and stopped the truck. Just a guy.

It took a couple of minutes to call the kid, a couple of more to walk all the way to the child to get it out of the way, but one of the women managed this task.

They were thinking about pussy so much, they forgot the IMPORTANCE that sometimes comes out of one.

I had just sat down on the bench. So much for herd mentalities and whats in the traffic.

ADSENSEWATCHDOG.COM, I'm not sure who these groups of people are, but what the hell, the worst that you all could be is Radical Liberals. )

I never really knew what was going on alot of the times. When cornered, my father once told me that you fight, otherwise, go around. I've done that. I have spoken about a few things that know one really knows about. I know what shrinks have taught about people with pasts like mine, the ex-cons at every place that I have been have let me know. I dated a shrink, and I've been around some really interesting people. I think of my father's question one Christmas, " Do all those women still hate you?," he asked while drinking a tall glass of Burgundy. I didn't know what he was talking about. He was lost in his drunken cloud, enjoying the day ( very early nineties ). I honestly do not see any difference between the hate of the Anglo Saxon and the Mexicans, no difference; all Negros, nothing really separating the skin of all three as one.  

My father once told me " That I raised you as if you were my own." I guess if I married a Mexican American and she gave birth to a' black child,' I'd be pissed too.

Yet I never chose to be a fucking Mason ( not after that spic pointed to his dick ) and know that Mexican Americans are white, with all my lack of education. I would never allow my child in the hands of a pedophile. And with all that schooling I would of known the difference between family and military/frequencies and there uses. I would of at least wondered about what ' my ' son was talking about. Shit for brains, perhaps you and the women you once spoke of should take a good look in the mirror. Enough said, I'm not my father, but the path is very similar, with one exception, I am not going to take care of him, no matter what he receives.

I do not think, at this moment anyway, that I will try to bump up my discharge, even thou I deserve it. For all the good intentions from a very few, a life time of damage done.

How I feel is this, I want your country beat down...near submission, meaning The United States. I ' need ' you to understand what you have promoted, sold and ' cultivated ' for so many years ' KNOWINGLY '...with INTENT.

And no, I'm not that peice of shit blabbing all the time of drugs, and how horrable the US is to sell drugs.

I was sickened to see my father on that bus in El Paso with a staft, as if Mosses, not knowing the full story and the power of what we have been taught is Satan. An Arab is a Jew to me, they are finding this out as I write.





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