Friday, July 12, 2013

I have tryed again, to re-publish this, mistakes and all only because it was part of what a ' criminal mind set ' tryed to remove. I have also thought about 'UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES ' due publication of just about ' anything.' I WILL RE-READ IT AGAIN AND FILL IN SPACES AND CORRECT ANYTHING THAT I FEEL NEEDS IT. *

Friday, June 29, 2012


ANGOLA, INDIANA OR COUNTRY OF, I honestly don't know. Although it did stand out from the loud Mexican to keep making it a point of reference as to his current need to be employed in Pecos, Texas, instead of " sitting on his ass for four to five months." The job flopped, much to my dismay, much like the job in Dell city, in which the woman boss, who I was waiting to give my room key to, accepted a phone call from State Troopers or some policing authority asking for donations, and simply stated that " We do things here by vigilante, because no one's around," which , to me seemed a bit odd, because of my last work week in Dell City,Texas she approached me and ' Why are you doing this to us? '???! The next day a Sheriff, a close friend I assumed from body language, of her's made a bee-line to me, I gave no reaction, no need too, and he ' eyed ' me over pretty good, then left. Fairly intimidating, but to busy working to care, that much. The troubling thing about all this is, in Dell City I had to ride my bike in order to leave, no ' clear ' owner or boss, ' the owner's of the company, office workers, or the Mexicans who palatalized the alfalfa and loaded the trucks and just ' what all the fuss was about.' And the constant, " keep your mouth shut," everywhere, sound or.. and G-d knows Labor Ready is never responsible for anything..I got a ride to El Paso and learned alot. I honestly ' feel ' for the broken dreams of all residents of Dell City and their youth, old now and living. The Illegal Drug Trade. Why Indiana ? Coincidence? Family?


 George Washington on the signing of some treaty ( ? ), one officer saw a woman glowing in white robes and another officer saw a man standing and wearing robes also in a glow of white light. She/he spoke of the undertaking of a new republic and the plagues that would have to be dealt with; events of the future not yet encountered in the young countries life or his. I supposed , as far as the officer's went, it would've depended on which side of the brain that was dominant between the two officers that would speak of the vision that they both encountered at this event. I remembered this late night radio info. pumping a book of something or the other. I also remember that night, maybe, the ' conversation ' within my mind on the same topic, around the time of the ' quick responses of, ' You mean  our mind.' ( Sorry spell check not working again )

The black plague can also be signified by the onslaught of Grackle Boot Tails that have been plaguing the nation ( United States ) for the past generation.

I remember an Alfred Hitchcock film entitled ' The Birds ' that I said to my father when I was young, " A ' man ' told me that they are going to try to kill us ( mother Nature )." I was sent to my room for ' making up stories,' again.

There are so many things that I remember now of my youth that I had wanted to talk to my father about before he died, I even spoke to retired Texas State Rep. Paul Moreno when I got into town again, but to no satisfaction and just simply misled. So, this post is for you old man, there was a book that helped me immensely, the one that I wasn't allowed to read because it was ' over my head ' or ' above me.'  " Hostage by the devil," I finally read in Austin, Tx., and I found it Illuminating. The help that I might of received earlier in life, I'll never know. However, there was another about a terrorist, that ' you ' were right, I did enjoy instead. For some reason that title has stuck in my mind for almost a month. I don't think my wondering is quite on the scope of Obama's fumbling of the Gulf of Mexico's oil spill, but then I don't know.

The El Paso High Literary Magazine, a pen and ink drawing that started out being Earnest Hemingway, somehow ended up looking like or ' felt, ' more like Mr. Ingo Swann, creator of Controlled Remote Viewing. I imagine a good number of his early ' students ' mental footprint ' imaged him.' This does not explain thou, how in the world the Artist in Biominds, chapter seven ( ? ) a sculptor too, filled my memory when we first lived near Ft. Bliss. I looked threw all the books in the house, my mother allowed me this. I know what influenced my art,  that artist was not one of countless imagery. Will fill in his name soon. As for the pen and ink, I can draw all as is, if I choose, I have nothing to prove, I hate realism. I found Ingo's picture in a $300.00 how to RV/History cd/dvd triple set. RV was being researched at UT Austin in 1959.

EIGHT YEARS AGO- constantly for almost two years..." There's a war going on." Underlying everything, every night!

Newspaper discribing the event, along with the fire
hose part that I found at a jobsite in the outskirts of
Austin, Texas a couple of weeks before the event.   
One of the books-" Fire with Fire." Only one of
the national comics from mags. to newspapers,
where I felt I was the ' national joke!'                  
There was simply two much going on, mainly I suppose because of my ignorance of how many people were waiting for me on the ' other side,' and my own ambitions as to what I wanted out of remote viewing from the beginning, not excluding to make more money...something that I have never really had. When I realized that the applied skills worked but with moral price tags, I had to make choices that would alter if not completely change my life. I had to choose...with all the newly acquired knowledge of the expanse of my life and some ' broken bits ' of memory, perhaps ' impacted ' cellular imprints that have haunted me since childhood.( I have always felt that some woman made the discovery that would ultimately change the scientific world regarding this issue, unless stolen much like the weight of the work regarding DNA ) I have also taken into consideration the possibility of contamination of other ' personalities ' out there in the ether, regarding past memories. This is why I have tried to be as honest as I ' can ' be. I must also point out that in AUSTIN, TX, I WAS BEING LED TO. BOOKS THAT SEEMED TO ' LEAD ' THE WAY TO OBSERVING EVENTS PRIOR TO THE EVENT ITSELF. " WE FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE !" Eight years ago during the attacks, and weeks prior to Christmas day fire, THE BOAT FIRE ON LADY BIRD LAKE. DEC, 25,2011. My own sense, a broken fire hose and her in the sky...days of rain." We fight fire with fire. " EIGHT YEARS AGO and very recently, off shoot of THE MASONIC/PRINCE, in books that I kept ( Despite the mental anguish-before I was ' given '-perspective '-PROVENANCE ' ); the books, I suspect would of been " THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR."

An example of how one can be ' directed ' to an 
event or a statement. The ring was found under
a ATM machine when I was working for a temp 
agency in Austin, Tx. The colors are important from
 what I remember from the moment. The ring, just a loss 
leader...also eight years ago. Message within,
what amounts to an insurance descriptive. You have 
no idea what these fools who ' travel ' between
all occupations had in mind, even the gangs are 
involved in the ' replacement ' of Christianity with 
a ' new primer ' CULT.                                             
Why did you want to start WWIII, and destroy the country in the process? Why do you need to prove yourselves so DOMINANT. I very much appreciate the offering of the Governor's Yellow Couch in the moving and storage warehouse, and it's relationship in my past. The ' Imposed ' vision of shaking George Bushes hand with then Governor Rick Perry, and both wives being there ( there was something wrong with one of ' their ' faces, it seemed to ' fade ' in then out. ). And the ' slime ' there in the grip ( meant to be sperm, I think ), prior to the last election. Do blacks and ' gays,'( for a lack of a better word ), in all forms of employment wish to completely destroy all relationships with all peoples. I HAVE NO FEAR OF YOU BECAUSE I WAS TAUGHT THAT BOTH GROUPS WERE HUMAN are proving yourselves different, be very careful of what you pray for, President Obama is pushing for a bill that will take all ' song ' out of the world as we know it and you have nowhere to run,.. you might even be ' limited ' from the sky. ( There's your chicken little ) No home as you know it. I haven't even written in full detail as to your most ' probable ' ( perspective, eight years ago ) and all that revolving around ' lists,' or rather DATA...what all the information is/might ultimately be used prayer or ' shrines ' in your own private home or imagery or prayers on your phones, tablets or computers. Are you that insane?

                                                                        707 a number of a thousand books, then my license plate but before all of this...... 

The reason that I included these studies below, that I stumbled upon ( RANDOM KEYS-fj..8...xdn, midpoint dot before x, x centered too ), is for the protection of the future's children. I debated whether or not to proceed in full knowledge of the people who will further their incomes and pain to others, but ' individual ' freedom, not necessarily the freedoms ( limited ) of children, but the freedom of ' mind,' and EDUCATION should be available for the parents and families as opposed to all TERRORIST groups who use ' Variances ' of this knowledge today in nearly all aspects of life. The use of this technology was used against me...for years, since childhood. About eight years ago, and earlier. I will go deeper into this ' topic at some point later.' Why? Because there is a war going on and I'm a bit further than the 'seven' events.* I THOUGHT INTERESTING AT THE TIME-ALSO THE IDEA, OR RATHER ' SUGGESTION ' OF ' SLEEPER,' OR " THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE." ALL THOSE YEARS AGO, and yes before the remake of the movie ( about a year and half ).

Evans, F. J., Gustafson, L. A., O'Connell, D. N., Orne, M. T., & Shor, R. E. Sleep-induced behavioral response: Relationship to susceptibility to hypnosis and laboratory sleep patterns. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1969, 148, 467-476.





Nineteen Ss slept for 2 nights in the laboratory. Verbal suggestions were administered to the Ss while they were in stage 1 sleep (defined by conservative electroencephalographic criteria). A cue word presented during alpha-free stage 1 sleep was sometimes sufficient to elicit the suggested response without awakening the S, even when a temporal delay existed between the suggestion and the cue word. For example, the cue word could be repeated in the same stage 1 period as the suggestion (immediate), or during a 2nd night without repetition of the suggestion (carry over). With the latter, the S had no waking memory for the procedures of the previous night. Susceptibility to hypnosis was assessed after all Ss had completed the sleep sessions. A complex relationship was found among the frequency of sleep-induced response, susceptibility to hypnosis, and how well the S slept. Insusceptible Ss were less likely to respond while asleep and had less opportunity to respond because they awakened when cue words were presented. They had also reported that they were poor sleepers outside of the laboratory situation. Response to sleep-induced suggestions was not correlated with waking motor suggestion, nor with hypnotic passive and challenge suggestion. Rather, sleep response rate was significantly related to hallucinatory and posthypnotic clusters of hypnotic behavior (which can be experienced only by deeply hypnotized Ss), particularly with responses obtained when there was temporal dissociation between the suggestion and the cue word. Thus, the multiple correlation predicting the carry over response frequency during sleep, using S's subjective sleep patterns and either the hallucinatory or posthypnotic clusters as predictors, was .62 and .68, respectively. The relationship between sleep-induced behavior and hypnosis does not seem to imply any similarity or interchangeability of hypnotic and sleep states.


1 Unit for Experimental Psychiatry, Institute of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 111 North 49th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19139; the Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania. 

This study was supported in part by Grant AFAFOSR-707-67 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and in part by a grant from the Institute for Experimental Psychiatry.

The authors wish to thank our colleagues for their helpful comments during the completion of this study : E. Cogan, J. Dittborn, C. H. Holland, K. Hurson, J. J. Lynch, E. P. Nace, U. Neisser, Emily Orne, D. A. Paskewitz, C. Perry and JoAnne Withington. The technical assistance of Mary J. Bryan and Robert Lazar, as well as B. Blicher, H. Kaiser, W. Orchard and C. Stafford, and the editorial help of Mary Louise Burke are also acknowledged.

2 Posthumous.

3 Now at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center, Boston.

4 Now at University of New Hampshire, Durham.






Although a hypnotized S may appear to be asleep, hypnosis and sleep are different physiological conditions. Electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns during hypnosis are similar to those of relaxation but are unlike any of the currently recognized stages of sleep (5, 15, 19, 21, 28).

Historically, it has been recognized that if a hypnotized S is left alone or is given a specific suggestion, he may fall asleep without passing through a natural awake state. A more controversial claim has also been made: that hypnotic-like suggestions can be given successfully during sleep (2, 3, 13, 14, 25). Few empirical studies are available which evaluate the relationship, if any, between hypnosis and sleep.

Barber (1) whispered "hypnotic"-like suggestions to 22 Ss who were asleep in their rooms. No behavioral signs of awakening were observed with 12 Ss who responded to suggestions that could be elicited also during light hypnosis, but physiological and EEG criteria were not employed to monitor sleep. Using EEG monitoring, Borlone, Dittborn and Palestini (4) reported that sleep could be turned into hypnosis by appropriate suggestion, but they observed that waking alpha activity occurred when the E spoke to the S. Dittborn and O'Connell (8) found that the ease of inducing physiological sleep experimentally was not correlated with susceptibility to hypnosis. Stoyva (27) found that hypnotic dreams did not compensate for stage 1 rapid eye movement (dreaming) sleep deprivation. Soviet and Eastern European studies of sleep learning (hypnopedia) are more difficult to evaluate. These studies, reviewed by Hoskovec (18), seem to indicate that learning during sleep can occur only with Ss who are "suggestible." Unfortunately, it is unclear whether EEG monitoring has been employed in these investigations, and no distinction is made between waking suggestibility and hypnosis (10).


A difficult problem encountered in most of these studies involves discriminating between sleep and wakefulness. Sleep has been defined: a) behaviorally by the general appearance of the S and his apparent inability to communicate with his external environment; b) subjectively by the S's post hoc report about whether he was asleep; and c) physiologically by such methods as EEG monitoring. There may be transient shifts in states of awareness, and at such times different indices of the ongoing state may be out of phase. Consequently, these criteria of sleep may not always agree, particularly when a continuous evaluation has to be made while the S may fluctuate momentarily between stages of sleep and arousal. For similar reasons, no single approach, including the physiological, is sufficiently reliable to use exclusively when continuous diagnoses are required (7, 8, 12, 22). In this study, concerned with stage 1 sleep, the presence of visually detected alpha activity has been accepted as a conservative criterion indicating arousal. Behavior during sleep was tested only during those periods when the EEG record did not show alpha-like activity (between 7 and 12 cps). The problem has been elaborated elsewhere (12, 22).


Recent studies have demonstrated that a S can have commerce with his environ-


ment, at least during stage 1 sleep. Some Ss can remain asleep and still respond behaviorally to verbal suggestions administered previously during stage 1 sleep (6, 11, 12). For example, the suggestion was given during stage 1 sleep: "Whenever I say the word 'blanket' you will feel cold, until you pull the blanket up, covering yourself." The cue word "blanket" was subsequently sufficient, in several instances, to elicit the response, even though the EEG showed no sign of arousal. These studies have demonstrated that meaningful behavior can be elicited from sleeping Ss without evoking EEG signs of alerting and that mental activity in addition to dreaming is possible during sleep.5 The sleeping S maintains some ability to interact with his external environment.

Some characteristics of sleep-induced response: Several other features of the sleep-induced behavior were observed (12). Many responses were obtained even though alpha activity was not elicited during the suggestion, after the cue word was administered, or before and after the response. When alpha activity was evoked by a successful response, its frequency was the same as the slowed frequency of alpha which sometimes occurs spontaneously during stage 1 sleep. 6

When the S was awakened, he did not remember the verbally presented material, nor could he remember responding. His lack of recall involved a waking amnesia rather than an irreversible forgetting: the material was still available for future "recall" during sleep. When the S returned to sleep the next night, or even 5 months later, the mere repetition of the relevant cue word, without repetition of the suggestion itself, was sufficient to elicit the appropriate response. In spite of the intervening waking amnesia, the appropriate behavioral response could be elicited again during sleep. In contrast, the response could not be elicited by repeating the cue word in the waking state, even when the S was relaxed and drowsy.

A successful response tendency was mobilized slowly. An average response latency of 32 seconds was reported, but it increased as the temporal dissociation between the administration of the suggestion and the cue word increased.


Because of the similarities between sleep-induced behavior and hypnotic behavior, a relationship between susceptibility to hypnosis and ability to respond to suggestion during sleep was expected. In an earlier study (6), the four Ss who responded to the suggestions administered during sleep were known to be capable of entering deep hypnosis. No responses were observed with another four Ss who were known to be insusceptible to hypnosis.

The implied relationship between susceptibility to hypnosis and sleep-induced response must be interpreted with caution. The background experience with hypnosis was quite different for the susceptible and insusceptible Ss. Repeated failure to respond to hypnotic suggestions by insusceptible Ss may have changed the interpersonal relationship between the S and the E. The Ss' expectations, rather than their susceptibility to hypnosis, could have been a critical determinant of response during sleep. In addition, the Es administering the sleep suggestions were aware of the Ss' susceptibility to hypnosis, and the possible influence


5 Studies using different approaches have provided support for this conclusion. Several studies reviewed elsewhere (12, 24) have shown that conditioned or instructional sets established prior to sleep may produce behavioral response and discrimination during sleep. The present model is concerned with behavior induced and elicited entirely during sleep. 

6 Only those suggestions and cue words preceded by at least 30 seconds of alpha-free stage 1 sleep will be considered in this report. Thus, any response discussed will have occurred to a cue word which was administered in a clear stage 1 sleep record. Evidence regarding scoring reliability and response rates was presented earlier (12).



of the Es' biases on the predicted outcome cannot be overlooked.

A new study was designed to investigate the relationship between hypnosis and sleep-induced response. In the present study, Ss with no previous experience with hypnosis participated in the sleep experiment. After all of the Ss had completed the sleep study, they were invited to participate in a hypnosis experiment. Susceptibility to hypnosis was then evaluated by other Es who were "blind" regarding Ss' performance during the sleep experiment.


It has been reported that 21.2 per cent of the cue words elicited responses during stage 1 sleep (12). The correlation between the number of cues administered to the S and the number of responses was .70. The number of cues administered correlated -.76 with the frequency with which the S awakened when stimulated. It seems that about half of the individual variation in responsivity was a function of how well the S continued to sleep after cue words were presented. In the original study (6), the Ss who were insusceptible to hypnosis did not respond to sleep-administered suggestions but awakened whenever a cue word was presented.

Ability to respond when asleep, tendency to arouse when stimulated and hypnotic susceptibility might be related in a complex fashion. As well as examining the relationship between sleep response and hypnosis, this study explored aspects of each S's personal sleep patterns as possible correlates of individual differences in sleep responsivity.



A detailed description of the general procedure has been presented elsewhere (12). Nineteen male student nurses slept for two nights in the laboratory. Standard EEG sleep-monitoring techniques were used. Horizontal eye movement activity, palmar skin potential and gross body movements were recorded but were not used to diagnose sleep stages (22). Descending stage 1 periods following wakefulness were not used.

During on-line visual diagnosis of alpha-free stage 1 sleep, suggestions were presented verbally to S. Typical suggestions were: "Whenever I say the word 'itch,' your nose will feel itchy until you scratch it;" "Whenever I say the word 'pillow,' your pillow will feel uncomfortable until you move it." The suggestion was tested by saying the cue word ("itch" or "pillow") once. An attempt was made to test each cue word at least twice during the same stage 1 period in which the suggestion was given, during all subsequent stage 1 periods that night and during stage 1 periods of the 2nd night. At least 120 seconds of alpha-free stage 1 were required between cue word presentations. Suggestions were not repeated after their initial presentation. Two new suggestions were presented each night whenever possible. In some cases this procedure could not be completed because the S awakened following stimulation.

The S's behavior was observed by the E, who was in the room. Presence or absence of rapid eye movement (REM) bursts during the stage 1 period and latency of any physical activity following cue word stimulation were scored from the polygraph record. When the S awakened in the morning, memory for the session was tested during an interview and by administering the cue words in the context of a word association test. Any behavioral response to the critical cue word was observed. When the S awakened after night 2, a more detailed inquiry evaluated memory for the sleep events.

The S was not told before either session


that suggestions would be given, but was told that sleep cycles were being studied. He was not told that he would be invited back later to participate in a hypnosis experiment.

Comparisons were made between night 1 and night 2, and between stage 1 REM and stage 1 non-REM performance. In addition, responses were categorized by the temporal relationship between the administration of the suggestion and the cue word. a) Immediate responses occurred when the suggestion and cue word were presented in the same stage 1 period. b) Delayed responses occurred when the suggestion and cue word were administered during different stage 1 periods of the same night. c) Carry over (or dissociated) responses occurred when the cue word was presented during night 2, but the suggestion had been administered only during night 1; at least 1 day of waking amnesia intervened between the suggestion and its associated cue word. Based on individual response rates (percentage ratio of number of responses divided by the number of cue words administered) for the 2 nights combined, a post hoc dichotomy was made between responsive (N = 9) and unresponsive (N = 10) Ss.


About a month after the completion of the sleep experiment, the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A (HGSHS: A) of Shor and Orne (26) was administered to 30 student nurse volunteers. The 19 Ss who participated in the sleep study were included. The Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C (SHSS: C) of Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard (29) was later administered individually. The Es administering the scales were not aware of the Ss' performance during sleep. Five subscores were derived from HGSHS: A and SHSS: C based on current knowledge about the factor analytic structure of these scales (9, 10, 16, 17) These subscores were labeled waking motor suggestion, hypnotic motor suggestion, challenge suggestion, hallucinatory-reverie, and posthypnotic-dissociative.7

In order to maximize the Ss' experiences during hypnosis and to insure that the Ss have reached a stable level of susceptibility to hypnosis, this laboratory's standard procedure is to conduct several clinically oriented diagnostic sessions (23) with the Ss following the standardized scales. Unfortunately, only 13 Ss were available for the diagnostic sessions, and only 8 for at least two sessions, and so the results involving the diagnostic ratings will not be reported.8


Before the S first went to sleep, several questions relating to his sleeping habits were asked during an informal interview. The following questions were always covered:

1) How many hours do you usually sleep?

2) How long does it typically take you to fall asleep?

3) Are you a fairly heavy sleeper?

4) Do you move about much while you sleep? 

5) Do you wake up during the night?

6) Is it easy for you to wake up in the morning?

7) Does a light disturb your sleep?


7 These clusters were derived by summing scores on SHSS:C items as follows. Hypnotic motor suggestion: items 1 and 2, hand lowering and moving hands apart. Challenge suggestion: items 5 and 8, arm rigidity and arm immobilization. Hallucinatory-reverie: items 6 and 11, dream and negative visual hallucination. Posthypnotic-dissociative: item 12, posthypnotic amnesia, and item 11 from HGSHS:A, posthypnotic suggestion. The waking suggestion score consisted of item 1 on HGSHS :A, head falling. These clusters do not represent the underlying dimensions adequately, particularly the hallucination and dissociative ones (9). The clusters are also moderately correlated. The highest correlation (r = .51) is between the hallucination and posthypnotic clusters.

8 Analyses involving the available diagnostic ratings of hypnosis produced results consistent with those reported below using HGSHS:A and SHSS : C.



8) Do people in the room usually awaken you?

9) Are you easily awakened during the night by external noises ?

10) Do you dream very often?

11) Do you dream every night as far as you are aware?

12) Do you remember your dreams?

13) Do you usually dream about everyday events that have happened to you?

14) Have you ever walked or talked in your sleep?

"Yes" or "no" responses were eventually scored for all items except the first two. In addition, the number of times the S awakened during the 2 nights of sleep and the length of time it took him to fall asleep each night (as indicated by the appearance of the k-complex) were measured from the polygraph record.



Mean HGSHS: A and SHSS: C scores for responsive and unresponsive Ss are presented in Table 1. 9 Those Ss who respond most frequently to sleep-induced suggestions are more susceptible to hypnosis. Pearson correlations between susceptibility to hypnosis and frequencies of cue administration, response and response rate are presented in Table 2. The correlations are positive and consistent for the several measures, indicating that sleep-induced response and susceptibility to hypnosis are related in some manner.

Response frequency: The correlations between susceptibility to hypnosis and response to sleep-induced suggestions are positive and significant (see Table 2). The correlation of the 2-night total response frequency with HGSHS : A was .48 (p < .05) 10 and with SHSS: C was .56 (p < .05).

Mediating role of cue word frequency: The correlation between susceptibility to hypnosis and the total number of cues presented during sleep was higher than the correlation between susceptibility to hypnosis and the number of responses obtained during sleep. To what extent do susceptible Ss respond more often because they are administered more cue words? The correlations between response rate percentage and both HGSHS: A and SHSS: C are of borderline significance (.42, p < .10; and .39, p < .10, respectively, two-tailed values).11 Before a conclusion about this question is made, however, further data should be considered.

Hypnosis and temporal dissociation of sleep response: Table 2 also summarizes the correlations between hypnotizability and the three categories of response: immediate, delayed and carry over. The correlations with susceptibility to hypnosis are higher for percentage rate of delayed response than for rate of immediate response. Susceptibility to hypnosis more successfully predicts ability to respond to sleep-induced suggestion when there is a temporal dissociation between the administration of the suggestion and cue word, i.e., when the response is elicited during the 2nd night to a suggestion that has been administered only during the 1st night. The correlations for the carry over response rate are .64 (p < .01) with HGSHS: A, and .60 (p < .01) with SHSS : C.

Sleep response and type of hypnotic performance: Correlations between aspects of the sleep-induced response and clusters of hypnotic behavior are summarized in Table 2. These results should be interpreted with considerable caution. Both the frequency of cues and the fre-


9 The correlation between HGSHS:A and SHSS:C is usually reported to be about .6 (17, 23, 26, 29). There are more high scoring Ss in this sample than the two or three that would be found in most unselected samples of this size.

10 All p values reported are two-tailed unlessstated otherwise.

11 The number of times S awakened during the 2 nights correlated -.49 (p < .05) with HGSHS:A, and -.29 (p > .05) with SHSS:C.



quency of response do not correlate with waking suggestibility, hypnotic motor suggestibility or challenge suggestibility. The correlations with the hallucinatory-reverie and posthypnotic-dissociative clusters are significant only with the percentage rate of carry over (dissociative) responding (r = .52, p < .01; and r = .58, p < .01, respectively), but not with the immediate responding. These two hypnotic clusters include phenomena experienced only by deeply hypnotized Ss.


Comparisons are made in Table 3 between responsive and unresponsive Ss on data derived from the presleep interview. Responsive Ss claimed they were better sleepers and were less likely to be awakened during the night than unresponsive Ss. Responsive Ss felt they were less able to recall dreaming. Although they estimated it took less time to fall asleep than the unresponsive Ss, it took them significantly more time to fall asleep in the experimental situation. Responders awakened less often during the 2 nights once they fell asleep. These differences between responsive and unresponsive Ss are similar to differences between "good" and "poor" sleepers reported by Monroe (20). A total score indicating how soundly a S considered he typically slept was derived by summing responses on the questionnaire in accordance with differences summarized in Table 3. The correlation between the questionnaire and response frequency was .55 (p < .02), and between the questionnaire and percentage response rate was .39 (p < .10).



The correlation between SHSS: C and response frequency was .56 (p < .01). The questionnaire score correlated with response frequency .55 (p < .02). Combining the predictive criteria, the multiple correlation between response frequency and the combination of the questionnaire and SHSS: C was .68 (p < .001). Substituting percentage response rate, the multiple correlation was .48 (p < .05). The multiple correlations predicting the carry over responses were .69 (p < .01) when the questionnaire and SHSS: C formed the criterion variables, .68 (p < .01) with the questionnaire scores and posthypnotic-dissociative cluster of hypnosis items and .62 (p < .01) with the questionnaire and hallucinatory-reverie items.


Subjects who were able to remain asleep while responding to verbal suggestions administered during sleep were more susceptible to hypnosis and slept more soundly than Ss who did not respond. With SHSS: C as a criterion of susceptibility to hypnosis, the multiple correlation between sleep response frequency and the hypnosis and sleep questionnaire scores was .68 (p < .01). This joint relationship reflects the hypnotizable responder's ability to sleep well, in terms of both his verbal claims about his sleeping habits and his ability to sleep without awakening in the experimental situation. By awakening more often, both spontaneously and following stimulation, the unresponsive S provided himself with less opportunity to respond, because fewer cue word administrations were possible.

This result clarifies the perfect association between responding and hypnotizability observed by Cobb et al. (6). Then, as in the present study, insusceptible Ss tended to awaken whenever there was any verbal stimulation. The interesting theoretical question is not so much the extent to which sleep suggestion is parallel to hypnotic phenomena, but rather why the hypnotizable S sleeps better than the more easily aroused insusceptible S. Ranking Ss by all available hypnosis scores, the 6 Ss who were least susceptible to hypnosis accounted for 48 per cent of all awakenings occurring during the 2 experimental nights. In contrast, the 6 Ss who were most hypnotizable accounted for only 26 per cent of the total awakenings. In the earlier study (6), in which susceptibility had been determined prior to sleeping, the insusceptible Ss did not sleep well in the laboratory. In the present study, the reverse occurred: those Ss who slept poorly were found, on later evaluation, to be relatively insusceptible to hypnosis. There may be some common factors arising from their initial experience with the laboratory. For


example, a S's failure to experience hypnosis (or to sleep well) may have given rise to anxiety, disappointment, suspiciousness or poor rapport when he returned to sleep (or be hypnotized). It is worth noting, however, that even the 7 Ss who were only moderately susceptible to hypnosis slept as well as the deeply hypnotized Ss, both subgroups each accounting for 26 per cent on the total awakenings.

The paradigm adopted for administering the suggestions during sleep was similar to that regularly used with passive motor suggestions. The sleep response was not, however, a simple manifestation of motor or primary suggestibility as the concept is usually applied to waking and hypnotic conditions (9, 10). Frequency of sleep response did not correlate with score clusters derived from the hypnosis scales measuring the various aspects of motor suggestion. Instead, sleep response frequency was related to the clusters typically consisting of phenomena obtained with somnambulistic hypnosis: hallucinations and posthypnotic effects.

Although the correlation between sleepinduced response to suggestion and susceptibility to hypnosis was positive, it was statistically significant only when the carry over responses (responses during night 2 to suggestions administered during night 1) were considered. The relationship between response and susceptibility was most apparent when there was a dissociative temporal gap between the administration of the suggestion and the related cue eliciting the response, but was weaker when the eliciting cue and suggestion were in close temporal proximity. A common mechanism may exist in both situations, although it takes a different form. This speculative interpretation is supported by the significant correlation between the posthypnotic-dissociative cluster of items in the hypnosis scales and the frequency of carry over or dissociated responses.

In the spirit of this kind of speculation, the correlation between the hallucinatory-reverie cluster of items and sleep response is possibly consistent with data indicating that, when a successful response occurs, the cue word may be incorporated into ongoing dream activity (12). Some kind of facility to control imagery and ideational content seems necessary to experience convincing hypnotic hallucinations and to manipulate ongoing dream content. It is noted that the hallucination-reverie hypnosis cluster was the only one which correlated with the sleep habits questionnaire score (r = .55; p < .05). It is also interesting that there are some Ss who experience posthypnotic amnesia, who respond during sleep in spite of intervening waking amnesia and who claim they do not recall dreams when they awaken.

The assumed selective attention of the hypnotized S during trance and his ability to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant stimuli have often been stressed. If this is a general characteristic of the susceptible S, then he may maintain this advantage during some stages of sleep. He is able to attend selectively and process incoming information in such a way that allows a discrimination as to whether it is "necessary" to arouse and process the information at a more integrated waking level. Because of his lack of selective attention, the insusceptible S has to awaken to process incoming information. From this point of view, the relationship between susceptibility to hypnosis and sleep-induced response does not imply any similarity or interchangeability of trance and sleep states. Rather, the evidence seems to indicate that ability to have dissociative mental processes leading to a selective attention to external stimulation is common to both phenomena.


1. Barber, T. X. Comparison of suggestibility during "light sleep" and hypnosis. Science, 124:405, 1956.

2. Bernheim, H. De la Suggestion et des ses Ap-


plications a la Therapeutique. Doin, Paris, 1886.

3. Bertrand, A. J. F. Du Magnetisme Animal en France et des Jugements qu'en ant Portes les Societes Savantes. Bailliere, Paris, 1826.

4. Borlone, M., Dittborn, J. M. and Palestini, M. Correlaciones electroencefalograficas dentro de una definition operational de hipnosis sonambulica. Comunicacion preliminar. Acta Hipnol. Latinoamer., 1: 9-19,1960.

5. Chertok, L. and Kramarz, P. Hypnosis, sleep and electroencephalography. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 128: 227-238,1959.

6. Cobb, J. C., Evans, F. J., Gustafson, L. A., O'Connell, D. N., Orne, M. T. and Shor, R. E. Specific motor response during sleep to sleep-administered meaningful suggestion: An exploratory investigation. Percept. Motor Skills, 20: 629-636,1965.

7. Dittborn, J. M. and Armengol, V. Expectation as a factor of sleep suggestibility: II. J. Psychol., 49: 113-116,1960.

8. Dittborn, J. M. and O'Connell, D. N. Behavioral sleep, physiological sleep, and hypnotizability. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Hypn., 15: 181188,1967.

9. Evans, F. J. The Structure of Hypnosis: A Factor Analytic Investigation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Sydney, Australia, 1966.

10. Evans, F. J. Suggestibility in the normal waking state. Psychol. Bull., 67: 114-129, 1967.

11. Evans, F. J., Gustafson, L. A., O'Connell, D. N., Orne, M. T. and Shor, R. E. Response during sleep with intervening waking amnesia. Science, 152: 666-667, 1966.

12. Evans, F. J., Gustafson, L. A., O'Connell, D. N., Orne, M. T. and Shor, R. E. Verbally induced behavioral responses during sleep. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. In press.

13. Fresacher, L. A way into the hypnotic state. Brit. J. Med. Hypn., 3: 12-13, 1951.

14. Gill, M. M. and Brenman, M. Hypnosis and Related States: Psychoanalytic Studies in Regression. International Universities Press, New York, 1959.

15. Gorton, B. E. The physiology of hypnosis: I. A review of the literature. Psychiat. Quart., 23: 317-343,1949.

16. Hammer, A. G., Evans, F. J. and Bartlett, M. Factors in hypnosis and suggestion. J. Abnorm. Soc. Psychol., 67: 15-23, 1963.

17. Hilgard, E. R. Hypnotic Susceptibility. Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, 1965.

18. Hoskovec, J. Hypnopedia in the Soviet Union: A critical review of recent major experiments. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Hypn., 14: 308-315, 1966.

19. Kleitman, N. Sleep and Wakefulness. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1963.

20. Monroe, L. J. Psychological and physiological differences between good and poor sleepers. J. Abnorm. Psychol., 72: 255-264, 1967.

21. Moss, C. S. The Hypnotic Investigation of Dreams. Wiley, New York, 1967.

22. O'Connell, D. N., Gustafson, L. A., Evans, F. J., Orne, M. T. and Shor, R. E. Can Waking and Stage I Sleep Always Be Told Apart by EEG Criteria Alone? Paper presented at the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Washington, D. C., March, 1965.

23. Orne, M. T. and O'Connell, D. N. Diagnostic ratings of hypnotizability. Int. J. Clin. Exp. Hypn., 15: 125-133, 1967.

24. Oswald, I. Sleeping and Waking. Elsevier, New York, 1962.

25. Schilder, P. F. and Kauders, O. [Rothenberg, S., trans.]. Hypnosis. [Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series, No. 46]. Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, New York, 1927.

26. Shor, R. E. and Orne, E. C. The Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A. Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto, Calif., 1962.

27. Stoyva, J. M. Posthypnotically suggested dreams and the sleep cycle. Arch. Gen. Psychiat., 12: 287-294,1965.

28. Tart, C. T. The hypnotic dream : Methodological problems and a review of the literature. Psychol. Bull., 63: 87-99, 1965.

29. Weitzenhoffer, A. M. and Hilgard, E. R. The Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C. Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto, Calif., 1962.


The preceding paper is a reproduction of the following article (Evans, F. J., Gustafson, L. A., O'Connell, D. N., Orne, M. T., & Shor, R. E. Sleep-induced behavioral response: Relationship to susceptibility to hypnosis and laboratory sleep patterns. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1969, 148, 467-476.). ©1969 by The Williams & Wilkins Co. It is reproduced here with the kind permission of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins ©.

Reprinted with permission from Evans, F. J., Gustafson, L. A., O'Connell, D. N., Orne, M. T., & Shor, R. E. Response during sleep with intervening waking amnesia. Science, 1966, 152, 666-667. Copyright 1966 AAAS.( 


Response during Sleep with Intervening Waking Amnesia

Frederick J. Evans, Lawrence A. Gustafson, Donald N. O'Connell, Martin T. Orne, and Ronald E. Shor

Abstract. During stage 1 sleep, subjects responded to suggestions on two or more nights, up to 5 months apart. While they were awake they did not recall the material to which they successfully responded while asleep on a subsequent night.

If a response has been established in the waking condition, subjects will respond during sleep to meaningful cognitive stimuli. Material presented during sleep alone, defined by electroencephalographic (EEG) criteria, is not recalled on awakening (1). However, some subjects respond while asleep to cue words associated with meaningful verbal suggestions that had been previously administered during sleep. Throughout administration of the suggestion and subsequent response to the cue, the subject remains in stage 1 sleep, defined by conservative EEG criteria (2, 3). Independently, Beh and Barratt (4) conditioned and extinguished EEG responses to mild shock in sedated sleeping subjects.

Objective response to meaningful material may be acquired during sleep and retained during periods of stage 1 sleep, but studies of sleep-learning imply that material presented during sleep is not retained after awakening. It is unlikely that the failure of retention after awakening is due to the time interval between sleep-acquisition and waking-recall. Delay between acquisition and response during sleep has been up to 5 hours, in several instances, without intervening awakening; a longer interval than that is frequently employed in sleep-learning studies (3, 5). Portnoff et al. (6) report that material presented during transient wakefulness is not learned unless it is followed by several minutes of wakefulness, which suggests that acquisition occurs only if consolidation occurs, or that any acquisition of responses during sleep cannot be accounted for by the occurrence of transient wakefulness during the acquisition process.

No attempt has been made in the sleep-learning studies to test whether acquisition had actually ever occurred. This could be done by testing retention during sleep. If acquisition and successful sleep-response are demonstrated during sleep, only then is it possible to investigate retention of the acquired response after awakening. Once these conditions are satisfied, waking retention may occur. If it does not, it is possible that material acquired during sleep remains relatively unavailable to waking-recall processes, in much the same way as dreams are often relatively unavailable to waking recall. This hypothesis may be tested by retesting the critical cue words during a subsequent sleep period.

Eighteen paid, male, student nurses each slept in a laboratory for two full nights. They were told only that E would be in the room occasionally.

Monopolar occipital, parietal, and frontal EEG were recorded with the use of standard procedures with an Offner Type-R 8-channel dynograph, which provided the sole basis for diagnosing ongoing stage 1 sleep according to criteria described by O'Connell et al. (7). Suggestions were repeated twice by E in a low monotone, and no attempt was made to determine whether E's words were presented above sleeping auditory thresholds. No suggestion or cue word was spoken if the technician signaled the presence of visually detectable alpha-frequency activity superimposed on the otherwise flat, desynchronous, emergent stage 1 EEG record. Although rapid eye movements (REM), inferentially associated with dream reports, occur during this stage of sleep, the presence or absence of REM activity was not considered in the diagnosis of ongoing stage 1 sleep. Stage 1 (descending) sleep following awakening was not used.

The suggestions required a clearly identifiable overt response, and a subjectively experienced (usually negative) affect. A typical suggestion was, "Whenever I say the word 'leg,' your left leg will feel extremely cramped and uncomfortable until you move it." The suggestion was tested by repeating once the cue word "leg." Subsequent repetitions of the cue word were not made for at least 60 seconds. A response was considered successful only if the suggested specific movement was made.

The first suggestion was administered during the first emergent stage 1 period and was then tested. During the next stage 1 period, the same suggestion was tested again, and a new suggestion was administered. Both suggestions were tested, with the appropriate cue word alone, during all subsequent periods of stage 1 sleep that night. Frequency of testing the suggestions varied, depending partly on the subject's level of arousal during the night.

The subject was awakened after 5 to 7 hours of sleep; he was questioned closely about occurrences during the fight and his memory for the suglestions. A 20-item word-association test was administered, in which the significant cue words were randomly intermixed with neutral words referring to sleep and parts of the body. Latency of response, and behavioral reactions, if any, were noted. Verbal recall for the suggestions was tested again before the subject went to sleep on the second night. Without readministering the suggestions, the critical cue words were repeated, in the same fashion, during emergent stage 1 periods. A similar procedure was followed when the subject was awakened, after which he was given an exhaustive test of memory.

About 5 months later, 7 of the 18 subjects returned for a third night and were tested in the same way.

Eleven of 18 subjects responded behaviorally while in stage 1 sleep to the appropriate cue words of suggestions administered during this stage 1 sleep period. Six of these subjects responded to the same cue word during a subsequent stage 1 period. The 11 responding subjects received at least two different suggestions during the first night. Eight of these 11 were unable to specify anything that had been said to them while they were asleep. Three subjects were able to recall one of the cue words, but they could not verbalize the complete suggestion and were not aware of the significance of the cue word that they recalled. All three subjects showed at least one instance of transient wakefulness (alpha activity) following at least one administration of the critical cue word (although several of the other subjects occasionally showed some transient alpha activity after cue words). In each case recall was vague and reltively nonspecific. One subject did not respond on either night to the particular cue word that he recalled.

Three of the 11 subjects who had responded to the particular suggestion during sleep also responded to the cue word in the word-association presentation of the cue when they were awake. Of the seven subjects who did not respond during sleep, four responded to the cue word when they were awake. However, six of the responders and five of the nonresponders gave "appropriate" behavioral responses to at least one of the noncritical words (for example, on the stimulus "arm," a subject raised his arm, although the word was unre-



lated to the suggestion given to that subject).

The mean reaction times to critical cue words and noncritical stimulus words during the word-association test (9.17 and 9.91 seconds, respectively) are not significantly different.

Of the 11 subjects who responded during the first night, seven responded to cue words during the second night. Successful second-night response to cue words during sleep occurred even though the suggestion itself was not readministered and even though the subjects had no intervening waking memory of the suggestions or their sleeping responses. In addition, two of the seven subjects who did not respond during the first night responded to one of the cue words on the second night, again without recalling the words that had been given during sleep.

After a period of about 5 months, seven subjects were retested on a third sleep night. None of the subjects recalled the suggestions of the previous two evenings; five of them had responded on both previous nights to the cue words of the first night. These five subjects responded while asleep to cue words from the two previous nights, even though the suggestions were not re-administered and in spite of waking amnesia during the intervening 5 months.

Subjects are capable of responding during sleep to subjectively affective suggestions that had been administered previously during stage 1 sleep. Behavioral responses are acquired and can be elicited during the night in stage 1 sleep, in stage l on a following night, and in stage 1 sleep even after a period of several months without further reinstatement of the suggestion. This retention occurs even though the subject is not able to verbalize these experiences when awake, and the acquired sleep behavior is not carried out by the waking subject.

Apart from the more empirical implications of the results, particularly in terms of the now-dormant issue of sleep-learning, these findings are conducive to several theoretical interpretations. It is possible that acquisition of new experiences must occur within a particular context of other ongoing experience, aspects of which are necessary at a later time to act as a "triggering mechanism" for the subsequent recall or reproduction of the acquired behavior.

Lack of an integrating context during sleep, other than the eliciting cue word, results in a partial autonomy of acquired material from the subsequent waking context (8). One such triggering mechanism may be an induced "set" to remember, established before the subject goes to sleep (see 9).

The conditions under which the waking amnesia can be reversed and the relation between the phenomenon of sleep suggestion and posthypnotic suggestion and amnesia remain to be clarified in future studies.





Unit for Experimental Psychiatry, Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital, and University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

References and Notes

1. H. L. Williams, D. I. Tepas, H. C. Morlock, Science 133, 1485 (1961); W. H. Emmons and C. W. Simon, Amer. J. Psychol. 69, 76 (1956); C. W. Simon and W. H. Emmons, Psychol. Bull. 52, 328 (1955).

2. J. C. Cobb, F. J. Evans, L. A. Gustafson, D. N. O'Connell, M. T. Orne, R. E. Shor, Percept. Mot. Skills 20, 629 (1965).

3. F. J. Evans, L. A. Gustafson, D. N. O'Connell, M. T. Orne, R. E. Shor, paper read at meeting of Association for Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Washington, D.C. (1965).

4. H. C. Beh and P. E. H. Barratt, Science 147, 1470 (1965).

5. C. W. Simon and W. H. Emmons, Psychol. Bull. 52, 328 (1955).

6. G. Portnoff, F. Baekeland, D. R. Goodenough, I. Karacan, A. Shapiro, paper read at meeting of Association for Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Washington, D.C. (1965).

7. D. N. O'Connell, L. A. Gustafson, F. J. Evans, M. T. Orne, R. E. Shor, paper read at meeting of Association for Psychophysiological Study of Sleep, Washington, D.C. (1965).

8. R. E. Shor, Amer. J. Psychotherap. 13, 582 (1959), discusses similar phenomena of hypnosis in terms of diminished generalized reality orientation. F. J. Evans and W. F. Thorn, Amer. Psychol. 18, 373 (1963) and Int. J. Clin. Exp. Hypn., in press, describe a related posthypnotic phenomenon, source amnesia, in which the subject is unaware how he acquired new knowledge, even though the material learned during hypnosis is remembered. For a different point of view, see the discussion of childhood amnesia by E. G. Schachtel, Metamorphosis (Basic Books, New York, 1959), pp. 279-322.

9. One subject, who responded to most suggestions during both the first and second nights and who had complete amnesia while awake, by the criteria adopted, on the third night, 5 months later, was hypnotized deeply before sleeping; during this time it was suggested that he would recall all that was said to him during that evening. While asleep he responded to old and new suggestions, and later, when awakened, recall for that evening's procedure was complete. So far this procedure has not been replicated: another possibility yet to be attempted is to establish such a "set" to remember before the subject goes to sleep, but without the use of hypnosis.

10. Supported by grant AF-AFOSR-707-65 from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. We thank J. Dittborn, U. Neisser, Emily C. Orne, P. W. Sheehan, and R. I. Thackray for their valuable comments, and Mary J. Bryan and R. Lazar for technical assistance.

7 January 1966


The preceding paper is a reproduction of the following article (Evans, F. J., Gustafson, L. A., O'Connell, D. N., Orne, M. T., & Shor, R. E. Response during sleep with intervening waking amnesia. Science, 1966, 152, 666-667.). It is reproduced here with the kind permission of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, ©1966. Readers may view, browse, and/or download material for temporary copying purposes only, provided these uses are for noncommercial personal purposes. Except as provided by law, this material may not be further reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, adapted, performed, displayed, published, or sold in whole or in part, without prior written permssion from the publisher.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


 Please excuse all spelling errors. Spell check does not work. Spell checked 7-9-12. The Russian money , I bought at the time about eight nine years ago from Dan Finemark in Albq. because of  part of my distant heritage, with in about a couple of years at most when I made a comment regarding Barton Prince's blueprint on the wall, a bit too egotistical, but never the less in fun. I hadn't ' fully woken up yet '. There were two, what sounded like Russian military ( at least dressed ) in the restaurant ( Mannies ), they took notice. More happened there, maybe later, if at all. There is a Bart Ochoa in Russia, as one of my high school class mates found out a few years ago. Identity Theft ?                                                                                                                          
If you take a picture of the Capital of Texas from the ground up to the sky, from the perspective of the wall or very near to it, the shape is in the form of a gun, in back of the Capital of Texas next to the stair well and looks very much ( 80-90% )  like the black shape in the painting below. The rendering is of Picasso's last painting when he realized that he was only but an artist, or at least that is what I remember reading about it. I do not remember the author's name. My birth date is that of Pablo Picasso, but not the clock time or year. I threw out this painting along with others and a sculpture because I didn't like the direction the Art was going in.I was in collage at the time and had not yet sold any of my art yet in New Mexico. Painting 1985-'89. Today, I had great difficulty uploading those pictures of the Capital. I don't know why. The tech. guys will be in the library on Monday. I'll see what happens. Freedom of speech, with all the trouble that I've had in the past.The rest of the photo's I'll explain at a later date. Today, 6-23-'12, I finally downloaded the pictures and a few more that will need explaining too. My camera is going out of date and is just about to be put to rest.

The picture of the sculpture in progress at the time, the picture with the  red  Lincoln Arc welder, is simply a picture of Like The Pionex of Legend, I Rise Again In spite of Fate, a twenty six foot sculpture, about two two thousand pounds roughly. (-saw-don't know if will happen. )


Inchworm-Albq.,New Mexico (eight years ago ) - Caterpillar-El Paso, Texas ( 6-23-2012 pm ). Time is not what we are taught                                                       

What comprises the entire
Homo Sapian's personalities, both myself and others, as individuals in mass, what we are, but just elements of the Earth and nothing else. Down to the atoms.                                                 

Telepathic overlay ( TOL )- " Does AI have conscience ? " She asked. Questions have been asked of linage into the future, events, even of the past to the days of Jesus Christ. ' No one has ever seen the face of Jesus as witness or witnessed the Crucifixion.' More or less stated by Dr. Steven Swarch ( spelling ? ) on late night talk shows so many years ago. Understand that the mind's that you might encounter will not be responsible on any level for what they do and that remote viewing produces were developed primarily, first, as a weapon of war. Leaked, then sold to the public at large...globally.                                                               

TOL- " Which god ?"  " Which god are you praying to ? " " Jews are pagans ! " " We are Luciferians. Those who follow Lucifer. ) " " There is no G-D! " " You don't understand! " "  Read  ( such and such ) in the Holly Bible. "  " Get out of that house! ( You're in danger! ) " " Leave him alone! ( as if echoed in thousands of voices ) " Don't you know who you are ? ( as if excited in slight happiness ) " " We are not pagans! " -6 th level- Where I discovered B.Princes voice and some ' female,' I thought at the time. " You can sound like a child even ( I heard the example of a sentence being spoken as it was being changed in pitch and tone, as if from a man to a woman than to what sounded, what I perceived, a child's voice. Somehow underlying all this " Masturbate for me/us. " " thank you for the entertainment/ entertaining us. Somehow ' felt ' as if ' years,' the past. " you are ( TOL ) now owned by the military." ( Through out these attacks which took place intensely for about just over a year, I heard what I felt was my sister's voice " Leave my brother alone!," mostly at night, here and there, time and time again. ) " Why don't you protect yourself ? " " I would be praying for yourself instead of your family! " " You are the original! " " Your the real Mc Coy! " Which movie is this?," a female voice. " Leave him alone! Leave my brother alone." " Bart you don't have to do this! " -Strong ' feelings ' of time displacement, jumping through past and future as I've been taught-( Time of writing, this morning, being attacked by Christians, 6-24-2012 am. Not important. ) " Don't you know the voice of your own mother-TOL-at the time a variance of the same question was  ' there, in echo." At some point towards the end of the most extreme, " We can't use him, he's one of yours.( the near absolute ' feeling ' of a darkness that seemed to cover come me.)                                                             
 Upon the question of my ' mother's voice,' sprang to mind my mother's image. " He's visual, primarily. " " He's the original! " A very small brightness appeared in my ' mind ' linking my larynx with my ' brain ( ? ) ' so that anything that I thought ' could ' be heard and listened to. I somehow observed this from within and above, but at the time couldn't stop the process...rape, my own.
 There is so much more to this, yet I have give alot of thought to what I will and want to responsible for     possible contamination to tomorrows youth in the struggle to do what is right. HANNA is a movie which triggered most of this, " Bright light is how women feel/see orgasm." You would have to see the movie to understand this within the context of what I have written to understand the connection. I do not know when it was released. I do not care. I have never seen it up until last night. Of interest, B. Prince gave me a book by Mapplethorpe, I threw it away soon after. There, I felt, was to much ' falice ' worship, it seemed to me that was all that book was about, period. One Word-about woman's orgasms, people in general have no idea to which the darkest of depths and destruction's of ' self ' this near animal desire in experience can go; endless in brutalities of the darkest of ages, understood very little in any given civilization, given experiences of both male ' perceptions, ' and that perceived. The brain/mind may understand, ( trail and error/taught ? ) but how many times does the body follow? For that woman's explanation, ' I ' was in the darkest of company and was shot, a solider half way around the world in the middle east experienced the real event and would not say out loud, what his last thought was, when I met him in jail in Scottsdale, the time of the event, I in the same position on my bed, in tons of sweat, awoke suddenly in a blind of light as I said in echo " G-D HELP ME ! "...what was day on the other half of the world was night in Albq., New Mexico. The day and time was the same.                                                                                                                                   

That night I have simply no clear idea as to what else happened, there was just too much, even awake the attacks went on...the Luciferians too.                                                                                                     

I have shown ' My Mother's Eye ' to one Catholic priest and two Catholic Deacons. The Deacons have told me, both , " Don't show that to anyone, keep it to yourself." The fememan priest in Austin, Tx., a visiting priest to St. Ignatius Martyr, blessed it, then pretend to drop it and gave it back with a smile.                    

The last time in I was in that church in Austin, Tx., was when he gave a sermon which incorporated mention of the healing waters and how Jesus Christ healed the blind man, ' spit and dirt,' and at one point he looked at me pasted a mental sword which traveled threw the people and my body absorbed it, and I heard, " You can have this back, you my need it."                                                                                                            

At St. Patricks here in El Paso, on Easter day, the priest was very compassionate, and begged forgiveness of the church for any wrongdoings that ' she ' might have incurred in the past. That day was a good day and bright. The following Sunday I attended mass and the priest, a different one, spoke of  " wolves circling " the mother church and so on, I pushed the thought ' then give us your pedophiles, ' as the angle of light, HER, the stand against the rape of children almost manifested above the people with eyes as suns. Nothing that dramatic, just a bunch of women and fems. turning there heads and ' coughs ' from the others. I never spoke a word. I know who you are, I REMEMBER, part of it was the churches priests, when I was a child.                                                                                                                                                                     
The priest in Austin, Tx., the ' younger ' visiting one has physical facial characteristics of a man in Albq, NM., a man who lived in my immediate neighborhood, brought back from Europe a machine with electrodes that are placed on the skull for ' healing purposes,' at one point in the attacks I felt as if I was being ' held ' or ' grabbed ' atop the head by something ' dark.' I even met a person a Walmart, who described the same thing and was very frightened for her life, her well being that she was thinking of leaving town. The machine can not be purchased in the US, I remember him speaking of the FED. not approving it as safe. This man owns a perfect, near perfect genob with the Star of David in it. Crystal. He is a homeopathic nut with very real issues sometimes, I thought harmless until I left town in '09. This is important because of ' numbers and sequences,' signes. Computers, FBI: underling bone structure along with a recurrence of compromising values and ethic's in societies and their counterparts. Only way I can explain it with my current vocab. and education.                      
He is the man who's blue eyes turned black when looking at a neighbor's grandchild, a baby...with lust.

A friend of another neighbor, a woman who was visiting them also as I, drew me a couple of pictures, one a piano and numbers all over it and the stool and another with a sphere with what appears to be a three clawed hand grasping it, atop a what appears to be a flying saucer, a hanger from the side. I wish now that I payed much more attention than I did, but it was all most nearly impossible. That was the house that was also ' raided ' but not by the police. I think Jordan's girlfriend lost her life; I told another neighbor years ago that he was going to have daughter, I saw the bright white orb before her birth. This is important, because also during the attacks, any memory of what I have seen or the people that I have been with at the time of death were violently attacked in my mind and nearly taken. One in particular of a light person, an earlier one ( memory ) as a child, " There is no afterlife!," " there is no G-D." " That is UNEXPLAINED! " " It's heroin! " " No it's something else! "                                                      
I remember the death of my friend Mrs. Abbott, and how she tried so hard to show me who was in the corner above her in her field of vision, how happy she was and how she wanted me to see what she saw at her time...for me. That was one, visual and all, I fought hard that night in particular, against that ' army.' " Bart, don't let them take those from you! " She screamed in my mind.                                        
Jesus Christ walked the Earth in, of and without the elements known and unknown and unknown on this planet in the spirit of G-D.

The human senses, all, will be applied to the ' Super Computers,' no matter the countries. I got there first ( I'm pretty sure ), but not by my own free will, nor choice; my OBE, my near death experience as a child in Austin, Tx.-I found the masks of ' real ' babies hiding the faces of intent of the remote viewers. I know, a long shot. This was to deep down, they will take advantage of catastrophe, I don't care to go back.                                                                                 
"Bart please don't help them build it," my sister's voice. Lucifer only knows that of Lucifer. I now answer, only the complete ' envy of women,' to achieve the goal, the Even the exemption of women from the death penalty regarding homosexuality in the Old Testament /Torah; even the lesbian today, has no place in' this ' futures image, the sole possession of the womb, minus the spark of G-D. Children of no conscience what so ever and the de-evolution of the goal of ' Humanity.' An ' un-filtered mind is the loss of the ability to judge, there-fore... think.

The rock that was given to me, if I ' trust ' my mind, and that which was told to me by her, " Don't wipe your spit on it, it has been wiped with sperm." She said when I first saw it and in the process of picking it up and wiping the dirt from it. Now you know the blaspany, and new 'sight,' of mind and heart.                                                                                     
Navigator painting owned by B.Prince. Painted prior to 9/11, might as well of sold it to a terrorist. The other was accepted and shown at the New Mexico state fair prior and during the fair. The burnt American flags in approximation to the shape and size of the towers...I painted these months before fighting Demons, the attacks night and day for years, anything I told any one was a joke, including B. Prince. No photos exists any more of that painting, they were tore up, and destroyed at my brother's house in El Paso, Tx., 2009. Extremely violent ' mental attacks ' after he left for a trip to a new job. Hundreds of photo's of artwork and some of Mexico, trip with my dad, all gone. I don't know if proximity to Ft. Bliss was a factor, but I think to some extent it was. Also, a rv was parked just down the street from my brother's and I recognized it at a neighbor's house that I didn't know, but he knew the neighbor with the machine with electrodes in Albq.,New Mexico. Small world. I also found it odd as to how the few blacks I ran into treated me, it grew to be almost lethal in Austin, Tx., my next stop. In Austin, I learned that if drugs and money are involved, everyone including Pedophiles are accepted in that culture...this is not widely known...when you are told that " that man holds more ' keys ' to the skeletons hidden in closets of Cops, than you know.," a AP reporter that asked not to be identified. This in reference to a Salvation Army employee.

Piece of paper with a amino acid, I believe, might have lost the other book the other ' descriptive response of desired behaviour,' the other book was nerosicology, during those days. " Destroy all your receipts, lease, all bills and pictures," I caught myself during the act of tearing up some of my pictures. It took all I had to stop, I woke up doing this. Eight years ago. We're at/in Ft. Bliss, Barton Prince's voice, my father's voice and some ' woman ' in the neighborhood at the time, " That man in the green truck was in your house again.' The manipulation of elements and their reconstruction, though, I hope not lasting, is mind staggering.Thank G-D for my deepest faith and I can't believe I'm saying this, my OBE as a child.


Another shot of the Capital in Tx.

Map of 1993-94 trip and 1999. Will explain later about Nevada and the famous ' air field,' being ' drawn ' there, damn well lost, and the never ageing blond/ John Castle, or however you spell his last name, at Newsland magazines in Albq, New Mexico.

This one post is going to take quite a while to write, I was told to write all this down during the time. I don't know who ' she ' was. I wrote one description on paper of locations of deaths that I felt were going to happen in New Mexico. About a week, to a week and a half later on the TV, I learned they did happen  as in my drawing. In my ' head ' at the time I was warned that it would be seen as ' direction, 'or maybe even ' Directed RV. It didn't take me too long to figure out that not to do ' something ' about it was to be somehow ' accessory to the fact.' This term I  ' heard ' back then, seven to eight years ago, I know it's a flag. 

With the method that I used exclusive of others, I couldn't watch TV for years without literally being a TV guide, I knew shows and movies that I've never seen; I've read books that I've never seen or bought and then when I did, I felt somehow ' haunted.' I think what happens is that you read them through ' other people and all the events in their lives at the moment or duration of the reading. Computers and phones ( tablets are the worst ). I don't know then what a 'Kindal ' ( spelling? ) was. I even ' somehow crossed the three to six minute ' time lapse and engaged in live viewing. Before digital became available two years later. You don't want to ever do this because you connect almost as ' fractals ' with some of the most corrupt minds in the ' raw ' that you would ever want to meet. I try very hard not to watch ' live ' TV, ' time sometimes is meaningless.' To control what you think on all levels is almost completely if not impossible.
There will be a couple of pictures that somehow survived, in relation to a satellite I saw when I was in boy scouts, it somehow made a right angle, above Gila National Forrest, while we were on a camping trip. Another " leave that alone! It's unknown!, " during the attacks eight years ago.

I think, probably the most astonishing thing at the time and the most hurtful was the night that I found myself in space,( but not really, for I could only see in one direction; my OBE, I saw all around me, in back, up, down, ahead and most importantly from ' the outside,' unless you've experienced it, at this point, I know of no other way to describe it ) and what I thought was my father's voice said " I's been a good life. " Then al most unintelligible ' voices, then " kid, there's no one out here," and some how intertwined, more felt than heard " There is no G-D." Then somewhere  ' below ' I heard " Thank you." Barton Prince's voice as if in a 'sigh ' of relief.( It was very close to this, I will refine if I have too. ) I also experienced ' travel ' through what I thought was ' a lower intestines, or some vessel. At first I thought this was a ' rape 'again, as I have had ' something  dark ' with weight atop me, but nothing there. The funny thing is ' you ' can't seem to move. This has happened before. When all this was just beginning, it was spiders, I thought I heard outside my bedroom window, " be very still and they won't hurt you," some female said. No one was there.Somehow I managed to satisfy them, for my duration of having something almost ' not ' crawl on me for awhile. I never thought heart, even though it seemed to be popping up everywhere.

The other damaging almost ' realisation ' was the all most complete success of these ' personalities ' which belong to other minds, and in their near dominance over me in their opinion that we are of ' one ' mind and there-fore all my Art was a ' community ' acomplistment, and that there was no ' true ' Bart...self, or ' identity ' of me, ' the I.' ( I might add that, the phase that I debunked by throwing ' The Holy Bible ' across the room, " if a child has no knowledge of sin, then it's acceptable to have S-- with them..." Meaning, adults and children, one can see the inner structure of all American society in collapse. To this day I do not know if the page of the Bible, the left page, was written in Hebrew or Arabic ( it changed before my eyes ). To this day I think of  ' For the benefit of whom? ' Which terrorist group, home grown or abroad, or maybe something transcontinental. I just don't know. I do know that they where strong and it has taken it's toll.

I awoke one night, I don't remember the time, to a ' blurry, vision of two young ladies two my right, someone by the IV bag, I believe on my left, also someone there and a light above me, kind of square and the sensation of my hand being pressed ( must of been held ) " Daddy, Daddy...we're right here. " I don't know how long this went on, when I woke up again the feeling of  I'm not insane I grasped in my mind and tried to forget. I have no kids that I know of, no children and certainly no ' kids ' around the world as B. prince stated once in the early nineties. I didn't know my father had triple bypass surgery about this time, I also didn't know that I was thought to be dead by my family in '09.

Navigator painting in progress. There is a figure somewhere in this painting that seems to pointing to where ever, I found the same image in Austin, Tx., on the street in the direction of Stassy Pool ( I remember it as a child ), I also found a wrapper for I'm not quite sure, something the younger sect is involved in, a picture of    ' The Medusa ' was on it. A favorite movie of mine I saw with my father as a child. The head on the top of my truck too, I guess. I HAVE NOT YET FOUND THE PICTURE-7-9-12.

Conscience I- 1988-89 ?

Poem I wrote in high school; where I go when I make art, who I am, No word can describe everywhere...then, nothing. I finally found a book..very close..The Kabbalah...

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